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Friday Night X22 Reports 8-21-2020

Time To End The Petrodollar Agreement With The Middle East, Transition Moving Forward - Episode 2256a

X22 Report:  Aug 21, 2020

The US economy has now added 1.8 million jobs, 3x bigger that last administration.

The economy is recovering we are seeing V shape recoveries everywhere.

It is time to end the petrodollar war and to pull out. New deals must be made.


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Brennan On Deck, See Something Say Something, Panic In DC - Episode 2256b

X22 Report:  Aug 21, 2020

The patriots are in control, the [DS] is panicking.

Brennan is speaking to Durham today, he is going to find out how much he knows.

The question is will he make a deal, most likely not.

The [DS]/MSM are now trying to trap Trump but the opposite is happening, he knew what they are up to and trapped them.


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