Dinar Recaps

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Goldilocks Sunday 3-5-2023 "Watch The Debt Clock"

Goldilocks and Seeds of Wisdom

Thank you RJ

RJ: Good morning Dinar Recaps,

Goldilocks further explains where we are with statements commentaries and links.  Goldilocks made a statement followed by another statement with a link this morning

Do you see the importance of the two entry dates for the RV I mentioned weeks ago?

March the 20th 2023 activates the new digital asset-based trading system.

And, June 30th 2023 activates the full revaluation of the global economic system through Sofr lending services.

March the 20th begins the revaluation process into our new economy and June the 30th completes it.

© Goldilocks

See this content in the original post

Below is another settlement date in SOFR lending services.

The Deutsche Bank is lending ETCs Extended Traded Commodities to another bank.

Everything is turning to gold and silver as the foundation of the new global economy.

This is why it is so important to watch the US debt clock for the repricing event of oil, gold, and silver.

If we see a large number placed in those sections of the US debt clock, we will have a complete reset.

If we see it a higher number that is not so large, we will be floating those prices up to their real values.

Below is a report you can read from the Deutsche Bank regarding the above article.

© Goldilocks



RJ: Then Goldilocks posted 2 more commentaries with links followed by another statement: Below is another settlement date in SOFR lending services.

"Central counterparties (CCPs) are projecting confidence about the upcoming conversion of $60 trillion of cleared US dollar contracts to the secured overnight financing rate, or SOFR – a giant undertaking that will be split into multiple parts to spread the load – though some worry the extended process could leave the market with a booking hangover."

Read the above clearly and closely because our liquidity comes from the above

Two things are mentioned. The SOFR lending services is a movement into a commodity-based economy and lending services.

The liquidity from the old Libor-based system and their contracts will convert over to commodity contracts in the SOFR lending system.

This is a $60 trillion dollar conversion inside the Swaps Market.

"A swap is an agreement for a financial exchange in which one of the two parties promises to make, with an established frequency, a series of payments, in exchange for receiving another set of payments from the other party.

Yes, this is going to make foreign currency exchange protocols liquid and activated.

© Goldilocks



This conversion from the Libor system to the Sofr system will create a heavy shock to the markets.

As a commodity-based system comes into play, the stock market will either level off with the commodity market and grow together or move into real values.

The above transition will let you know we are in the midst of liquidating an old system and becoming liquid in the new Financial System.

© GoldilocksGoldilocks' Telegram Room


Goldilocks on the Seeds of Wisdom Team Websitehttps://www.seedsofwisdomteam.com/goldilocks

Thank you Dinar Recaps

See this content in the original post