Dinar Recaps

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Frank, TNT, X22, Janda and more Saturday Night 11-30-19


Frank26:  11-30-19.... LET MY PEOPLE GO !!!

In less than 24 hours a major change just occurred


The following is strictly Frank26’s opinion.


MilitiaMan:  I would bet with Mahdi as of today (our time) officially per this article giving his official resignation would trigger the EXODUS that we are hearing about. Those in his cabinet would have reason to leave if they were tainted, as immunity may very well be gone. The writing would be quite clear that things could and or flat out get ugly.. Thus, the EXODUS began.. imo ~ MM


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Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26   …the citizens of Iraq when they found out this morning what was going on [Mahdi resigning] they flooded the streets…but this time it was everybody, men, women, children, dogs, cats, birds and camels.  Everybody… they were recognizing the United States of America…the people are going crazy because they now have everything they dreamed of…this is a Ta-da moment for me and my teams.  I mean we’re looking at 7 events that we have been talking about with our files study giving our opinions on it that today on this day the 29th it all came to fruition.

Frank26   …In my opinion the CBI will be coming out and talking probably tomorrow.   Because IMO they’re [CBI and the new Finance Committee] talking right now tonight.

Jeff   …they will never give you enough information in the media for you to actually calculate a rate...they’re actually gonna mislead you and discourage you…



Saturday UPDATE for November 30, 2019

It has been reported that some exchange locations had their staff to report to work today, early this morning......except Texas, of course. Time Will Tell



Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi said on Saturday that achieving the interests of the people is an easy goal for him, pointing out that the government has made every effort to respond to the demands of the demonstrators and to offer reform packages.

"Achieving the interests of the people is an easy goal," Abdel Mahdi said during his presidency of the emergency session of the Council of Ministers.

He added that "the government has made every effort to respond to the demands of the demonstrators and provide packages of reforms, appointments, plots of residential land and important bills such as the Electoral Law and the Commission and the Federal Service Council, and the file of positions of the agency, and the preparation of the federal budget, and work under an integrated government program," calling on the House of Representatives to "find Appropriate solutions at its next session. ”

The Prime Minister reviewed "the complex circumstances in which the Government was formed, the challenges it faced and the achievements it has achieved in the past period both domestically and in external relations."    link

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[DS] Tried To Remove Flynn,The Hunted Are Now The Hunters, It’s All About To Be Exposed:  Dave Janda

Nov 30, 2019


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