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Frank, Fleming, Pimpy and more Tuesday Afternoon 7-14-2020


Samson:  Finance responds to representative inquiries regarding the delay in the payment of salaries

11:31 - 07/14/2020

Attorney Nada Shaker attributed, on Tuesday, that non-payment of salaries of some government institutions due to the lack of cash, while confirming directing parliamentary inquiries to the Ministry of Finance in this regard.

Shaker said in a statement to "Information", that "a number of deputies sent an inquiry to the Ministry of Finance regarding the failure of a number of state institutions to receive their monthly salaries for now, and the ministry's response was that the reason was due to the lack of cash liquidity at the present time, but it promised those institutions that salaries be paid The coming days.”

She added that "the ministry justified that part of the amounts of the internal borrowing did not reach the treasury and that the coming days will witness the availability of funds", noting that "the coming months will be paid by the specified dates and there will be no delay."     LINK

 Popeye7:  Just as Frank, WS, Delta, MM, and Petra, and the teams have been declaring, there is a lack of liquidity in Iraq.. The very reason why salaries have not been paid consistently, and many have still not been paid for June... Which should have been 3 weeks ago... The last sentence certainly is evidence of what Frank's dream's entailed... No delays in the payment schedule... If this is the case for July, well, we all know what has to be done to remedy their scarce liquidity state...IMO

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Samson:  Washington and Moscow are considering holding the summit of the Big Five

7/13/2020 09:41:06

Washington and Moscow discussed the possibility of holding a summit that includes the five permanent members of the UN Security Council, according to the US State Department.

The US State Department said in a statement on Monday that the United States discussed with Russia the possibility of holding a meeting of the leaders of the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, a summit strongly desired by Russian President Vladimir Putin, according to Agence France-Presse.

In a statement, the US State Department said that US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo discussed with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov in a phone call to hold a summit "in the near future" of the leaders of the "five" major countries in order to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations.

In its statement, the US State Department did not specify where or when this summit might take place, but indicated that Pompeo, with Lavrov, during their phone conversations touched on the issue of Afghanistan and election security.

It is noteworthy that the five permanent members of the Security Council are the United States, Russia, France, Britain and China, knowing that the council includes 10 other non-permanent members.

And if the Big Five agreed to hold the summit, it would bring together US presidents Donald Trump, Russian Vladimir Putin, French Emmanuel Macron, Chinese Shi Jinping and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

It is worth noting that many differences differed between a number of these leaders, especially between the American presidents and his Chinese counterpart, against the background of the outbreak of the Corona virus, which caused the Covid-19 epidemic.   LINK


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Petra  ...I've been consuming a lot of popcorn.  It's because there's so much going on it's kind of like a movie...I'm really focusing on the CBI.  I'm looking at what Parliament is doing...I'm looking at many areas of not only Iraq but globally what's happening macro economically with the price of oil with this pandemic that we're dealing with.  The impact that's having on everywhere is really quite amazing.  What's a particular interest to me this week has been the activities of all these outside sources that are getting engaged with Iraq...we're in a place right now that's very quite quite exciting IMO.  It's exciting to watch.  It truly is a play in progress.  We're getting to that final end game...

 Frank26   Article "The Central Bank Participates In the Bani Platform".  This is extremely important for you to pay close attention to.  This is also dealing with the IBBC...they're sayin that the Central Bank is participating now in different platforms...If you look up that word platform when it comes to banking it stands for international communication between banks...why in the world would a program rate that is sanctioned on the United Nations Security Council need platforms with banks from Iraq to have a platform communication with banks outside of Iraq?  It's a program rate for crying out loud.  They're not Article VIII for crying out loud.  They're not international but when you see these types of footsteps...follow these tracks follow the money you'll understand what's going on...This is the evidence of things not seen yet. 

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Emailed to Recaps:   

MAY BE SHARED   Fleming: Today at 1:39 PM  All our military intel contact could say is "The release is ANY MINUTE STILL THIS WEEK as early as THIS EVENING. We're at the end of this. So stay positive and be grateful. There's more good news coming.

He added "Iraq delegation meeting with POTUS and team now; this is about to be cut loose. All obstacles being overcome now behind the scenes."

These are the first basket IQD VNN RUP IRR AFAI ZIM


Iraqi Dinar News 07/14/20

Pimpy’s Investment Chat: Jul 14, 2020


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