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Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Monday AM 11-20-23

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Monday AM 11-20-23

Good Morning Dinar Recaps,

The JPM Coin is continuing to grow by doing another pilot study with Avalanche. The Onyx coin is a deposit token that upgrades existing traditional banking system payments.

It does cross-border international trading, foreign currency exchanges, bank-to-bank transfers, and more.   This network system is the same one JP Morgan used to set up Iraq and other countries in the Middle East inside their Banks.

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The use of this network is beginning to really expand in its net worth and level of trust with banks who are used to using this line of payment making it a preferred digital system for traditional banking clients and soon-to-be customers.

© Goldilocks

CrowdFundInsider Link





Soaring U.S. government debt is reaching a point where it will begin creating larger problems, Bridgewater Associates founder Ray Dalio said Friday.

The hedge fund titan warned during a CNBC appearance that the need to borrow more and more to cover deficits will exacerbate the political and social problems the country is facing. CNBC Link

Many investors believe that the Chinese economy has bottomed. This is creating a rise in the metal market and especially in the Copper Market. Iron ore is also beginning to show signs of rising in their Market.

We are currently witnessing the US Dollar and Chinese Yuan pair go into decline. China is witnessing a shift from a stock market-driven economy to a commodity-driven Market.

These are the inflection points we need to see in order to transition all of our markets into a commodity-based economy.

China keeps putting money into their Gold Market while we keep putting money into our stock market. At the current time, the Eastern half of the world is beginning to show signs of driving the price of gold and other commodities instead of the West.

Are you still saving those copper pennies?

© Goldilocks

GLEscrap Link


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While the adoption of CBDCs is not immediate, about 60% of countries are exploring them and recognizing their potential to enhance financial inclusion, she said—especially in regions where traditional banking is scarce. The IMF's own—and newly released — CBDC Virtual Handbook echoes this sentiment, noting that CBDCs, if well-designed, could help bridge financial divides and promote more inclusive growth.  (https://www.imf.org/en/Topics/fintech/central-bank-digital-currency/virtual-handbook



A leading global standard-setter for securities market regulators has released its highly anticipated Final Report with Policy Recommendations for Crypto and Digital Asset (CDA) Markets.

This development marks a significant step in providing a coordinated global regulatory response to the evolving landscape of crypto-assets.

The 18  policy recommendations  (by the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) aim to address significant investor protection and market integrity risks posed by crypto-asset activities, particularly those involving centralized crypto-asset intermediaries, known as crypto-asset service providers (CASPs).  https://www.iosco.org/library/pubdocs/pdf/IOSCOPD747.pdf)issued  

These recommendations are aligned with IOSCO's widely accepted global standards for securities markets regulation and follow a lifecycle approach, encompassing activities from offering admission to trading to ongoing trading, settlement, market surveillance, custody, and retail distribution.
Benzinga Link

👆  Goldilocks pointed to this.





U.S. Department of the Treasury, IRS Propose New Rules to Drive Clean Energy Investments | U.S. Department of the Treasury


Gold Is the Next 13-Year Breakout | GoldSeek


DTCC Handles $464 Trillion In Settlements..XRP ONLY Needs $2.2 Tn In DAILY VOLUME To PASS $100!



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Banks that survive the housing market crash will move forward into the new QFS.

© Goldilocks

NoradaRealEstate Link 1
NoradaRealEstate Link 2
NoradaRealEstate Link 3


Baghdad (IraqiNews.com) – "The Iraqi President, Abdul Latif Rashid, confirmed on Sunday that Iraq is eager to establish balanced relations with everyone, calling on foreign companies and businessmen to invest in the Iraqi market."

Iraq is ready to do business with the world again in Iraqi Dinar come January 1st 2024. Their president is calling for foreign companies to do business with them.

As they continue to prepare their Banks for the coming year, we see in this article their eagerness to work with investors outside of their own country.

This will require foreign currency exchanges in and out of Iraq with new banking reforms established to help them meet their goals.

One of the ways to help them meet these goals came in an article that stated "CBI to open accounts in euros in Turkish banks to enhance transfers."

Another way to achieve these goals came in another article that stated they were going to increase the balances of 5 Iraqi banks in UAE Dirham.

© Goldilocks
Iraqi News Link 1

Iraqi News Link 2

Iraqi News Link 3


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"In the latest adherence to the BRICS de-dollarization efforts, India and Egypt have held discussions in attempts to ditch the US dollar within their trade relations. Indeed, Egypt was one of six nations invited to join the bloc at its 2023 annual summit. Now, its trade with the original BRICS member is set to be settled in local currencies."

More countries are ditching the dollar's use in trade and moving towards local currencies. Iraq is also looking to work with India in doing the same.

This is becoming a very common theme in the Eastern and Asian countries. Abandoning the use of the dollar in trade will increase demand on local currencies giving more value to these countries' currency.

Remember, over 80% of trade that takes place around the world is carried over the sea.

Watch the water.

© Goldilocks



"Sri Lanka central bank to move to a floating rate, end foreign reserve collection: report"

Sri Lanka used to utilize the dollar in trade and found that skyrocketing inflation has hurt their economy, so they are making a change.

Sri Lanka is moving to a floating exchange rate allowing demand for their local currency to determine their exchange rate going forward.

This new monetary policy change allows them to hold less foreign currency reserves in their banking system and utilize less currency intervention giving free trade the opportunity to determine their currency's value.

The IMF has recommended that they hold at least 3 months of foreign currency value in their reserves.

Watch the water.

© Goldilocks



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