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Frank26 and KTFA Members "News and Views" 12-26-2022



Clare:  Al-Rafidain announces the suspension of withdrawals and deposits in savings accounts for citizens


Al-Rafidain Bank announced the suspension of withdrawals and deposits in savings accounts for customers, starting today, Monday, until Monday, 1/2/2023.

The media office of the bank stated, in a statement, that {Euphrates News} received a copy of it, that "according to the directives of the Central Bank of Iraq, and in order to pay the annual accounts, calculate the benefits for savings accounts, and organize budgets, the bank decided to stop withdrawals and deposits in savings accounts."

The statement indicated that "the bank also decided to close its doors in all branches on Monday, corresponding to 1/2/2023, and to stop conducting all transactions related to customers until the end of the annual inventory and audit."   LINK

See this content in the original post

Frank26:  "AND SO DOES THE IRAQI TRADE BANK!!!"........ F26

Clare: The Iraqi Trade Bank announces the suspension of all external and internal transfers


The Iraqi Trade Bank announced the suspension of all external and internal transfers, starting next Wednesday.

 Al-Samarf media stated, in a statement, of which {Euphrates News} received a copy, that “the work of all bank branches will be stopped, starting from Thursday (12/29/2022) at (12) noon. Also, all external and internal transfers will be stopped as of Wednesday corresponding to ( 28/12/2022) for annual inventory purposes.”

He indicated that "work will resume on Tuesday corresponding to (03/01/2023)."  LINK



Clare:  In the document.. the central bank stops work by collecting taxes to deal with the rise in the dollar


The Central Bank of Iraq stopped working by collecting taxes in advance to deal with the high exchange rates of the dollar. 

Today, Monday, the Central Bank of Iraq directed all licensed banks not to collect taxes in advance by importers during dollar transfers abroad for the purpose of import.

And a central bank document addressed to all banks, which I viewed (Baghdad Today), showed stopping the collection of taxes and customs fees in advance, and taxes are collected by the outlets upon entry of imported goods, while the bank attributed this procedure to the end of work in the fiscal year related to the 2021 budget that determined this. the condition.

This decision comes in conjunction with fears of the continued smuggling of hard currency "dollars" abroad under the pretext of import, which experts describe as "imaginary import", where the dollar is transferred abroad for the purpose of import, in return for the non -entry of already imported materials in exchange for it.    LINK


KandG:  I have a question based on 2 articles.  We all seen that the CBI's reserves are approaching 100B but I read another article that these reserves are held by the US Federal Reserve (below) - a corrupt, evil empire run by the Rockefellers / Rothchilds / Yellen / fake biden.  Why would this evil organization ever help the Iraqi citizens and also transfer wealth to us as investors / humanitarians??  IMO

And between Sanad, "The accumulation of foreign currency reserves in the Central Bank of Iraq and deposited with the US Federal Reserve, which will exceed 100 billion dollars and is constantly increasing, and it is difficult for Iraq to dispose of this large number, only America allowed five shipments per month to enter the country."


Paulette:  I have said similar......the question is whether the Deep State is in control of Iraq or not.  Sudani was put in to place by Maliki and the Framework.  Is Sudani Deep State controlled or not???  Is Maliki????  I don't think anybody truly knows who is Deep State controlled……Time will tell.  Hopefully Soooooom!!!

To me, it appears the Deep State no longer has control of the CBI.  The Currency Sales have dropped significantly.  After Putin shut off much of the money laundering ability the Deep State had in the Ukraine, the Currency Sales in Iraq had a sharp increase.

Now, the volume of sales are normal to below.  I know the media is stating reasons for this including the CBI's new system errors but it all seems pretty coincidental.  I am very hopeful that the Deep State's ability to use Iraq for their corrupt activities has been terminated.  If not, we may be waiting longer than we want.

It is an interesting dichotomy happening right now as not only did the banks stop buying as much USD but the money changers have also in spite of the rate being at its worst since I have followed.  Why are the Money Changers reportedly being cautious with any purchases of USD when they could resell at a larger profit than they have been able to attain since the move to 1460.  

It is totally illogical unless they know that they don't want to be moving IQD to USD out of fear of being on the wrong side of an economic move by the CBI.


Zeeman:  i have said this here many times and you can add the wb  imf and the un they all work together and are corrupt. this  is a fact and not imo  IF the white hats are not in control - this was a very bad investment IMO.  Should have bought silver IMO

Paulette:  "very bad" ------->NO

Don't forget, Iraq's CBI has clearly told us their plans to Re-denominate their currency including adding denominations all the way to 25 Fils (1/40th of an IQD).  This logically requires a change in rate.  As long as that new rate directly applies to the current notes, we will have the windfall we all hope for.  

IMSO, the rate will have to apply to both new and old currency as the CBI has stated the 3 000's will coexist with the NSCN's for at least two years and upwards of ten years.

A few weeks back, the CBI again stated that they are not going to remove any currency denominations when they unveil the 20,000.  Personally, I want to believe the talk of the 20,000 was to educate the citizens as to the new 20 denomination that WS reported was coming when the NSCN's are released.  I hope I am right as the release of the 20 absent a 20,000 is another indication that the new rate will directly apply to all.

If the new rate does not directly apply to both old and new currency, the CBI will have created a Multi Currency Practice structure in violation of the IMF Article 8.  Therefore, the IMF will not be able to authorize a Reinstatement due to Iraq being in violation of Article 8.  This would also prevent full ascension to the WTO.  Certainly the plan for Iraq cannot be to run their country on USD forever.

The underlying fundamentals for holding IQD are sound.  The implementation of the "Delete the Zeros" project will tell us just how sound.  

Don't forget the silver market is greatly manipulated.  Hopefully we see a windfall from IQD prior to that manipulation being lifted.

MOakes:  Let's not forget that Frank has said that the USD will be in the basket of currencies.

Paulette:   Iraq economists have told us this years ago.  They advocate a basket of currencies that the IQD is valued against which is to have at least 5 currencies including the USD.  This negates value fluctuations that can be caused by drastic fluctuations of only one.

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