Dinar Recaps

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Goldilocks: "Gold Will Set Us Free, and All Roads Lead To Gold." 6-1-2023

Goldilocks and Seeds of Wisdom

Thank you RJ

RJ:  Good morning Dinar Recaps,

Goldilocks posted some news articles and comments to help us understand what it all means:

Okay, the debt ceiling has just been raised. What now?

First of all, why did we do it? The simple answer is, we were out of money to pay our bills.

How are we going to solve this problem? We are going to issue over a trillion dollars worth of T-Bills over the next several months. This is assuming we have buyers to meet these new obligations.

At our current high interest rates, this is going to deplete our bank's reserves.

How does this affect a bank's outflows?

See this content in the original post

It is going to put more pressure on liquidity or cash availability to Banks.

On near-term loans and bonds, rates will increase and make funding for companies already paying high interest rates harder in securing loans.

The banks now have cash, but the price keeps getting higher and higher to borrow more and more money.

What happens if companies and investors do not buy these bonds for lack of reserves to pay the banks for what they need to service the community? At this point, local communities will face their own debt limit spending issues.

Well, the solution to this is why we are moving into the new SOFR lending rates.

Many companies have moved over to SOFR lending rates collateralized by gold, and they still have until the June 30th deadline.

The price of gold will escalate to keep pace with these changing tides in the marketplace. Here is where I expect to see a reset in gold.

The reliance on gold as a mechanism of payment to secure liquidity into the future based on a real value will begin to deflate inflationary pressures over time.

Gold has the ability to hold its value over any other asset for longer periods of time. As the value of the dollar decreases in its ability to pay for goods and services, attaching a fixed rate of gold on its purchasing power creates a hedge against inflation by giving the dollar a real value. This creates equanimity over time. It serves to act as an agent of change capable of bringing balance and real worth to goods and services.

As these mechanisms are achieved, real world prices can begin stabilizing money velocity and give us more purchasing power organically.

Banks and markets will adjust their values to meet these new demands creating price changes on all assets across all sectors of the market including a reset on purchasing power of currencies around the world.

Gold will set us free, and all roads lead to gold.

© Goldilocks




Central Bank: The dinar is the national currency and there is no need to deal in dollars



What happens when you and I begin circulating money based on real values after a reset?

We become participants in balancing a local, and even, global economy in paying for services and goods based on real values.

© Goldilocks


On June the 7th, the CFTC is having a meeting. Below, you will see the items that are going to be discussed.

"The Commission will consider the following:

Final Rule: Governance Requirements for Derivatives Clearing Organizations

Proposed Rule: Derivatives Clearing Organizations Recovery and Orderly Wind-down Plans 

Proposed Rule: Amendments to Part 17 Large Trader Reporting Requirements

Proposed Order/Request for Comments: European Union Non-Bank Swap Dealer Capital Comparability Determination

Amendment to DCO Order of Registration: Cboe Clear Digital, LLC"

Did you notice this outline has to do with currency and digital currency swaps regarding large amounts along with reporting requirements? It also talks about National Infrastructure Projects. Does this sound familiar?

The Commodities Futures Trading Commission will serve as an important entity in our exchanges.

This meeting is taking place just weeks before or June 30th deadline.

© Goldilocks




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Goldilocks on the Seeds of Wisdom Team Website


Thank you Dinar Recaps

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