Dinar Recaps

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Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News for Sunday evening, September 3, 2023

Good evening Dinar Recaps,

Goldilocks posted comments and news links on the global financial system

The markets and banking system have made their preparations for our transition into the new economy.

The new capital requirements for the banking system will be tested this month as the banking system returns to the Debt Market.

This is the place where bonds are bought and sold to build infrastructure rise and fall. It is an important month for the banking system to test these new capital requirements.

These new Basel 3 requirements will be adjusted if need be this month. This includes the commodity market's participation in growth due to higher requirements on gold as an asset for the banking system.

I would classify this month as an adjustment period to see if these new requirements hold or need more changes. It will tell us the economic ranges we are in enabling us to expand or contract.

© Goldilocks

Investopedia Link

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Well, well, well #China and #SaudiArabia dump $114.5 Billion #USTreasury bonds. I keep asking the question, if the #USD #Petrodollar agreement is dropped and all other currencies are accepted for #oil. Who will make the bondholders whole?
Well, if these nations keep off losing their positions, it won't be a question at all, now will it?



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Thank you Dinar Recaps

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