Holly and Judy Updates Saturday Morning 6-26-2021
Holly Saturday Rv News:
This week has been about more arrests, cleaning up the mess from these people who continue to wreak havoc.
They are putting in the finals checks and balance to make sure all is secure and in place.
The adjudicated funds need to go out before Monday which is the Basel iii completion and the release of debt forgiveness.
Many countries are reporting debt forgiveness already, Mexico, Portugal, El Salvador and many others.
I still do not expect us to see anything until this coming week.
So relax and enjoy your weekend. This is a transition not a transaction. Never, ever give up.
Remember when you sign your NDA to be quiet.
RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sat. 26 June 2021
Compiled Sat. 26 June 2021 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington
Judy Note:
On Fri. morning 25 June our Military Intel Contact confirmed that we were at the final stage and only delayed (but now cleaned up) by global arrests this past week from Wed 23 June onward.
Things were looking good for the next 24 hours for going live with the RV/GCR and a Sat 26 June Shotgun Start (see below on next Mon. -Tues. possible timing).
Under an NDA gag order people were told to be quiet to get this done. They were feverishly working to complete and get the final release done. All issues were completed and they were having meetings to get this rolled out.
We were in a different place than in the past weeks in that it was recognized by the DoD and UST to be the final deadline period.
The UST was intending to get everything prepared to go live for the RV release on Thurs. 24 June and intending that the bond holders received final notifications to enable them to start accessing their account funds by Fri 25 June, though DoD security concerns took their preparations to Fri 25 June. As of Fri. 25 June the DoD and UST realized that they needed to get the RV out in a Shotgun Start on Fri, or within the next four days (to Mon. 28 June).
Everything was completed and ready to go live and Iraq, the Chinese Elders and World Court were demanding it be done.
The past three Thursdays (3, 10, and 17 June) the UST waited for the release algorithm managing the myriad of global release details, to decide with DoD not to push the RV to go live because they still had (1) sting operations and arrests to weed out criminal bankers who were trying to steal from RV accounts whom the QFS flagged in under 20 seconds in multiple cases, (2) they had to complete bond vetting, and (3) they had to complete rate issues and sign offs with the IMF for the 23 countries, including Iraq, whose rates were in the first RV basket.
On Thurs. night 24 June the DoD and UST were running a series of AI (Artificial Intelligence) algorithms tied to computer software by which they have been looking at the final release level of risks (risks in rates, money flows, risk of criminal cabal bankers trying to steal from post-RV currency holder accounts, etc, etc) after the banking system went live with the RV/GCR Shotgun Start.
All was completed to go live, and all the paperwork was signed off for the gold to back the USN / USTN in the new banking system including the rate increases. They were now assessing the risks of if they implemented the numbers from overnight FOREX trading in the currency rates.
The final decision was in DoD’s hands. Right now Fri. 25 June in the 11am EST RV team meeting that was still in session as of this writing. The DoD RV security teams (UST, Iraqi, Chinese Elders, etc.) were discussing potential risks (the likelihood of cabal criminal attempts to steal from our T4B accounts, which would be flagged by the the new banking system, thereby causing post-RV clean up delays, also rate risks, money flow risks, etc).
Right now the RV teams were trying to decide if the risks were minimal enough for the military to enter the DoD security codes into the system to start to lock down the rates and procedures this afternoon-evening Fri 25 June in order for the system to go live globally overnight.
If there were too many risks that DoD security teams identify through the AI algorithms, they would clean up the risks (arrests, plug the holes so-to-speak, etc) through the weekend and then by next Tues. 29 June they would attempt lockdown again to go live with the Shotgun Start by next Tues. 29 June overnight.
They know they were running out of time to deal with all potential security risks and have to get the RV/GCR released immediately. They were very late, weeks late by World Court and Chinese timing.
The Chinese Elders (and World Court) and the Iraqis (who announced the RV in the mosques last Fri 18 June) were putting extreme pressure on the UST and DoD to get the RV/GCR out immediately.
All 23 countries’ currency rates, including the IQN rate, in the first RV basket were being traded on FOREX last night Thu 24 June and were ready to be locked down at the proper rate directed by the UST RV release algorithm, providing the current RV team meeting decided to do so today Fri 25 June.
We should take with a grain of salt all rates put out over past weeks for the IQN and other currencies (some rates that he confirmed too), because rate tests and sting operations have caused rates to go up and down this past week.
RV rates would not be finalized until the lockdown of rates and procedures happened just before the Shotgun Start and Tier 4B was started.
On Thurs. 24 June all global banking centers were released by the DoD and UST to prepare for lockdown to go live for the RV/GCR Shotgun start.
The Australian banking activity acts as the official start of the financial day going from East to West around the globe.
On Thurs. 24 June Australian banks were released to start their preparation procedures for going live with RV rates.
Earlier this week exchanges and bond holders were getting payouts [1% access to account funds] in Australia. These were only test exchanges and test bond payouts.
The release to prepare for going live globally moved from Australian banks to Shanghai and Hong Kong banks and from there to Zurich and London banks.
As of Thurs. 24 June at 10:08 am EST preparation procedures to go live in each of the global regions had gone well.
If on Fri. afternoon after the meeting the DoD gave the go to go live, it would do so Fri. night.
Things were looking really good for the Shotgun Start to go live as early as overnight.
Prayers would be appreciated that all went according to plan without disruptions, glitches, or hitches.
A Safelink Website would be provided to Tier 4B currency/Zim holders in order to obtain exchange/ redemption appointments at Redemption Centers. At the centers Tier 4B could negotiate a Contract Rate, or receive the Default Rate, both of which would be higher than the General Public Tier 5 Rate at the banks.
The banks would exchange currency at whatever international rate the Teller Window displayed for that day.
There would be ten or so days of Zim redemption and currency exchanges at the special rates, though appointments could be set up to 30 days away.
After the ten or so days, Zim redemption and the special rates would end, unless you had made an appointment at a Redemption Center within that 30 day window.
Tier 4B notification emails would come primarily from Wells Fargo, though also would be sent by Chase and HSBC.
Judy Note: If you have bought foreign currencies and/or Zim and have been following the Global Currency Reset on the Internet, you were considered part of Tier 4B. Information on the Shotgun Start and Redemption Centers applied to all Tier 4B members across the globe.
On Mon. 28 June we could get announcements on the gold-backed US dollar and on the new US tax system, which was on new items only. No tax on wages, food or medicine.
Fri. 1 July was the first day of the third quarter, so that could be the date when the gold-backed dollar went into effect.
On Sat. 3 July the IMF was set to make a public announcement of the Global Currency Reset and the General Public could exchange currencies at International Rates.
Sun. 4 July was Freedom Day.
Read full post here: https://dinarchronicles.com/2021/06/26/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-june-26-2021/