Goldilocks:"Things are Changing from an ETF to an ETC Global Economy" 2-18-2023
Goldilocks and Seeds of Wisdom
Thanks for sending this R.J.
R.J.: Goldi posted several links with commentary late last night followed by two more comments.
Goldilocks: Things are changing rapidly. We are moving from an ETF to an ETC Global Economy.
ETF is an exchange-traded fund. This asset exchanges against the basket of other assets called securities.
ETC is an exchange-traded commodity. An ETC is hedged by a physical commodity like gold.
If you take a good look at these new securities traded through the Deutsche Bank, you will notice they are trading ETC Securities utilizing Gold, Silver and Rhodium.
The Deutsche Bank reaches into every Bank around the world, and they are liquidating their/our Financial System under a gold mandate.
As this move reaches out into the global banking system, we are witnessing the beginning steps of liquidating the global economy with asset-based transactions with real values.
Yes, a standard is beginning to be set.
© Goldilocks,capital%20inflows%20into%20the%20ETC.
The Tier 1 banking system is currently being liquidated.
Tier 2 is the supplementary layer of a bank's capital, and it is made up of items such as revaluation reserves. Hang on, we are getting closer.