Dinar Recaps

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Goldilocks "Silver and Gold" Sunday 4-2-2023

Goldilocks and Seeds of Wisdom

Thank you RJ

RJ:  Good morning Dinar Recaps,

Goldilocks posted commentaries on gold and silver with links:

There are 10 reasons why gold is about to find it's real value. 

* Gold and the dollar tend to move in different directions, and the dollar is starting to peak on market charts.

* The Federal Reserve is about to pivot on raising interest rates, and this will cause a spike in gold as the dollar will no longer be seen as a safe haven asset creating further decline. 

* Inflated prices on the markets is creating great uncertainty at this point.

* Traders and Central Bank buying of gold is creating a higher demand for it.

See this content in the original post

* Recession fears creates a need for a balanced monetary policy change toward gold. 

* Consumers have pulled another $126 billion dollars from the US Banks. 

* US Bank deposits and lending services continue to drop.

* The banking crisis is far from over.

* The dollarization is beginning to gain traction.

* And, much is being said by the Feds that they will step up and guarantee depositors. This will only further debase the dollars value going forward. 

For these reasons and we are in the middle of all of them at some level, the transition into the new digital asset-based trading system is underway. 

© Goldilocks



Silver Seek LINK

Yahoo News LINK

Modern Diplomacy LINK

Finance Yahoo LINK


Silver is the canary inside of a mining field that flies out of a mining cave when there is danger inside.

We are approaching a danger zone in our economy as readings upon real values are about to indicate just where we are in market reports.

Silver is letting us know just how close we are to the danger zone.

© Goldilocks


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Thank you Dinar Recaps

See this content in the original post