Dinar Recaps

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Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News for July 9, 2023

Good morning Dinar Recaps,

An unstable market has a profound effect on an economy. It sends the value of countries' goods, services, and currencies into a great deal of volatility. 

This is why we are not seeing any prices set for gold, silver, and oil on the debt clock just yet.

Let's take a deep dive into these three assets that govern the global economies' currency values. 

There is a correlation between gold and oil, but the price of silver has a life of its own when it comes to affecting the currency market. In the future, this is about to change. These three assets will be intertwined with one another.

We have a lot of electronic vehicles coming into our new market that requires a lot of silver for its production along with copper. Look for the price of copper to raise with the price of silver. Keep saving those pennies.

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There is no doubt that the need for silver and copper in the future will play an important role in our global economies by way of jobs and the effect of a country's GDP.

Gold and oil play a much different role, but they have an equal or greater effect on our global economy than most people realize. 

In today's world, many of our Eastern countries are pegging their local currencies to gold as we speak. The activation of Basel 3 compliance mechanisms inside a Basel 4 implementation will change the world. This will increase the value of Eastern countries' currencies purchasing power as the dollar is decreasing it's purchasing power. 

To give you an idea how much OPEC controls the oil supply. It is estimated that 80% of it's proven oil supply runs through OPEC and 67% of that supply comes from the Middle East.

For this reason, OPEC is reducing the use of the Dollar in oil settlements and including the Yuan which is backed by gold in payments. When the BRICS Nations implement their own gold-backed currency, the need for the dollar will significantly decline.

If this were not enough, OPEC is calling on other countries besides Saudi Arabia and Russia to lower their oil production. This collective move changes the role and money velocity of the dollar while increasing money velocity in Eastern countries resetting their business models. 

Again, we are in a currency war that will determine the way we live and how. It's all about situating ourselves inside choices that will determine our future. 

For these reasons, we have not seen a repricing event in oil, gold, and silver. There is a positioning taking place in these three markets that will level the playing field going forward on our currencies causing them to have a repricing event that will reset our Global Economy. 

Are you still watching the water? 

© Goldilocks



Finance Yahoo


"In its latest Article IV assessment of the UAE, the IMF said that the country’s oil and gas sector is “under pressure” from the global energy transition. However, the IMF also noted that the UAE has “significant opportunities” to invest in renewable energy and other green industries."

There is tremendous pressure on the global economy being applied to move into green industries.

This will no doubt take a toll on the oil market going forward. In the meantime, the oil market will serve as a transitional commodity as countries in the east gain enough liquidity to move into a Green Market.

© Goldilocks



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"It’s all part of Pozsar’s “Bretton Woods III”  vision, where the dollar ultimately loses its hegemonic status over the next decade.

Importantly, he sees a different outcome from that of the British pound’s loss of reserve status in the early 20th century, when the U.S. dollar simply supplanted it.

Instead, he predicts a multi-currency world where no one currency is dominant, a result made possible because of CBDC clearing mechanisms, which negate the need for reserve currency intermediation.

Negotiating counterparts will need to agree on which of their two currencies to denominate their trade deal in, but they won’t have to default to the dollar, or some other universal standard, for actual settlement."




It is becoming increasingly clear that this Global Currency Reset is transforming our World into a whole new global society.

© Goldilocks


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Thank you Dinar Recaps

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