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Holly, Judy and More...Friday AM 4-22-2022

Friday Thoughts From Holly

Good morning roomies!!

I get asked all the time, how much longer for the Rv, when or what is the event coming, what is the hold up? When will they release this and how much more suffering must we endure?

These questions I ask my contacts and they even have gone up the ladder of command to say the same things. Here’s what I can tell you.

1. Everyone working on this is compartmentalized. Everyone has a specific set of functions to perform. Some have completed their functions or roles and it appears we are done. The problem is, we don’t know what else needs to be completed until it is completed and then we hear about it.

2. We hear about the market crash. Is this going to happen or is it the cabal side saying this? No one really knows.

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3. The holdup has been and still is corrupt bankers. There are generations of bankers that have been removed through the years. I hear they are still not playing ball and that is an issue. More removals have happened.

4. You have sleeper cells that get activated and cause problems. How many sleeper cells are left? We don’t know.

5. When is the event happening? Is it the Queens death? The removal of Biden? Could be those or something else.

6. The cabal had planned tsunamis, bioweapons to be deployed, shipping containers held these. The child trafficking is still ongoing. We don’t know what other diabolical plans they had planned for us that have been intercepted or need to be.

7. So how much longer, we hear we are close but another week, another. Month and then another year passes. This can’t go on forever as the world needs this.

8. Russia has announced they are on the gold standard and same with Asia, and other countries. The USA need to announce it as well or we will be hurt severely.

9. Other countries are moving forward and based on what is going on we should be close to this release.

10. No one and I mean no one knows when this will in fact happen. We look for signs, we see world events, we hear news it all imminent and happening and it doesn’t. It’s frustrating as hell. Draining and has gone on too long.

11. People are hurting, the psychological, and emotional stress from this is causing more damage to have this go on. People are worn out from the constant lies. The false hopes and the waiting.

12. Once you are on this ride you can’t get off. You know what you know and you know this needs to happen and will happen. We have to continue and hold up each other during the waiting.

13. The bottom line is it has always been about safety and security and obviously there are still things going on we don’t know about to prevent this still.

14. We need F&P’s, adjudicated, PP’s and D1&2 to be released to have this happen. When those go it is happening. Until then we wait.

Take the weekend off and disconnect for a few days.-Holly


RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Fri. 22 April 2022

Compiled Fri. 22 April 2022 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note on What We Think We Know as of Fri. 22 April 2022:

Big meetings among countries participating in the reset finalized details of the GCR and ended on Wed. 20 April.

Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) was expected to receive notification to set appointments sometime between Fri. and Sun. this weekend.

Tier 4B Currency exchanges and Zim Bond redemption must be finished by Sun. 1 May so the General Public can begin their exchanges.


Thurs. 21 April 2022 The Big Call, Bruce: Thebigcall.net 667-770-1866 pin123456

Wed. 20 April in Reno there was a video conference call from 3-5 with eight Chinese Elder families, 40 countries, US Treasury

Venezuela and Iraq were still trying to get qualified under IFS protocol, and would be completed by this weekend.

Certain banks did some things to try to slow this down and as a result, were not yet QFS certified.

All countries are tied into the system.

A Treasury representative says the RV is scheduled to take place this weekend.

Tier 4B should get notified over the weekend and if so, appointments should begin on Mon. 25 April.

Last night between 11:30 and 3 am in the morning some event happened.

Bond Holders were expecting liquidity over the weekend – at the same time Tier4B was notified.

The General Public would start exchanges at the new International Rates the first week in May.

Global Financial Crisis:

Israel’s Central Bank adds the Chinese Yuan and three other currencies to its $206 billion reserves, reducing the allocation for the US Dollar and the Euro. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-04-20/israel-adds-yuan-to-206-billion-reserves-in-philosophy-change

Red full post here:  https://dinarchronicles.com/2022/04/22/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-april-22-2022/

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Bill Holter: Gold-backed Ruble set to leave PetroDollar behind

Arcadia Economics:  4-21-2022

Despite #WallStreet pricing in 200 basis points of interest rate increases before the end of 2022, the gold price continues to flirt with $2000 per ounce. Largely because of the developments in Russia, where their quasi-gold-backing to the ruble has provided support to the gold market.

Which is not the easiest situation to reconcile. Although fortunately Bill Holter of JS Mineset joined me on the show to explain what’s happening, what to watch out for, and what he’s expecting next.

So to find out the latest developments with the Ruble, the gold and silver markets, and the petro-dollar, click to watch the video now!


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