Dinar Recaps

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Holly, Judy and more Wednesday AM 12-22-2021

Holly Wednesday Update :

Good morning roomies

“Crazy faith” is thoughts and actions that lack reason but trusting fully in something you can not explicitly prove- Mark Todd

Those of us involved in this RV journey have crazy faith. And our family and friends think we are crazy. There is something inside us that we know it’s real and we stay on this path.

We are days away from Christmas and yes there is still a strong push to get this out before this holiday.

 All we need is this to start and most of us will set our appointments up after Christmas, but to have this started would be the Christmas miracle.

Believe and you shall receive!

We are like children waiting for the biggest Christmas present ever to arrive.

See this done everyone! Keep our collective consciousness strong to herald this in. Holly

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RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Wed. 22 Dec. 2021

Compiled Wed. 22 Dec. 2021 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note: The triggering Event for the Global Currency Reset was said to be a global economy meltdown – that was expected by around Wed. 22 Dec.

Mass Arrests continued across the globe with the Alliance remaining in charge.

All this week Redemption Center personnel remained at work as the Redemption Team was pushing to get Global Currency Reset liquidity before Christmas.

Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) could receive email notification to set appointments some time on Wed. 22 Dec.

It could be a different world by Mon. 27 Dec – when the world was said to be going on lockdown (they say because of the CV Variant). (Behind the Scenes the world would actually be on lockdown in order for the Alliance to complete Mass Arrests, along with the Global Currency Reset).

JUST IN – Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland, deferred from January 2022 to summer “because of the #Omicron outbreak.” This means the Global Reset will happen before summer. It’s just another way of saying they cancelled Davos Globalists. THE Event will start soon. Get ready. https://www.weforum.org/press/2021/12/world-economic-forum-s-annual-meeting-2022-deferred


Tues. 21 Dec. 2021 The Big Call, Bruce: Thebigcall.net 667-770-1866 pin123456#

Tier 3 Bond Holders were told they could be notified by email overnight tonight of codes that would give them access to monies in their accounts.

Once Tier 3 were notified, Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) should also receive email notification to set appointments to redeem bonds/ exchange currencies.

Zim Bond holders would be the first to receive emails.

All would receive email notification at the same time according to the zip code where they lived.

Christmas Eve Day Fri. 24 Dec. the St. Germaine Trust would be released (45 zeros).

Christmas Day Sat. 25 Dec. the Rodriguez Trust would be released (bigger than the St. Germaine Trust).

The USN would come out Christmas Day Sat. 25 Dec.

Tier 5 the General Public can exchange (though not at the special rates Tier 4B will receive) on Mon. 3 Jan.

Last Sun. 19 Dec. the Alliance held a major Sting Operation, as they did last Thurs. 16 Dec. in the UK, France, Australia and South Africa.

No cash would be given out at your appointment. You would have immediate access to your monies through credit and debit cards. You could obtain up to $5,000 cash per day from the ATM machines.

Because of the long term payouts Zim Holders need to have a figure in mind of how much money you need in the first 90 days and first six months for both your project and your personal use.

Read full post here: https://dinarchronicles.com/2021/12/22/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-december-22-2021/


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Vital Brad  Restoring Iraq's rate to its previous currency rate...$3.22 - that's a big deal.  With oil prices going up the way they are, Iraq can...support a rate like that.  Similar to Kuwait.

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Harry Dent: Greatest Stock Market Crash of Our Time is Coming, First Plummet in Q1

Stansberry Research:  Dec 21, 2021

The economy is in a bubble, and "you will see a 40-50% crash in the first two and a half months," following that bubble bursting, says Harry Dent, founder of HS Dent and editor of HS Dent Forecast.

The initiation of the Fed beginning to raise interest rates will promulgate the topping of this market, he tells our Daniela Cambone in this edition of Outlook 2022: The Tipping Point.

Dent believes we are near peak inflation levels, and says, "as soon as we come out of this downturn, you will not see inflation over a couple percent for the rest of my lifetime."

Dent examines all of the leading indicators of what he calls building towards a crash, and "would be extremely surprised if we don't get that first crash starting in Q1."


Carrie Underwood - Stretchy Pants (Official Music Video)

Nov 11, 2021

Time to celebrate the season, havn’t eaten all day.

My tummy is growling , I’ve been savin up space.

I’ve got my place at the table, can’t fit no more on my plate.

I’ve got my fork in my hand , ready to stuff my face.

I’ve got my stretchy pants on………


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