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Frank26 Video "Pompeo Says Immediately" 6-4-2020


Frank26:  6-4-20........POMPEO SAYS IMMEDIATELY

This video is in Franks opinion

Some highlights:

We told you that the CBI is ready. We also suggested that the GOI was needed to be ready so it could pass what the CBI has. Which is the Monetary Reform plan……which has been completed.

They are Article 8 and by now it’s pretty obvious. And lately the things we have been hoping for has really been coming out. In the last 4 or 5 days it’s been a meteor shower of statements from the Prime Minister Kazemi. We believe he has the same game plan that the President of the US has……

An article came out today that they would stop the currency auctions. ..Ladies and gentlemen, that was the first step that Donald Trump wanted to accomplish. By doing so….they were not going to use the American dollar anymore. .

An article came out yesterday saying they were going to pay their salaries….and this time they would be paid in dinars….not American dollars.   Why? 

Because they stopped the auctions.

Pompeo, as we told you, went over there as a representative of the US as part of what we call “The Fab 4”. (IMF, World Bank, US Treasury, and President Trump.) Today Pompeo said something that was rather powerful.  (Frank reads the article posted below)

To recover “Instantly” there is only one way…..there were many articles posted in our forum today….and they were all talking about the fact that they are going raise the value of their currency…they are going to change the exchange rate/value. These are things we have dreamed about.

To see these articles in front of us now is because the monetary reform is really progressing.

The CBI , with the Fab 4 already have the Monetary Reform set. The printing of the currency, The new rate calculated, and recalculated until they found the one they are going to use.

They are not going to float (right away) and they are going to be on par with the American dollar. Articles talk about how the dinar has to be on the same level. By decreasing the Us dollar and raising the dinar-look at what happens- 1 to 1. 

Be sure to listen to the replay for all Frank’s news.


See this content in the original post

Don961:  Warmly welcome Al-Kazemi ... Pompeo pledges financial support for Iraq to recover "instantly"

 Free – Washington   June 04, 2020

Thursday, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo congratulated Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi for his assumption of the new Iraqi government.

"I would like to begin by warmly welcoming Prime Minister Al-Kazemi and congratulating him on the new Iraqi government and the peaceful transfer of power on behalf of the entire coalition. We are all committed to your success in support of the permanent defeat of ISIS," Pompeo said, according to the State Department statement.

Pompeo also praised during his speech Thursday, at the ministerial meeting of the International Alliance to Combat ISIS, held in the American capital, Washington, on the peaceful transfer of power in Iraq.

"We participate in the financial burden that ensures an immediate Iraqi recovery," Pompeo added, adding that the United States pledged last year $ 100 million to the coalition's main stabilization program in the liberated areas.

The US Secretary of State expressed his aspiration to "deepen the partnership with the people and the Iraqi government, through a series of discussions, especially through the strategic dialogue between Iraq and the United States," which will begin later this month.

Pompeo added that accomplishing the victory over ISIS demonstrates the value of the alliance "and stresses the commitment of the United States to lead its allies and partners towards shared victories."

"But our battle against ISIS will continue in the foreseeable future. We cannot rest. We must continue to get rid of ISIS cells and networks and provide stability assistance to the liberated areas of Iraq and Syria," Pompeo added.

The US Secretary of State referred to the massacre perpetrated by ISIS at the Children's Hospital in Afghanistan last month, as it chose to target mothers who had given birth to lost their babies.  link

MilitiaMan:  Interesting choice of words. Fairly sure all the things in the news of late support that the USA will be glad to help out and support iraq for trillions or reasons, no burden at all. . I like the way he congratulates him again on his new government... lol ~ MM

. ""We participate in the financial burden that ensures an immediate Iraqi recovery,"...

See this content in the original post