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Friday Evening Iraqi Parliament News Highlights 6-24-22

Friday Evening Iraqi Parliament News Highlights 6-24-22

Allawi's First Comment After Today's Session

Policy   2022-06-23 | 14:53  Source:  Alsumaria news   12,291 views  The head of the National Coalition, Iyad Allawi, considered, on Thursday, that forming a government without the presence of the Sadrist bloc would only complicate matters.

Allawi said in a tweet on "Twitter", "Proceeding with the formation of the government without the presence of the Sadrist bloc that won the elections, which proved that it is not looking for positions as much as it is searching for the formation of a national government will only complicate matters."

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 He added, "It would have been better to harness all efforts and capabilities to stop the Sadrist bloc's deputies from resigning and to hold constructive national dialogues in which all national forces participate by adopting the principle that there is neither winner nor loser, and a national government representing all of our people will emerge from it."

 And the House of Representatives held today, Thursday, an exceptional session that witnessed the performance of the constitutional oath by the replacement representatives instead of the Sadrist representatives.  LINK

Allawi Warns Against Forming Any Government Without The Sadrist Bloc And Reveals The Reason

Posted On2022-06-24 By Sotaliraq   The leader of the National Coalition, Iyad Allawi, said on Thursday that forming a government without the Sadrist bloc would only complicate matters further.

Allawi said in a tweet to him, "Proceeding with the formation of the government without the presence of the Sadrist bloc that won the elections, which has proven that it is not looking for positions as much as it is searching for the formation of a national government will only make matters more complicated."

He added, "It would have been better to harness all efforts and capabilities to stop the Sadrist bloc's deputies from resigning and to hold constructive national dialogues in which all patriotic groups participate by adopting the principle that there is neither winner nor loser, and a national government representing all of our honorable people will emerge from it."   LINK

A Representative Of Al-Fateh Talks About The Next Government: It Will Be Representative Of All

Sumerian special   2022-06-23 | 14:44  Source:  Alsumaria news 9,737 views   Today, Thursday, Mueen Al-Kazemi, a representative from the Al-Fateh Alliance, confirmed that the next government will be representative of all political parties that will be agreed with, explaining that the coordinating framework had many initiatives for the diaspora of the Shiite house and agreement on a candidate for the position of prime minister.

Al-Kazemi said in an interview with the Alana program broadcast by Alsumaria satellite channel, that "the post-election events lasted for more than six months, and the framework had many initiatives to unite the diaspora, gather the word and enable the Shiite house to appoint a candidate for the position of prime minister similar to the Kurdish House and the Sunni House."

He added, "Al-Sadr's withdrawal from parliament was surprising and not expected. It was not previously discussed or a plan was developed to deal with this withdrawal."

The representative of the Al-Fateh Alliance explained that "the political blocs are in a state of communication to restore the street's confidence in the political process, and that the formation of a strong government and the development of a real government program will reassure and restore the confidence of the street and will create a state of political stability in the country, leaving no room for those who want to create chaos in the political scene." .

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He pointed out that "communication with al-Sadr and the coordination framework must remain," explaining that "al-Sadr will not be excluded from the next steps, especially the nomination of the prime minister."

Al-Kazemi stressed that "the next prime minister should be accepted by everyone and should not be provocative to others," noting that "no one knows the reason for al-Sadr's withdrawal from the political process, and even some members of the current do not know the reason for al-Sadr's withdrawal, although the signs indicate that The political impasse is approaching.

Al-Kazemi stressed that "the next government will be representative of all the blocs that are agreed with and will include all the blocs participating in the political process," stressing "the necessity of rejecting calls to move the street to create chaos in the country."

He added, "Those who participated in the demonstrations in 2019 regretted a lot because the government that came to the caretaker government did not provide what was expected of it despite the international and Arab support and the political blocs urged by that government, and what we see is that corruption continued and projects such as a memorandum of understanding with China and port FAO oil pipeline project Basra An obstacle, and the decisions it approved did not elicit acceptance from the Iraqi street and did not meet the ambition.

” He explained that “Al-Sadr’s allies will not do what Al-Sadr did, but on the contrary, they will seek to agree and form a new government and get out of the political impasse,” noting that “the meeting in Al-Halbousi’s house discussed Communication between the coordination framework and the Kurdish and Sunni components, as for dealing with the Kurds is independent of dealing with them the year Talking with the two components takes place directly, and the outcome of the elections is respected, and each component chooses who represents it from the President of the Republic, the Speaker of Parliament and the Prime Minister.

Al-Kazemi stressed that "the position of Prime Minister within the framework is agreed upon that his choice will be by consensus and that it is acceptable to everyone in order to be able to form a strong government."

He explained that " Hadi Al-Amri He did not directly run for the position of prime minister, despite the fact that other names were put forward from within the framework, but Al-Amiri has acceptance from the year And the Kurds, and even by al-Sadr, and he can reassure the Sadrist bloc to form the next government,” noting that “the position of the first deputy is vacant, and the framework has the right to nominate someone to fill it.”

The representative of the Al-Fateh Alliance stressed that “the oil and gas law will be the first law that Parliament must discuss.” The next one is one of the important laws, because there is an existing draft that must be voted on.”

Al-Kazemi concluded that “a massacre Spyker whose annual anniversary was recently commemorated, which was attended by everyone from the families of the martyrs, the international community, and the Iraqi components confirm the cohesion of the Iraqi society, despite the lack of attendance Ministry of Defense Or its minister or whoever represents them to participate in this anniversary,” noting that “1,500 remains of the martyrs were found in mass graves, and the remaining 2,000 of the missing were considered martyrs and were given some of their dues, although many did not receive their dues from plots of land that were not distributed by some.” Conservatives, and there are differences estimated at 25 billion that have not been distributed so far, and it is supposed to be followed up Ministry of Defense this thing with Ministry of Finance".   LINK

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Full Details Of Today's Extraordinary Parliament Session

Policy  2022-06-23 | 08:00  9,319 views  Today, Thursday, the House of Representatives revealed the full details of its extraordinary session, which was held today.

In a statement received by Alsumaria News, the Media Department of the Council stated that "the House of Representatives held its extraordinary session today, Thursday, under the chairmanship of the Speaker of the Council."  Mohammed Al-Halbousi And the presence of 202 deputies to take the constitutional oath of the new replacement deputies and vote on amending its rules of procedure after submitting two requests to the Speaker of the Council, accompanied by the signatures of 50 deputies, to hold the session.

The statement added, "The Council voted to complete and approve the amendments to the articles of the internal system of the House of Representatives, including canceling the phrase the presidency and making it the president and his two deputies, deleting the phrase a member of the presidency and replacing it with the phrase the president or one of his two deputies, in addition to amending the terms of reference of a number of parliamentary committees related to the nature of their work."

He continued, "After that, 64 deputies out of 73 substitutes took the constitutional oath to fill the council's membership after their names were read by the speaker of the council."

The House of Representatives raises its special session - urgent

06:11 | 2022-06-22   Taking the constitutional oath to the alternate deputies - urgent

Parliament sets a date for an extraordinary session

15:49 | 2022-06-20   He explained, "MP Ahmed Al-Asadi read a statement in which he referred to the agreement of the political blocs in a meeting held today to address the effects left by the previous phase and the crises of which were the most dangerous of ISIS terrorism and the urgent need to achieve security and stability," noting that "the political blocs agreed to proceed with forming a government."

National in accordance with the principle of balance, consensus and partnership that achieves the aspirations of the people, respects constitutional principles, works to resolve differences between the federal government and the Kurdistan Regional Government, legislates the oil and gas law, restores the liberated and poorest areas, provides job opportunities for young people, and imposes the prestige of the state on everyone.

The statement stressed, "the importance of the current stage and the pledge that solutions will be at the level of the challenges, expressing that the forces participating in forming the government bear the responsibility to confront the challenges entrusted to them, in addition to reminding them of their respect for the decision of the Sadrist blocs."

The statement concluded by the House of Representatives, "After that, it was decided to adjourn the extraordinary session for this day."   LINK

The Democrat: Our Dialogues With The Union To Resolve The Position Of President Of The Republic Have Reached Advanced Stages

Political | 08:49 - 23/06/2022  Baghdad - Mawazine News   The Kurdistan Democratic Party confirmed today, Thursday, that it has reached advanced stages to resolve the nomination of the candidate for the presidency within the Kurdish House, while stressing the need to adhere to the agreements on the basis of which the new government will be formed.

KDP MP Sharif Suleiman said, "The principles of balance, consensus and partnership are essential points that the Democrat has demanded since the start of the political process in Iraq after 2003, and stresses the need for partners to adhere to them to ensure political stability."

He added, "The Democrat stresses that the constitution must be implemented in the process of government formation, and that the basic principle of political agreements should be written in clear and explicit terms.

He stressed that "the government formation process must also take into account the electoral merit, and we believe that political understandings are enough to resolve the positions of the presidents of the republic and the ministers, and the participation of the Democrat and the Alliance of Sovereignty in today's session aims to find solutions to the political blockage."

On the position of the President of the Republic, Suleiman stressed that "the dialogues and meetings with the PUK have reached advanced stages, and we believe that the matter will be resolved in the coming days, and that the vision will be unified within the Kurdish House after the controversial points between the Democratic Union and the Union are resolved." Ended 29 / h   https://www.mawazin.net/Details.aspx?jimare=197436

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The Iraqi Parliament Folds The Page Of Al-Sadr..Who Is The Big Winner?

Posted On2022-06-23 By Sotaliraq   ]On Thursday, the page of the presence of the Sadrist movement in the Iraqi parliament was turned over after dozens of new MPs took the constitutional oath as replacements for the Sadrist MPs who had resigned earlier at the request of their leader Muqtada al-Sadr.

Observers unanimously agreed that the next stage of the political scene in Iraq, "difficult to expect," may be similar to what happened after the 2018 elections, when a government was formed that only lasted one year against the impact of popular protests.

The Sadrist bloc, consisting of 73 deputies, resigned on the 12th of this month after a months-long stalemate regarding the formation of a new government consisting of winners, as al-Sadr echoed, which was met by calls from the forces of the coordination framework backed by Iran to form a “consensual” government that includes everyone.

The number of deputies who took the constitutional oath, Thursday, reached 64, and nine deputies were absent for unknown reasons, according to the Parliament's Information Office.

The coordination framework won 40 seats in the Sadrist movement, according to a census prepared by AFP based on figures issued by the Electoral Commission.

This means that the number of deputies for the coordination framework has increased to about 130, which makes it the largest force within the House of Representatives and allows it to appoint a prime minister and form a government in alliance with other parliamentary blocs.

The framework includes Shiite blocs, most notably the State of Law led by former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and the Al-Fateh bloc.

According to Falah Al-Mishal, a researcher in Iraqi political affairs, "what happened today does not foretell the possibility of forming a new government soon."

Al-Mishal says that "there are big problems, both within the framework and its competing parties, and also outside it, and they relate to the other Kurdish and Sunni blocs that were allied with al-Sadr."

Al-Mishal adds that "these differences will certainly delay the formation of the government and the vote on choosing a new president of the republic."

Parliament failed three times to elect a new president, due to the inability to achieve the required two-thirds quorum in Parliament to pass the president, which plunged the country into a constitutional vacuum without a looming solution soon.

In addition, “Al-Sadr’s exit from the scene will increase the complexity, in light of the presence of a stressful street filled with crises and the lost necessities of life, and this will complicate the scene further.”

Al-Sadr tried during the last period to form a “majority” government with the “Save a Homeland” coalition, which includes Sunnis and Kurds. As for his opponents within the pro-Iranian coordination framework, they want a consensual government that includes all Shiite forces, as is the custom.

On Wednesday, Al-Sadr accused Tehran's "arms" of practicing "political violations" against the Iraqi judiciary in an attempt to "turn them in their favour."

Al-Sadr stressed that these forces, which he did not explicitly name, are “trying to exert pressure against other political blocs, whether independents or non-Shiite blocs,” with the approaching date of an emergency session of Parliament.

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On the other hand, political analyst Ghaleb Al-Damay said in an interview with Al-Hurra website that "the chances of the framework have become very easy to form a government, despite the presence of internal differences within its ranks."

Al-Daami says: “In the end, the framework is controlled externally, not internally, and therefore the driving forces can distribute roles and solve these problems,” referring to Iran.

Al-Daami believes that the coordination framework will form a new government “easily and impose its will on the Sunnis and the Kurds, and perhaps this will cause new crises,” adding that “the framework already has a Shiite crisis with the Sadrist movement, and there will be a crisis with the Sunnis and the Kurds, which means that the next government will It will have many obstacles."

]Al-Damamy criticized Al-Sadr’s recent move to withdraw from Parliament, adding that “the Sadrist movement handed over its weapons and power in Parliament and the government and presented it on a silver platter to its opponents.”

He adds that "it would have been more useful for al-Sadr not to withdraw and instead turn to the opposition in parliament, after he failed to form a majority government, and therefore remains strong because he has committees and the position of deputy speaker of parliament and others."

However, Al-Daami believes that the real reason for Al-Sadr's move is that he "wanted not to be part of a failed government and perhaps lose more supporters."

In an analysis published, on Wednesday, on the website of the “Atlantic Council” think tank, the former US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Iran and Iraq, Andrew Peake, said that al-Sadr’s decision to abandon his electoral victory and the collapse of his efforts to form a new government is a “gift to Iran.”

Beck added that the move dealt a blow to ordinary Iraqis who demonstrated in 2019 to end the sectarian political system and were killed as a result.

It is also a blow to the United States, which had an opportunity to help significantly reduce the malign Iranian influence that has increased in Iraq since after 2003, according to Beck.

He concluded by saying, "This step was a loss for Washington, but it was a greater loss for the Iraqis and the majority who voted for change."

In the same context, the political analyst al-Dama’i points out that “what the Sadrist movement depends on if the new government fails, and it is clear that it will fail, is to go to support the expected protests against it.”

Al-Mishaal agrees with this proposition and believes that “all readings and indications confirm that any government formed by the coordination framework will be similar to the government of Adel Abdul-Mahdi, or perhaps worse.”

Al-Mishaal added, “Currently we see the same political forces recycling and producing them in a very bad way, and for this there will be very strong and angry popular reactions.”

Al-Sadr’s departure from the government formation process may “throw the Iraqi political scene into the unknown,” according to an analysis published by the “Washington Post” newspaper, prepared by Renad Mansour, a researcher at the Carnegie Middle East Center and a fellow at Danish Aarhus University, Benedict Robin Dcruz.

The analysis quotes interviews conducted by the two researchers with prominent figures within the Sadrist group saying that the leader of the Sadrist movement may now focus on leading the protests against his opponents.

He adds that senior Sadrist leaders believe that their main opponents, such as al-Maliki and leaders of the Popular Mobilization Forces, are unlikely to get enough support from other parties to form a government in his absence.

He continues, "Even if Sadr's opponents succeeded in forming a government, the Sadrist leaders say that the Sadrists can overthrow it through protests."

However, the two researchers believe that Sadr's popularity on the street is not what it used to be, especially among protesters, who believe that Sadr's followers violently suppressed protests in 2020

Therefore, this matter may complicate al-Sadr's efforts to return to the street again, and the Sadrists may find it difficult to win over the protests in their favour, according to the analysis.

The Washington Post analysis concludes by saying that "Al-Sadr may soon feel that this is the wrong time to get away from Parliament and return to the streets."   LINK

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Al-Hakim: International Interventions And Understandings Will Play A Role In Choosing The Prime Minister

POLITICIAN  06/24/2022 | 11:23 AM   Information / Baghdad...Political analyst Muhammad Ali Al-Hakim said, on Friday, that foreign interference, including the US, will play its role in choosing the next prime minister, pointing out that the political equation has changed a lot and the internal influence has played a major role in choosing the three presidencies.

Al-Hakim told Al-Maalouma, "All the names put forward, which were circulated in some media outlets, have no chances in this position, as they were put forward in order to be burned in the media and politically."

He added that "American and Zionist internal and external interference, as well as neighboring countries, are present in the political scene, but the map changed after 2019 and the West became more involved in the Iraqi situation."

And he indicated that "it is unlikely that the new prime minister will be from the Islamists, and all the names currently proposed will not be able to reach the seat of power, especially with the presence of American interference in Iraqi affairs."

He pointed out that "the ballot boxes do not affect the selection of the three presidencies, and if they have an impact, it does not exceed 30%, and therefore the remaining percentage is for external interventions and international understandings for the placement and selection of presidencies." finished 25 https://almaalomah.me/2022/06/24/605174/

A Parliamentarian Announces The Start Of Collecting Signatures To Impeach Al-Kazemi

POLITICIAN   2022/06/23 | 6:13 PM   Information / Special..The representative of the Al-Fateh Alliance, Rafiq Al-Salihi, announced, on Thursday, the start of collecting signatures to hold an extraordinary session to question the outgoing Prime Minister, Mustafa Al-Kazemi, stressing the need to take the necessary measures against him.

Al-Salihi said in an interview with "Al-Information" agency, that "in the next few days, we will start collecting signatures to question Al-Kazemi about his silence regarding the Turkish aggression inside Iraqi territory."

He added, "Al-Kazemi's silence about the Turkish attack raises suspicion and suspicion, as it is a clear violation of Iraqi sovereignty."

And he continued, "Al-Kazemi was not satisfied with this only, but also signed agreements outside the powers of his government, and therefore we must move and stand to hold him accountable after those violations he made."

In an interview with Al-Information, Member of Parliament, Muhammad Nouri, had accused Al-Kazemi’s government of “failing to preserve Iraq’s sovereignty,” noting that it “does not have the political will to deter the flagrant violation of the country.” finished / 25 and   https://almaalomah.me/2022/06/23/605097/

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Representative Dylan Ghafour: The Current Situation In Iraq Requires The Formation Of A Consensus Government

Iraq   02:59 - 06-24-2022   The Patriotic Union of Kurdistan bloc in the House of Representatives confirmed that the current situation in Iraq requires the formation of a consensual government in which all parties participate.

The representative of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, Dylan Ghafour, said in a statement to the Kirkuk satellite channel, that the policy of the Patriotic Union is clear from the beginning, as Iraq at the current stage needs to form a consensual government that represents all components of Iraqi society and without marginalizing any component, party or bloc.

Representative Dylan Ghafour added that the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) bloc is proceeding with the same strategy and supports the formation of a consensus government that satisfies everyone.


What Does Iraq Want From The United States?

June 24, 2022  Regional and international challenges that require the region's leaders to move quickly to confront them, at the summit that US President Joe Biden will attend in Saudi Arabia, with the participation of the leaders of the Gulf states, Iraq, Egypt and Jordan in the middle of next month. How can this summit help in strengthening the bonds of trust and diplomacy between Washington and Baghdad? And how important is it to choose Iraq, Jordan and Egypt and invite them to a Gulf summit with an American presence?   LINK

Al-Sadr's Minister Warns Of The Consequences Of A "Shameless Act": They Want To Silence The Sadrist Street - Urgent

Policy  2022-06-24 | 05:59   10,864 views   Alsumaria News - Baghdad, Minister of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, warned on Friday of the consequences of an act he described as "impudent", while indicating that some political blocs want to implement it.

The Minister of Sadr wrote a post on his Facebook pageFacebookIn it, he said: "There is a malicious idea that some political blocs may implement. It is: A Sadrist minister from the current, a dissident, expelled or sympathetic being pushed into the government they want to form... for reasons: silencing the Sadrist street on the one hand... and accusing him of participating in the corrupt government on the one hand. other".

He added, "And how many naive people would believe this, and that this minister came in agreement with (the current) or to please him or other poisonous ideas."

He continued, "When we announce this, we warn of the consequences of this insolent act... and we ask the people not to go along with them. We have not and will not participate with them, neither in parliament, nor in the government, nor at all. We are people of reform, not discord and hypocrisy."

He continued: "What you should know, you corrupt people, is that our response will be unexpected if you try to tarnish our reputation by involving us with you in terms of whether we know or do not know, or deluding people into that."

He concluded, "No one represents us in negotiations, dialogues, or anything of the sort. You have filled our hearts with pus, and the stench of corruption has filled our noses... and those who have wronged will know which coup will be overturned."   LINK

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