Dinar Recaps

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Holly, Judy, Bix and more Tuesday AM 2-8-2022

Thoughts From Holly Tuesday AM

Good morning roomies!  

Don’t be afraid of the space between your dreams and reality. If you can dream it, you can make it so- Beliva Davis  

 We have dreams inside us. We can make those dreams our reality. Don’t let your dreams die inside you. Make them happen.  

 We are still hearing very good news. Again it is all waiting on certain events to trigger the release.

Continue to see this done, completed and you are on the other side of this.

Be positive and hold your vibrations high. Never, ever give up.  

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“GESARA Phase 1 seen in Winnipeg, Canada” by Wes – 2.7.22

Entry Submitted by Wes at 9:36 AM EST on February 7, 2022

It has been a number of weeks since I have visited my local Bank of Montreal Instabank, so I was shocked with what I discovered. 

As a background, Canadians seem to like their debit cards, I would venture to say that 9 out of 10 purchases are made without using cash. So imagine my surprise when I went to withdraw cash from my local ATM to then be presented with a screen showing the option of Canadian Money or American. This makes absolutely no sense except for under Gesara. 

(See picture of ATM screenshot at the link)

With Canadians using less and less cash, making hardly any trips to the States (and likely relying on Cards even when they do), and the fact that US Cash has absolutely no use in Winnipeg, etc., it is stupifying why they would NOW offer US Cash in a local ATM. Except of course under Gesara, as a step towards a whole new financial world and relationship between the two countries. 

I then wondered if it was the new rainbow currency, so I withdrew $20 worth, but alas, it was the old monopoly money. I then heard Shari Raye say the new currency won’t hit the banks for another few weeks. So when it does, I will post an update with pictures. Meanwhile it’s nice to see things moving ahead!




“Re: GESARA Phase 1 seen in Winnipeg, Canada” by Gordon H – 2.7.22

Thank you Wes for the screen shot this happened to my sister in early January, she was told by a teller that the US and Canadian currency would be 1to1, and ATM’s would have a US currency button. It’s game on, for the new North American Republic.



RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Tues. 8 Feb. 2022

Compiled Tues. 8 Feb. 2022 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset:

Evidently Global Currency Reset liquidity started on Thurs. 3 Feb. and would finish all tiers around Wed. 9 Feb.

Some Bond Holders reported they were paid Fri-Sat evening 4 Feb., and were under NDAs.

Redemption Exchange Centers were geared up to start Tues. night 8 Feb.

Mon. 7 Feb. Fleming: The Iraqi Dinar was expected to rise in value on 9 Feb. immediately following the announcement from the United Nations that Iraq was justifiably qualified and certified international-trade-ready.

MarkZ: Some Bond Holders have been partially paid out. Others have not. The new Dinar International Rate was expected to be announced, along with currency revaluations of the Global Currency Reset around Wed. 9 Feb.

By Wed.- Thurs. 9, 10 Feb. there were 3.5 Million emails containing a Safe Link address expected to be sent out to Tier 4B so they could set their redemption/ exchange appointments. At the same time tens of thousands of “Accounts on Hold” including CMKX, and Prosperity Packages would be released.

Read full post here: https://dinarchronicles.com/2022/02/08/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-february-8-2022/



Greg Mannarino:  Feb 7, 2022


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ALERT! Fiat Money System is Failing & Silver, Gold & Cryptos are READY to SAVE THE DAY! (Bix Weir)

Feb 7, 2022

The "Good Guys" in the USA have been planning for this transition for over 100 Years!

All the plans are in place...it's just waiting for the FINAL CRASH!

Once it's done, we can return to Sound Money and throw the criminals in jail.

Hang on tight my friends!


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