Dinar Recaps

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Frank26, Currency 365, Lynette Zang and more Friday Afternoon 7-10-2020


Dan:  Financial reform after covid 19...that is WIDE OPEN!!!!!!!!   when will it end?

Frometad:  I don't believe Iraq could wait for the Rona to disappear. As we've been taught Iraq has no liquidity.  

MilitiaMan:  They don’t seem to have time to wait from what we / I see. An orchestra has many musicians. They, the players, all have an instrument, timing and a tempo if you will.. Team work to make a melody flow. Interestingly enough the sound we have heard by many ears seems to befit a tone that is out of tune.. (this is never going to play in our favor.)! Yet, the tempo of it and it’s delivery may just be lost on the lack of hearing the key lyrics or tones the sound projects.. Not everyone has an ear.. 

The recent sounds out of the global entities is about reforms. Fixing global fiscal issues. There are comprehensive mediations going on In Iraq along with the declaration again from the likes of the IMF to fix international fiscal issues too.The base is pounding!! The Kurds and Baghdad seem to be the lead rhythm. The quire have had meetings and are awaiting the Conductor to place the music on the stand to begin the next drum roll.. One to be a smash!! Lol imo - MM

I’ll be looking for the que, as the timing has already begun. Imo -MM 

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Most Important Video of All-Time
by @realDonaldTrump.

Why the corrupt establishment HAD TO stop Trump from being elected.

Why a coup attempt?

Why this impeachment attempt?

Trump is their Kryptonite.

This video lays it all out.#TrumpTheEstablishment

— AnthemRespect (@AnthemRespect) September 30, 2019


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26  When the value goes up may I suggest you walk don't run.  In the same way that I suggest don't pick up the phone and tell the world "guess what?" Shhh...Don't feel that if it went up in the next hour - don't feel 'oh, gosh I've got to get to a bank right away.  Oh, I'll get to a bank tomorrow morning!' Think twice about that.  It's up to you...IMO the Central bank of Iraq is not going to retrieve the 3 zeros right away...I don't see where they're going to say 'okay we just raised the value of our currency and the 3 zero notes we're gonna cancel them out.  You're out of luck sucker!'  ...I don't know how long they're going to give you though.  They say they coexist with the new small category notes for about ten year but that's in country. How long will they be good outside of the country of Iraq?  I don't know...I don't believe that we have the issue to run right away when the value goes up...watch, look, listen, learn from others.  Learn from their mistakes...


Currency 365: 

Americans & Iraqis Both Waiting on Gov't Money

Jul 9, 2020


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Lynette Zang

THE FED GIVETH, THE FED TAKETH AWAY: Experimenting with Forward Guidance?

Streamed live 37 minutes ago

It should be obvious that Wall Street does not reflect Main Street. It hasn’t since 2008, when the Fed decided to “manage” the markets.

In fact, global central bankers “managed” the world into a global slow down well before Covid-19 was used to shut down the global economy and take the blame for all our economic ills and justify the “Reset” that has already begun.

Of course, the reset is spun as a good thing for all, but if those that got us into this mess to begin with remain in power after the reset, do you really think they will put your best interest first?

That’s why you need gold. Of course, bankers prefer paper or digital gold contracts, that’s how they make money and control the physical gold while you take all the risks (read the prospectus), but are central bankers, who have been accumulating massive amounts of gold, buying Wall Streets ETFs?

NO, they are buying physical gold. So am I and I think you should too.


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