Dinar Recaps

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Goldilocks " Gold is the bridge to our new home, and we are beginning to cross it." 6-5-2023

Goldilocks and Seeds of Wisdom

Thank you RJ

RJ:  Good morning Dinar Recaps,

Goldilocks posted some news links with comments to help us understand what is happening!

Okay, folks, the markets have now been positioned for a transition. The debt ceiling will give us temporary breathing room to make adjustments into our new economy. 

Our banks have now been filled with cash again based on loans they hope to refill by buyers on the market who already have limited cash reserves. 

What happens if these T-Bills are not bought by investors? 

See this content in the original post

The US Bond market measures the performance of the market. And, it is in direct correlation with the strength of the dollar. So, the answer to the above question is about to be found out.

As you can see, the road ahead is expected to be volatile whereby decisions on loans going forward will begin showing new liquidity lines of credit. 

These new calculations will affect our GDP and challenge our World Reserve Status. And, it doesn't get any better in the homefront.

This will affect lines of credit given to investors on the market causing the availability of buying more assets to narrow.

On the one hand, over 756 billion dollars has returned to the banks, BUT money has been taken from long-term investments and put into money market opportunities. 

Money Market Funds allow a customer to be able to pull from their funds just like cash. 

As you can see, the status of the dollar to support our markets and markets around the world is waning. 

We are at a prefaces. Going forward, we have embarked upon uncharted territory. This is why you have seen Central Banks around the world stock up on gold. 

Saudi Arabia has stepped up to say they are going to limit the amount of oil provided in the near term due to these changes taking place. 

This decision will allow them to raise the price of oil to new levels protecting their precious asset's values. 

Oil is a commodity along with gold and silver. We can expect these prices to change in the near term for these three assets in a repricing event that will reset the global markets.

When everything else falls apart, gold has been the path forward that has led us from darkness into light. It has been called upon many times in our history to transition us from one monetary system to another.

Gold is the bridge to our new home, and we are beginning to cross it. 

Gold will set us free, and all roads lead to gold. 

© Goldilocks

Washington Examiner LINK

DailyHodl 1 LINK

StraitsTimes LINK

DailyHodl 2  LINK

The Daily Star LINK


We currently have clarification between the SEC and the CFTC on digital assets. It is in draft form and being prepped for legislation due to be finished by the end of the month. 

"As per the report, the bill would provide an easy solution “to registration and explicitly allow crypto securities to be traded on alternative trading systems.” This would be under the purview of the SEC, while CFTC would oversee the crypto spot commodity market under existing law."

This clarity will allow us to move forward with our new digital asset-based trading system after June 30th. 

© Goldilocks

The Coin Republic 1 LINK

The Coin Republic 2 LINK


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Goldilocks on the Seeds of Wisdom Team Website


Thank you Dinar Recaps

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