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Fulford, Zang, Bix Weir, and more Thursday Afternoon 8-29-19


Samson:  US Treasury denies its intention to intervene in the currency market
29th August, 2019

The United States does not intend to intervene in currency markets at the moment, Bloomberg quoted US Treasury Secretary Stephen Mnuchin as saying

Mnuchin added that the situation may change in the future, but so far the Treasury is not considering any intervention

He said it would be more effective if the US Treasury intervened in coordination with the US Federal Reserve and US allies

The comments come at a time of year of a trade war between the United States and China, which cast a shadow on the global economy    LINK

Doodlebug:   Just guessing here, but I don't think the UST can "intervene" unless countries are defined as "Currency Manipulators".This is some "Intense, Intent".


Samson:  Trump announces "keeping 8600 US troops" in Afghanistan

2019/8/29 17:34

US President Donald Trump said Thursday that the United States will keep 8,600 troops in Afghanistan after signing an agreement with the Taliban to end the 18-year conflict.

"We will reduce the number of our troops to 8,600, and we will see after that. We will always be there," Trump said in an interview with Fox News. LINK


Pentagon plans to deport Zionists as global financial reset looms

August 26, 2019   By Benjamin Fulford

EXCERPTS:  Central bankers and G7 leaders meeting last week in Jackson Hole, Wyoming and Biarritz, France admit that an economic paradigm shift is needed. These moves are related to talk of a global financial reset that would end Zionist control of privately owned central banks, the sources say.

A whole slew of establishment bigwigs are all now publicly calling for a financial reset. These include IMF head Christine Lagarde, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Chinese President Xi Jinping, the Rothschild-owned Economist, and others. They have all called for replacing the U.S. dollar with a new international currency. Such a currency, almost by definition, would fall out of Zionist control because the interests of the world economy and those of the Zionist-controlled corporate U.S. government are in conflict.

“The trade war is a front for the global currency reset,” Pentagon sources confirm. U.S. President Donald Trump has been calling the CEOs of JPMorgan Chase Bank, Bank of America, Citigroup, and others to gain support for his stance on the trade war, the sources say. The cancellation by JPMorgan Chase of all credit card debt in Canada, the implosion of Deutsche Bank, the General Electric fraud exposure, the yuan devaluation, and a gold-backed dollar were all a part of the ongoing horse-trading for the new system, they say.

However, the real solution, of course, is something your correspondent has been saying for years: the U.S. needs to issue a new currency separate from the no longer American UN dollar.

A source in the ruling committee of the 13 bloodlines who control the old system says, “In the grand scheme of things, we are moving very fast; it is called acceleration in investment banking.” The source, a European Royal, says a future planning agency is being actively considered. It would have a voting structure based on current world reality, not the world that existed after WWII when the system we now use was set up, he says.

The world is like a giant supertanker with so much momentum that turning it around takes a long time, even if there is a new captain who wants to change direction. That is why even though change is taking place very rapidly by traditional measures, progress seems so slow. Nonetheless, it will be interesting to see what happens on or around the September 31st date the U.S. corporation has to make payments to international creditors. This writer is not a hedge fund investor, but if he were, he would be betting on volatility this autumn.

If the West doesn’t do anything decisive by then, it’s a good bet the Asians will move after the 2020 Chinese New Year. If they do, remember that the Chinese are very cautious, but when they move, they move big.  https://benjaminfulford.net/

Full post:  https://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com/2019/08/global-financial-reset-looms-fulford_29.html

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Tishwash:  UN warns of "massive strike" threatening Iraq

2019/8/29 13:25 

The United Nations has warned that existing regional tensions could deal a "huge blow" to efforts to rebuild a stable and prosperous country in Iraq, stressing the need for the international community to spare no effort to avoid it.

In a briefing to the Security Council on Wednesday, the UN envoy to Iraq, Jenin Hennes Blaschaert, said the Iraqi leadership is reaching out to regional and international players to ensure that its country remains a common ground for stability, not a field of proxy conflicts. 

The envoy appreciated Baghdad's commitment to placing all armed factions in the country under the control of the state, adding that the implementation of this is vital. 

For his part, stressed Iraq's deputy to the United Nations Sarhad Fattah, that the opportunity to achieve stability and prosperity in his country is real but in danger, and therefore can not ask Baghdad to tolerate more tension and escalation in the region. Fattah also touched on relations between Iraq and its northern neighbor Turkey, pointing out that the Baghdad government sent almost 54 letters to Ankara, asking for an immediate halt to the bombing of Iraqi territory, within the framework of the operations of the Turkish army against the PKK militants.   LINK


Tishwash:  :  Kuwait calls on countries participating in the conference to rebuild Iraq to fulfill their obligations
29th August, 2019

Kuwait, which participated in the Conference on the Reconstruction of Iraq, which hosted Kuwait in February last year, to fulfill its obligations

Kuwait's Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Ambassador Mansour Al-Otaibi, said during the session of the Security Council on Iraq, according to the official Kuwait News Agency (KUNA), that he "encouraged all countries that participated in the conference to fulfill its commitments," expressing hope for "cooperation and coordination With the Iraqi government to establish a mechanism to follow up on the implementation of those commitments to contribute to achieving the aspirations of Iraqis

Al-Otaibi added that "our bilateral relationship with the Republic of Iraq is witnessing continuous and positive developments, turning the page of that painful past, opening a new page of fruitful cooperation and translating this approach by solving the remaining outstanding issues. There are determined steps taken by the leadership of both countries embodying the concepts of brotherhood and neighborliness

He continued, "Bilateral visits are at the highest level, most notably the visit of the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah last June and the joint bilateral committees are an important indicator to strengthen that cooperation

"Since the demise of Saddam Hussein's regime, Kuwait has provided all kinds of support and assistance to the Iraqi people," he said

He continued: "We look forward to strengthening support by investing promising opportunities in the so-called relations and raise them to the level of ambition and achieve the two countries and their peoples progress and prosperity," praising the "commitment and commitment shown by Iraq in fulfilling all remaining international obligations stipulated in the relevant Security Council resolutions towards State of Kuwait as required     LINK

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Lynette Zang:  Economic Battle Lines Being Drawn Across the Globe.

Streamed live 18 hours ago


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Deutsche Bank or Hurricane Dorian?...Which Disaster is Man-Made?! (Bix Weir)

RoadtoRoota:  Published on Aug 29, 2019

Hard to think that the arrival of the CAT 4 Hurricane Dorian and the crashing of the Global Financial System at the SAME TIME is a coincidence! Don't underestimate the importance of the global financial system turmoil that is right around the corner!


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