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Frank26 and Angel1 Video "Bank Shot" and more.....Wed. Night 12-4-19


Mr.Harfax:  I’m as optimistic as anyone that good things are coming. However, I try to take a level approach to events as they occur. As such here is my question regarding the announcements of “the receipt of all credit transactions for loans will be suspended”… was any further information released regarding this change?

I unfortunately know nothing about the Iraqi Commercial Bank but is it possible the change could relate to any of the following factors:

A re-examination of lending policies. We are seeing banks fail somewhat regularly these days is it possible this bank is having issue given its current environment?

A large volume of lending requests (i.e. new loans) was received/issued previously raising a possible flag?

Fears related to possible future asset bubbles or inflation

Is it possible this could be or will be discussed tonight?  

MilitiaMan:  I recall and posted what I think may have been reasoning in the matter in respect to loan suspensions.

That is, the CBI told banks to be prepared to modify contracts. Loans are contracts. Just as salaries are. All are in the news of recent too.

So if there is a rate change so no one gets an unfair deal or shorted in anyway, they may have suspended the loans payment wise for the month in anticipation of a rate change, fair is fair.

 There even in today's article on insurance supports that they are gearing for investors. They state for instance they will have the highest insurance payout in the world.

Here in the USA FDIC is $250,000. If that article above in respect to insurance and the relationship to capital. It m be may be suggesting they are telling us by using "in Billions" when they know the 3 zeros are going away when they raise the value, thus, may mean millions.

Thus , they may mean the are to be willing to pay out $1.5 million in insurance. That would be the highest in the world and would support investors safety or risk requirements far better in Iraq that in the USA..

Attractive it may very well be.. Just thinking out loud.. ijmo..

So we shall see what comes of it tonight.. ~ MM

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Samson: The start of the Nineveh Investment Forum with the participation of the Association of Iraqi private banks in Erbil
4th December, 2019

The Nineveh Investment Forum, which will bring together companies operating in Nineveh with international, regional and local investors, business leaders and other stakeholders with the participation of the Association of Iraqi Private Banks, kicked off on Tuesday 3-5 December 2019 in Erbil

The forum will discuss the possibilities of investment in the Kurdistan region and provide exciting opportunities in the sectors of agriculture, manufacturing, services and technology

The Nineveh Investment Forum, funded by the US Agency for International Development (USAID), will announce the expansion of its ongoing efforts to support regional development by opening additional business development centers at the upcoming Nineveh Investment Forum, which will help revive the private sector in Nineveh

"Shortly after the launch of the EIPI program in Nineveh six months ago, we established the first business development center in Erbil and are now assessing the location of additional facilities in Nineveh province," said Sahl al-Annabi, a private sector team leader in the Nineveh Investment Facility program. - With the expected opening of our second facility during the first quarter of 2020

For his part, the facilitator of the Nineveh Investment Facilitation Program team, Aaron Hsu, pointed out that “Business Development Centers will provide access to knowledge, tools and financial facilitation services to companies operating in Nineveh. To help her On revitalizing and mobilizing finance and growth, special programs will be offered to support women entrepreneurs and startups

The event, organized by the US Agency for International Development (USAID), brings together experts and speakers in international investment and development, a unique collaboration between the United States and the public and private sectors in Iraq to support communities in Nineveh by creating investment opportunities

Institutions supporting the Nineveh Investment Forum include: the American Chamber of Commerce in Iraq, the Kurdistan Regional Investment Commission, Yazda Organization (an international Yazidi organization), the Federation of Iraqi Industries - Nineveh Chamber of Industry, the Iraqi Intermediate Market Development Corporation, the Association of Iraqi Private Banks, and the Nineveh Investment Commission. And the American-Iraqi Business Council   LINK


Samson:  Washington shows support for the Baghdad-Erbil understanding on the 2020 budget

4th December, 2019
President of the Kurdistan Regional Government Masroor Barzani received in his office on Wednesday, US Ambassador to Iraq Matthew Toller.

During the meeting, which was attended by the US Consul General in Erbil, Stephen Wagen, discussed the latest developments on the Iraqi arena and the region in general, and stressed the importance of stability and security in Iraq.

The Prime Minister pointed out that the Kurdistan region is fully prepared to continue its positive role for the stability of Iraq. 

The US Ambassador expressed support for the mutual understanding between the Kurdistan Regional Government and the Federal Government, especially with regard to the draft budget for 2020. During the meeting, the US ambassador also reiterated US support for the Kurdistan Region.  LINK


Samson: Pentagon: New evidence of Iran's threat to America in the Middle East

4th December, 2019
New evidence of an Iranian threat to US forces and interests in the Middle East, state media reported on Wednesday, citing the Pentagon.

The media quoted the ministry as saying that Iran has moved troops and weapons in a manner that raises US fears of a possible attack if ordered by the Iranian regime, while stressing that there is no evidence of an Iranian threat to US officials.

Pentagon spokeswoman Rebecca Rebric told Sky News Arabia that we continue to monitor the Iranian regime's military and proxies. "We are very ready to defend American forces and interests if we need to." "It is not clear whether the potential threat will come from the central government or the Iranian Revolutionary Guards," CNN quoted a Trump administration official as saying.

The head of US military operations in the Middle East recently pointed out that the United States expects some kind of Iranian action in response to US sanctions and pressure, which are trying to get the regime to abandon its nuclear program. "I expect that if we look at the last three or four months, they are likely to do something irresponsible," said Gen. Kenneth Mackenzie, commander of US Central Command.

The United States confirmed that the Iranians had made several provocations against commercial shipping in the Gulf earlier this year and were also responsible for a massive drone attack on Saudi Arabia's oil infrastructure.

Several weeks ago, US Defense Secretary Mark Esper said that "the administration is pleased to see a decline in Iranian public actions in the region and the administration wanted to send a signal that the way forward is through diplomacy but the military is ready to act as needed." Earlier, the Pentagon said Trump had agreed to send US troops of a defensive nature, focusing mainly on air and missile defense.

The Pentagon said that an additional 3,000 US troops will be deployed in Saudi Arabia, pointing out that the troops to be deployed, including air defense and combat groups. In May 2018, Trump announced his country's withdrawal from the nuclear deal with Iran and reimposed tough sanctions on Tehran for its role in destabilizing the Middle East.   LINK

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Frank26:  12-4-19 ......... BANK SHOT




Tonight we have our bank expert with us…Angel1…and the banks are talking.

Angel1: Mike Pence came to Iraq last week and delivered the rider….This is HUGE!!!!!.And he didnt come alone….with him were big people with big credentials…

And all my banking contacts are so excited because the banks of Iraq all agreed to no loans for the next 30 days……this is giving them a runway for the take-off!!!! ALL THE BANKS AGREED TO THIS because they know its coming…..and we are in an incredible window!!! The banks if Iraq are in unity and they are all listening to the CBI!!!

Frank26 And where did Pence go?

Angel1: He went to the Kurds….to Kurdistan….he came bearing gifts…he brought the rider to the budgetand the HCL…and the gift he brought is what we have been waiting for … America is ready and the UST is ready and we are pushing this along

Angel1:  The UN was there and they said they were thinking of putting sanctions on…..but they didn’t do it…because the UN has dinars and they are going to fund themselves with the reinstatement of the Iraqi Dinar…….The Fab 4 is the UN, The WB, the IMF and the UST which is Donald Trump. …

Angel1: Not only are the Banks in Iraq in unity but the Fab 4 is also in unity….They all say go ahead and raise the value…My contacts are in HIGH ALERT right now because of the speed in which this is happening

There is much more………….

Please listen to the replay for all the news……


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