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Frank26 Video "Stay Small" and KTFA Members News 1-8-2020


Samson:  Al-Hakim calls for a "quick meeting" to agree to name the prime minister

The stream of wisdom revealed, on Wednesday, that the head of the movement, Mr. Ammar Al-Hakim, informed the political blocs of holding a quick meeting to agree on the nomination of the prime minister, expecting that the nomination will take place during the next two days, in order to accelerate events in the region and Iraq, so that there is a need for a full-fledged government.  LINK

Godlover:  Things are getting a little interesting now imo. It would seem the Iranian attack was to send a message, not waging war per articles imo. The need to sanction the current threats in Iraq such as Mahdi & others that are in parliament is needed & hopefully their criminal acts will be done with soon imo.

More talk on the FML in session this Saturday per articles....hopefully some resolution will take place imo

More talk of the 2020 budget needing to be resolved immediately per articles imo

Possible PM nomination in the next 2 days per article above......that would be awesome imo. I still think that before the MR is to be released, Mahdi needs to be out of the picture altogether & a new citizen approved PM seated imo.

Here's a question for anyone that can answer.......with the latest happenings & the Dinar fluctuations....are they still in the 2% compliance?

HoosierGirl:  Well it seems from what I'm hearing on the news, that the Iranian "influence" in Iraq's government has been "exposed" worldwide by the Trump Administration members. 

People now know it is NOT Iraqis who are doing the dirty work, but the Iranians inside the GOI AND that those have been bribed.  The Iraqi citizens have burned many of their homes to express they want rid of them. Mahdi has resigned but not left.

There is a timing issue there I would think IMO IMO IMO.  NOW they are going to suddenly hold a session for the new PM FINALLY maybe. 

I believe with the events of the past few days they are all realizing that the United States of America isn't going anywhere.  Iran's rockets were pathetic.  Just listened to one man on the news say that their rockets are capable of hitting something within a half mile estimate of their target! 

He didn't believe they were even capable of setting them off to intentionally NOT hit our bases or military.  It was pure luck (or God's design) that they didn't hit anything. 

Pres. Trump and Teams have shown Iran that we won't back down and I think they now know it's time to stop the nonsense.

DOW went up immediately after Pres. Trump's speech.  So here we are and we shall see what the next couple of days bring.    All of this is what I heard on the news and  IMO

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Don961:  To revive the “first October revolution” .. the protest squares on a date with a million demonstration on 1/10 


Yassin Iraq: Baghdad 

A large number of demonstrators and bloggers are mobilizing on social media, for a million demonstration to revive the date (1/10) of last year, as calls were launched to revive the momentum of the demonstrations again in the next (10/1), in the midst of a diminishing light on popular protests, and theft Before the major political and security events that took place in the country recently.

Over the past months, popular protests in Baghdad and the rest of the provinces succeeded in seizing the forefront of the important events at the media, political and social levels, both Iraqi and global, before armed factions carried out a missile attack on the American (K-One) base in Kirkuk, after which a series of events escalated and escalated The political and security crises in the region were represented by the bombing of the headquarters of the crowd, carried out by American aviation, and then the attacking of the American embassy and the killing of Qasim Soleimani and Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis, the event that succeeded in uprooting the forefront of the media and political scene from any other event, especially the events of the protests.

Since the escalation of the crisis, the demonstrators do not hide their fear that their “revolution” will be stolen or lose their resolve after entering the Iraqi street in cracks and side concerns, due to the crisis (US - Iranian), while the protesters of the popular protest movement took advantage of the escalating atmosphere, in the implementation of explicit armed attacks against demonstrators in Some provinces, as happened recently in the province of Dhi Qar.

To revive the date (1/10), the demonstrators in Baghdad and the various governorates are seeking to retract the momentum towards them, while they are gathering for a million demonstration next Friday, coincidentally (10/1).   link


Samson:   Economist: Iraq reserves 62 billion dollars, 100 tons of gold, and 8 billion other currencies

16:16 - 08/01/2020

The economic expert, Saleh Al-Hammash, confirmed on Wednesday that the Iraqi reserves of the dollar amount to about 62 billion, while the reserves of gold amount to about 100 tons and nearly 8 billion dollars from the rest of the currencies.

Al-Hamash said to / the information /, that "Iraq has a reserve of currency and gold, which enables it to bypass the crisis in the event that Washington imposed sanctions on Iraq, provided the government adheres to some economic measures."

He added that "Iraq's reserves of the American currency are estimated at 62 billion dollars, while it possesses a reserve of gold estimated at 100 tons, and Turkish, Iranian, Syrian, Jordanian and Euro currencies of approximately 8 billion dollars."

He explained that "in the event that sanctions were taken on Iraq, the government requires some quick measures that revive the economy in addition to the existing reserves through which Iraq can bypass the crisis for more than three years," noting that "the first step requires searching for another market and partnerships with Russia and China."   LINK


Don961:  Iraq Crisis: Sadr Urges Militias to Stand Down

 09/01/2020 - 00:01

ERBIL - Iraqi powerful Shia cleric Muqtada al-Sadr said on Wednesday that he believes the crisis in the country was over, urging the pro-Iranian militia groups to stand down.

Sadr's comments came as tensions were escalating in the past few days between the US and Iran in Iraq following the killing of Qassem Soleimani, the commander of Quds Force.

Sadr also called for efforts to nominate a new premier for Iraq, pointing out that a new strong government could protect the country's sovereignty and independence, which he noted that it should be formed within 15 days.

However, he added that Baghdad should still work to oust the foreign troops from Iraq.

"I call on the Iraqi factions to be deliberate, patient, and not to start military actions, and to shut down the extremist voices of some rogue elements until all political, parliamentary and international methods have been exhausted," Sadr said, according to Reuters.    LINK

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Don961:  Have there really been arrangements and prior agreement between Washington and Tehran before the Iranian missile response at dawn today ?!

Policy  ,   01/20/2020 12:25    Baghdad-Iraq today:

Iraqi diplomatic sources revealed that the Iranian response to the killing of General Qassem Soleimani in an American raid in Baghdad was coordinated with the United States through the mediation of a Gulf country, and that military arrangements were made by the two sides during the past two days to ensure that this response does not lead to a fall Foreign victims.

Diplomatic Mobility The

sources told "Iraq Today" that the past days after the United States carried out an attack by flying planes, killing the commander of the Quds Force in the "Revolutionary Guards" General Qassem Soleimani and Vice President of the "Popular Mobilization" Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis, witnessed an accelerated diplomatic movement in The region, in which Iraq participated, resulted in a consensus between Washington and Tehran regarding the response.

The agreement includes Iran's implementation of a limited missile attack on a number of sites that include American forces inside Iraq, ensuring that no casualties are caused by the United States Army, which is what actually happened, according to preliminary information.

Ahmed Mulla Talal, a prominent Iraqi media, said that "an intense international diplomatic movement has been taking place for two days to arrange an agreed Iranian response, which is acceptable to the United States, followed by a less severe American response, to calm the region," stressing that "the two parties are not ready to escalate."

Commenting on the Iranian attack at dawn on January 8, Talal added that what happened was "implementation of the agreement" between the United States and Iran, citing the absence of American victims.

Iranian missiles on 3 Iraqi sites

The "Iranian Revolutionary Guard" carried out attacks on three Iraqi military bases that include American soldiers in Anbar, Baghdad and Erbil on Tuesday evening and Wednesday dawn, and resulted in injuries among Iraqi individuals.

There was no information available on the type of casualties caused by these attacks, and whether they caused deaths, but Iraqi sources linked to the US military confirmed that there were no casualties among foreign soldiers in Iraq, pending the official announcement.

Iraqi sources revealed that most of the Iranian missiles that were fired at the Iraqi military sites fell in empty spaces, while the American forces confronted with projectiles aimed at inhabited sites, and quoted a US general in Baghdad as saying that "the Iranian missiles are an updated version of the Scud missiles developed by the former Soviet Union." , But it lacks precision. "

Were the American forces aware?

The sources confirmed that the American forces moved soldiers and equipment from locations to another inside the "Ain al-Assad" base in western Anbar, hours before the Iranian attack, to prevent any casualties in its ranks, which supports the theory of prior agreement with Iran to respond.

Observers considered that the speed of Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif to consider his country's missile attack on Iraqi bases as the final response to Soleimani’s killing, in the interest of containing the American position, especially that the Iranian attack ended without causing injury or killing Americans.

Iraqi wounded ... only!

Sources in the Iraqi armed forces have reported that a number of members of the Iraqi army have been wounded, while local media have reported information that a senior Iraqi officer was killed in the Iranian attack, but Baghdad denied this.

Iraqi observers say, "The Iranian attack eased internal pressure on the administration of US President Donald Trump, which stems from fears of involvement in an all-out war with Iran."

The White House had stated that Trump would make a speech to comment on the Iranian missile attack in Iraq, but the move was canceled, and the American president only said through his account of "tension" that "everything is fine", indicating that the bombing did not cause significant damage .

The accounts of Iraqi activists on social media were filled with questions related to "violating sovereignty", which is the term that described the American raid against Soleimani, and whether it includes the Iranians as well, especially since their attacks on Baghdad, Erbil and Anbar did not hit Americans, but only Iraqis, in exchange for a wave From the joy, the accounts of the supporters of the militias loyal to Tehran swept by the "Iranian overwhelming response."    link


Frank26:  1-8-20 STAY SMALL


Yes, Iran did call Iraq and USA before the missile launch.


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