Dinar Recaps

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Gold Storm On Its Way

Gold Storm On Its Way

The Final Wake Up Call By Peter B Meyer

Gold-Backed Financial Systems Are Invulnerable

The End Of The Global Monetary Debt-Money System Is In Sight

Hugh Debt Burdens Hinder The Purchase Of Precious Metals

Gold And Silver Are Real Money And Going To Shine

The Crime Against Humanity

Consider, all people live in a world of lies and deception, they eat poisoned food, that makes them sick, they go to a doctor to receive dangerous medication making them even sicker, falling ever deeper into the hands of the medical mafia and remaining there until they die in utter poverty, totally fleeced by the Deep State insiders.

In the elite’s opinion; retired people are ‘useless eaters’ and must be made ‘economically productive’ by feeding them Deep State sponsored medicine, through bribed medical practitioners, to keep them generating a profit for them.

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 Money is simply a medium of exchange and must have the function of a medium of exchange, by unit measure, and of a store of value. This is now most certainly not the case, as we are forced to use worthless money, in addition to the fact that it is used to fleece and bribe everyone at will.

Money should be based on natural characteristics, such as the fact that it is intrinsically valuable, durable, divisible, uniform, portable, scarce, and broadly accepted; these characteristics are essential for a medium of exchange to become an honest standard of widely accepted payment.

Think about it; Gold has always been valuable, while debt is someone else’s burden, with unreliable promises attached, which could end up not being honoured. Money backed by debt is a crime against humanity. It is a Rothschild invention, which maintains that money is a flow of energy generated from raw materials, goods and services, while labour is the key to all activity on Earth.

In order to achieve a monopoly over all the energy, the Rothschilds implemented a world system of slave labour by issuing debt money through their privately-owned central banking system, that has permeated the whole world. This money flow creates for them a first strike opportunity in the field of economics.

By bribing governments, they are able to fleece the outsiders of their valuable energy output, hereby filling the pockets of a few insiders. Money created out of nothing, backed by debt should not be allowed to purchase valuables, as it is plain fraud. But as long the illusion is kept alive that debt-money has value, and we the sheeple believe in this fantasy, this fraud will continue.

 Gold-Backed Financial Systems Are Invulnerable

What are the advantages of gold-backed monetary systems? The first little-understood advantage is that gold-backed financial systems are almost completely immune to any large-scale booms or busts. That’s because the supply of credit is strictly regulated by the size of the economy. Bankers are limited by their gold reserves from granting too many loans.

Central Banks are making the economy worse instead of improving it; while they have simultaneously dropped interest rates to zero and recently into negative territory in the 9 years following the ’08-crisis. But, they have also employed quantitative easing, or QE.

This is quite simply put, the printing of more money, which they ran for 3 rounds, and which they are now starting a bold fourth round, constituting brazen bond buying to keep pumping more liquidity into the economy.

So, after a brief and insincere flirtation with “normalcy,” the Fed is definitely back to its old, corrupt tricks of robbing the middle classes in order to reward the rich. The nice thing about it is that it is all predictable.

More fake new money. More debt. Crazier booms, with terrifying busts. And of course more inflation, with no one on the horizon to straighten this baloney out.

The announced QE4 will involve buying toxic assets from 4 Failing “Too Big to Fail” banks at face value. That is going to transit the market into Exponential Bailout territory, heralding an additional $20 trillion bank bailout in November 2019.


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