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Frank26 and KTFA Members Monday PM 2-24-2020


Samson:  Integrity Commission restored $2bn to Iraqi Treasury

24th February, 2020
Iraq’s official anti-corruption agency stated in its latest annual report that it restored 2.84 trillion Iraqi dinars ($2.38 billion) to the Treasury in 2019.

The Federal Commission of Integrity added that it has utilised its relationships with other state watchdogs, and that it created a national strategy for fighting corruption in collaboration with the Federal Board of Supreme Audit.

According to the report, the commission examined and was involved in 26,163 notices and court cases in 2019, with 10,143 persons accused of corruption. Those included 50 officials who were government ministers or holding equivalent positions.

There were 931 court rulings in which 1,231 defendants were convicted of corruption. They included four ministers or officials at the same level.   LINK

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Samson:  Trump announces a $ 3 billion arms deal with India

02/24/2020 13:56:24

 US President Donald Trump stressed that his country is looking to provide "the best and most intimidating military equipment" to India, in addition to enhancing economic cooperation with it.

Trump's comments came in a speech he made at the beginning of his visit to India, today, Monday, in front of a crowd of Indian audiences in the western city of Ahmedabad, speaking after Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Trump said that the United States is about to sign a deal to provide India with military helicopters and other military equipment worth $3 billion, noting that Washington and New Delhi are committed to working to stop the terrorists and fight their ideology.

Trump also confirmed continuing to work with Pakistan to eliminate terrorism, expressing his hope to ease future tensions between all South Asian countries. Trump said he would discuss with Modi efforts to develop economic ties between the two countries, adding that Washington was in the early stages of the path to a "incredible" trade deal with New Delhi.

Trump indicated that he hoped for rapid progress in improving the investment climate in India, and that the United States was looking forward to developing space cooperation with India. Trump (along with his wife Melania) arrived Monday morning in Ahmedabad on his first two-day official visit to India. Trump will hold a meeting with Modi in Ahmedabad, then he will visit some of the tourist attractions in India before heading to New Delhi, where bilateral meetings will be held between the American and Indian officials on Tuesday.   LINK


ChrisC:  Dow down almost 800.  It was always said a market crash will precede the RV.  Watch the cattle stampede.

I, me personally, am not worried about the Corona virus but it is jamming up Chinese businesses bad.  This had to happen once the supply of Chinese products slowed. 

 IMO this is all a masterfully planned event.  I watched Trump say in an interview last week that Corona virus would be over by April.  How in the heck would he know that a supposed worldwide pandemic would be over in a couple of months? 

Corona virus panic, market crash, bank collapse, nationalization of collapsed banks, RV, in my conspiratorial minded sequence of events.  Of course it may not happen anything like that.  

Mr. Harfax:  If you are going to implement a new economic system based on new trade deals/agreements ….you'll have to address the old economic system.   How do you replace one with the other?  One option - You vacate, destroy or raze to the ground the old system. You take it down to nothing and replace it to something new......

ChrisC:  Here is the BS about this whole deal, and this is IMO.  This virus has a patent connected with it, so not natural but man made.  They already have a vaccine, that was known weeks ago, but it will not be available for 18 months or so.  Plenty of time to let it do what it will do, which I still think is not that much. 

Mr. Harfax is right, you have to handle the old system and that is what I have been warning about for some time now.  Do NOT be like the kid on my boy's T Ball team years ago that was just looking around picking flowers in center field. 

He didn't think he was in any danger since nobody had hit a ball even back to the pitcher's mound yet.  My boy got up to bat and it looked like Jose Canseco hit the ball.  That poor unsuspecting kid took it right in the chest and dropped like he had been shot with a deer rifle. 

The coach ran out and said "breathe Bobby breathe!".  Don't be picking flowers when this happens.

MaOakes12:  Chris, the info. I heard concerning the corona virus was that it was manufactured in a lab in China. A firm in Texas stated they have a cure for it here in the US. Just like the HIV virus all this crap is planned by the so called "elite".

Just like the so called "crash of 1929 it was planned. The big boys sold and when the price reached their buying level they started buying again. The stock market is manipulated like no other business in the world.

Time marches on and the money "boys" know when, where, how, etc. it is all going to play out.

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Don961:  Al-Nasr Coalition: Allawi hides his cabinet from Parliament, and Representatives knew the CV of the nominated ministers through the media!  LINK  

MilitiaMan:  ""The government program and CVs of cabinet members must be sent to Parliament 72 hours before the day of the vote to give confidence, while Allawi promises us to send them daily without doing so."

MilitiaMan:  72 hours from now is Thursday. The President of Parliament set a date for a confidence vote for Thursday.

So, since Pompeo rang up Allawi on the phone yesterday, maybe Allawi was given the nod to let the names fly... We shall see on that. All the while we wait, there has been more data coming out of the CBI. The below is not about Banks.. That would suggest the Banks already have been accounted for. So for the smaller folks, they need to get the 2019 data reported by the 29th..

Then there is the laws that are in place for those that are in the need to know realm. Like large investors, corporations, conglomerates, etc.. So, the seemingly syncronized data is in our favor they Monetary Reforms are coming to fruition.

The demands of the Citizens are still front and center. Don't forget that the new designate PM told us in the speech of his recently that the personal needs as in economic area priority! imo ~ MM




Frank26:  2-24-20  IGNORANT IRAN

Streamed live 46 minutes ago

This Video is in Frank’s opinion

Monday Conference Call: 7pm est 605-313-5164 PIN: 156996#

Playback Number: 605-313-5163


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