Dinar Recaps

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Holly, Breitling, Desert Heat Advisor and more Wednesday AM 9-1-2021

Holly Wednesday RV Update

I’m told they do not want anyone talking about the F&P’s! Massive gag order but the recipients have not had their notifications as of yet.

D1&2 are not released at our level yet.

We are still in wait mode as they two triggers need to happen.

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Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Breitling  I still see the rate coming out in the .50 to 60 cent range and then growing from that point.  But if the United States doesn't have as much control as they did and somehow we pull more troops out of Iraq you're going to see a de-dollarization and you're going to see them add value to their currency literally overnight.  And you need to get out [of the dinar/exchange].  You need to be prepared...it's not going to threaten the revelation of the Iraqi dinar.  If anything it's going to quicken it and that's the way you have to look at it.

Pimpy  You guys brought to my attention the article in which a Financial Minster of Iraq Allawi says he supports a floating exchange rate which is good...that means the market dictate the value of the Iraqi dinar.  That means the Iraq dinar is not pegged to the US dollar any longer.  Good.  That's what you want.  But it's not a true floating exchange rate.  That's what we call a managed float or a dirty float.  In other words it floats on its own depending on what the market things of it but if it goes too far one way or the other the bank interferes with the rate change and affects it either way - going up or down.


From Flemings Site Tuesday Night:

What we hear – “money is moving.” What we see – “money of account” is obvious (for some) and verified by bankers.

What we feel – all is done, and Tier 4 is next.

When though? No one is saying anything definite because no one wants to be caught wrong again. (Likely, they are trying not to attract the rude behavior.)

This is where we live today, awaiting the Awakening, the Prophecy, the Event, the Importance of Why You are Here. 

 We heard that Yellow Dragon bonds, German bonds, the principal bonds that are validated, approved and in line for funding, are closing now. These “table-top-meetings,” happening yesterday and today, are the Official Start.

This is the drop of the white flag that starts the Watershed Event. It’s okay to rally in expectation over this, because it’s the Legacy we share with our Family and Friends, as we write the Myth of The RV GCR.

We will know when liquid, spendable funds are achieved because it accompanies notifications.

Maybe tomorrow? Notifications, “spendable, liquidity” are all benchmarks that accompany the release of gold-backed USD.

The Gold-backed international treaty (adjudicated by the World Court), dictates that all payouts must be in gold-backed USD. Which is the final event we will see, know, feel. The US (fiat) Dollar must convert TO GOLD BACK. 

 This will be the cue to start the EBS and educate the World, on the reasons for the Systemic Shifts being brought about. With this Honesty and Integrity and Respect for others, will be restored. 

 It takes all of us, all that heard and believed in the Word shared, believing it was possible for little, simple people to change the future of this planet for generations to come.

 That believed that Iraq would revalue, that Vietnam would be made whole. That Sovereign Nations would be restored to health and prosperity. That we here, in US, and all other People around the world, would be set free from the captive slave-state we were born into.

 Best of all, everyone everywhere will see Redemption and Restoration. That it was all of us that made this Shift to Grace happen.

 This Shift to Grace and to Kindness is set to occur and will occur. Count on it.

Everything changes once we are looking in the rearview mirror.

See this content in the original post

Iraq Dinar Pt. 3

DesertHeatAdvisor:  Aug 31, 2021

They have changed the exchange rate and now the rate is floating!!

Exchange rate: "New" & "Floating", Small Note talks, "Historic" Bagdad Conf. + more.

News and Education only. NOT investment or financial advice. Not an offer to buy or sell a currency or security.

Iraqi Dinar. Possibility of Dinar re-instatement?  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSz2YxTNiwQ&t=5s

Iraqi Dinar Pt. 2  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RgXUNM_Vgtk&t=2s


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