Dinar Recaps

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Holly, Frank, Lynette and more Thursday AM 7-29-2021

Holly Thursday Rv News:

You are all frustrated with waiting and it gets exhausting. The key is to detach emotionally from the roller coaster ride. Keep your emotions out of it.

When you get emotionally embroiled you get frustrated. Your emotions play on this this rv. If everyone gets frustrated  that plays in the outcome. Stay in love and see this done.

So where are we: 

1. F&P’s are still not released to the recipients.

  2. The adjudication and church groups are still waiting to be funded.  

3. I heard there was an issue with D1&2 being liquid. 

4. There is major silence  

5. When things are silent that is a very good sign. 

6. I am told they want this to be released by the end of the month. 

This is a transition not a transaction. Never, ever give up.

When you sign your  NDA be quiet.  

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Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26  If Iraq wants to join the WTO they can't say to the WTO, 'Can we join?'  No, every country on this planet Earth that joins the WTO needs a sponsorship.  They need a sponsor.  Who is the sponsor for Iraq to join the WTO right now? ...the main sponsor is the United States of America...Kazemi and the governor of the CBI are still following the protocol that Donald Trump left for the Middle East...IMO a sponsoring country would be a perfect candidate to be 1 to 1 with...    


Shrinkflation, Inflation’s Sneaky Cousin, Is on the Rise

The Nomad Economist:   July 28, 2021

Inflation has been on the rise for the past year and in the last few months it has accelerated. In June 2021, inflation, measured by the Consumer Price Index (CPI), hit the highest level since 2008.

By inflation, economists refer to the increase in the general level of prices, which means that prices on average are increasing.

The Bureau of Labor and Statistics (BLS) has a basket of goods and services that it tracks and uses to create a measure of the CPI. While inflation is the topic of the day in the news media and everyday conversations, many have not heard about its sneaky cousin, shrinkflation.


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July 28, 2021

Question 1: 1:02 If the price to buy a 1-ounce coin goes to $100, but the manipulated price remains at $28, would you get paid spot price if you decided to sell a coin or somewhere between spot and the $100 price?

Question 2: 3:42 Since it seems Canada has no gold reserves what havoc could this play on the country once everything implodes and there is a reset?

Question 3: 7:52 Does it make sense to insure your precious metals that you have at your home?

Question 4: 10:32 If inflation triples the cost of living and the price of PM triples, isn't that a wash? Or am I missing something?

Question 5: 12:43 Is copper a wise investment in coin form? Why or why not?

Question 6: 15:10 Will money that is directly deposited in the banks such as retirement funds, be automatically converted into digital dollars when the reset occurs? What’s the best way to avoid this?


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