Dinar Recaps

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FootForward, C365, X22 and more Saturday PM 6-6-2020

Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Footforward   Tweet:  "Mustafa Al-Kadhimi:  My cabinet is now complete with today's vote... This is vital in implementing our program and delivering on our commitments to our people - who are waiting for actions, not words.  I think parliament for renewing its confidence.  We will move forward with optimism and fortitude."  [So this means the government has formed completely then?]  yes.  ...You notice he's talking about actions. What actions do Iraqis want? They want monetary reform.  [things are looking good for this month.]         agreed.

Jeff   Article  "Parliament passes vacant bag candidates and succeeds in completing the Al-Kazemi government"  They have completed the full formation of the government.  But remember I told you there were two things needed which are the linchpin.  Two not one.  They have to finish their agreement with Kurdistan and they had to finish the last 7 ministers.  The last 7 ministers is done.  Out of 2 you have 1 remaining.  Article "Next week a delegation will visit Baghdad to resolve the agreement on the oil file". This is Kurdistan...you're gonna have everything pretty much done within a week.  They should have this done probably by the 10th...they're on track to finish the two remaining items.  They already got the government done.  They could most likely have the second last remaining variable...done next week...that will allow them to probably change the rate during the second half of June...It looks like Iraq will go international as well during that second half of June.

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Iraqi Dinar News 06/06/20

Pimpy’s Investment Chat:  Jun 6, 2020

Lots of exciting things happened overnight while we slept …….


Currency 365:

Several Iraq Deputies Propose Dinar RV & Stop CBI Auctions

June 6, 2020


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 X22 Report Spotlight

Great Awakening Is Happening WW, Change Is Coming: Claudio Grass

Jun 6, 2020

Todays interview is with Claudio Grass, Claudio breaks down the current event of the pandemic.

This event was used to control the people, remove their rights and to push a new world order.

Claudio believes a great awakening is happening now and people are starting to see what is really happening, change is coming.


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