Dinar Recaps

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Holly, Fleming, Judy and more ...Wednesday Morning 2-16-2022

Wednesday Thoughts from Holly

The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra. ..unknown

We can live extraordinary lives. It just takes a little bit extra to do. We all have it in us. Tap into your untapped potential and live an extraordinary life!

 All my sources, sources and their sources are all quiet.

We have never had such silence for so long. Things are brewing and ready to launch soon.

Hang in there a little longer oh weary travelers.

Stay positive and keep the faith!

Keep uplifting your vibrations. Never, ever give up. -Holly

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Fleming Tuesday Night Update #2


Starting tonight, there’s a whole long list of bonds to be traded. There will be 100% payout starting tonight. This list includes various nation states, railroad bonds, historical German bonds, the Zimbabwe Bond starts tonight and continues trading into mid next week. That’s 8 days of trading.

Starting 2/22/22 there’s a new banking System. Lots of changes are bubbling up to the surface. Changes in banking will be huge. We’re all going to know.

People involved in this process are all geared up for a crush of activity.

We should be geared up too. Be on a lookout for your invitation to Redemption Center. It’s happening.


RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Wed. 16 Feb. 2022

Compiled Wed. 16 Feb. 2022 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Tues. 15 Feb. 2022 The Big Call, Bruce: Thebigcall.net 667-770-1866 pin123456#

Bond Holders have begun getting access to their funds.

Redemption Centers had hours of training sessions today Tues. 15 Feb.

Tier 5 General Public to start by Tues.-Wed. 22, 23 Feb.

Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) could be notified to set appointments at any moment.


Tues. 15 Feb. Schedule:

Fleming: Within the next three days Iraq will have seated their presidents and met Constitutional requirements.

Iraq’s National News Channel has announced a new in-country IQD rate of $1.50 – that will go up on the Forex to an expected rate of $10.00 USD.

Iraq is stick-a-fork-in-it-done. They are celebrating and dancing in the streets in joy for their Sovereign National Wealth. With oil at $92/barrel, heading up to $120, it’s a huge amount. The Iraq People, with their commitment as a major provider of oil (unlike US), they have a very bright future outlook.

Fleming: Starting tonight Tues. 15 Feb, there’s a whole long list of bonds to be traded. There will be 100% payout starting tonight. This list includes various nation states, railroad bonds, historical German bonds, the Zimbabwe Bond starts tonight and continues trading into mid next week. That’s 8 days of trading.

Tues. 15 Feb. MarkZ: Historic Bond Holders had appointments for payout on Wed. 16 Feb.

Wed. 16 Feb: The Bond payouts align with so-called Russia plans to invade the Ukraine on Wed. 16 Feb. – a suspected False Flag cover for the Global Currency Reset. Because of Biden’s investments and land holdings in the Ukraine.

Sun. 20 Feb. End of China Olympics.

Tues. 22 Feb. Planet Pluto lines up in same formation made in 1776. Starting Tues. 22 Feb. there’s a new banking System. Changes in banking will be huge.

By Tues. 22 Feb. Iraq will be 100% free of IMF/US/UN/UST oversight.

 Iraq announced that they would have the new Dinar currency rate sometime from now through Tues. 22 Feb.

Rumor has it that Deutsche Bank files for bankruptcy on Wed. 16 Feb. This bank has huge gold/assets off-ledger. Deutsche Bank is the most significant domino in Europe’s very shaky financial system. When it fully collapses, it will set off a chain reaction that nobody is going to be able to stop. A reaction echoed by Central Banks around the world.

Read full post here:  https://dinarchronicles.com/2022/02/16/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-february-16-2022/

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Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Fleming  Iraq is stick-a-fork-in-it-done. They are celebrating and dancing in the streets in joy for their Sovereign National Wealth. With oil at $92/barrel, heading up to $120, it’s a huge amount. The Iraq People, with their commitment as a major provider of oil..., they have a very bright future outlook.

MilitiaMan  Article:  "After the barrel price reaches 95 dollars, will the exchange rate be restored?"  Quote:  'Al-Maksusi confirmed the possibility of returning the dollar exchange rate to its previous rate, but not at the present time.'  That is exactly what they are going to do, as promised by politicians. They are going to complete the project to delete the zeros...They are not going to to tell the world that they are going to change the exchange rate with a specific time and date. That would be suicide, likely illegal and or both... Not to mention insider trading, counterfeiting, leakage, etc., etc.. lol


Full Blown Liquidity Crisis? Or Will The Fed. Continue To Inflate? YOU DECIDE.

Greg Mannarino :  Feb 15, 2022


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