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Friday Night X22 Reports 2-7-2020

The [CB] Just Made Their Move On The Economy, Trump Countered With Message To Xi - Episode 2091a

X22 Report:  Feb 7, 2020

The [CB] are not giving up with the BREXIT, they are now trying to create rules that the UK must follow, or the UK will be punished, will BJ go along with this, no, the UK is in a position of strength.

The [CB] has now shown its true colors, the event that started in China might hurt the US economy.

 Trump countered with a message to Xi.


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The Silent War Is Being Fought In The Shadows, Justice Is Coming - Episode 2091b

X22 Report:  Feb 7, 2020

The [DS] operatives are now being removed, there is a silent war that is being waged in the shadows.

The [DS] corruption is now being exposed, documents have been delivered and the truth is about to be revealed to the public.

The [DS] players are in a panic, they see their power structure being dismantled one piece at a time.

The best is yet to come.


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