Dinar Recaps

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Fleming, Pimpy,The Atlantis Report and more Friday AM 2-19-2021

Fleming Late Thursday Night RV Update:

Our military intel contact just got back that as of 2:30 pm EST today Thu 18 Feb liquidity was being released successfully in test bonds closings for T2 govt related humanitarian organizations (T1 bonds & liquidity for govts were completed yesterday Wed 17 Feb);

Then audits were successful & at 5:23 pm EST today Thu 18 Feb orders went out to move to the next set of bond tests over the next 24 hours;

These T1-2 bond liquidity funds are providing liquidity to be down streamed to lower tiers and the 866 military personnel working on keeping these upper level bond funds moving have had to re-do security protocols to ensure no Deep State pedosatanists can siphon off funds, because the bond funds are in the mega-trillions or more range he said;

So the GOOD NEWS is THINGS ARE MOVING TO CONCLUSION but T4B will likely not be reached till next Mon-Tue 22-23 Feb; so he said manage your expectations and keep praying—Deep State efforts to delay the release are BEING OVERCOME NOW.

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Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Pimpy  Article:   "Significant increase in the central bank's sales of hard currency"  ...that is a good sign...this helps build up their foreign currency assets...if you want to have strength in the dinar or any type of confidence in the dinar you have to do something to prop it up.  You got to get people's confidence back in it.  I'm anticipating there being this year 2021 the value  of the dinar going up in increments.  Not all at one time.  They're gonna have to see how it affects the economy as it goes along...

Bruce   [via WiserNow]  We know that certain exchanges of currency for dinar, dong and Afghani had been taking place for days now...and a lot of this is in conjunction with the contract between Iraq and the United States for people returning to Iraq...they are going to use those people to rebuild that country and so this is something that we’re aware of...we know that these are ongoing...we’ve been doing this for a couple weeks or more...and its all good...


Debt Bubble 2021 - A Ticking Time Bomb Ready to Blow !!

The Atlantis Report:  Feb 18, 2021

Debt Bubble 2021 - A Ticking Time Bomb Ready to Blow

Gas prices are shooting up, up 25%. Food prices are through the roof. Housing prices are through the roof. This is the real world with Biden; and we are just getting this party started. In Texas, 30 people died because, without government assistance, they were unable to survive the winter. Let the welfare go offline and the TeeVee and Internet shut down for a month, and 1/2 the population would die.

Know why that's never going to happen? Because the half that would die is the half the government needs so they can stay in power. Those of us that would survive are the half that the government hates and fears.

 We are closer to Mad Max than you may think. Just wait till the gates from Mexico are fully Wide Open. It is all going to burn. And rightly so. Keep printing money, and this is what you get. Fake money has real consequences.

Zombie companies are propped up by debt and inflation. Amazing how this country didn't have much of a boom and bust cycle ever since when it was still on the gold standard, and we didn't have a Federal Reserve.

Bubbles are far worse this time for two big reasons. 1, low-interest rates, and 2, options trading. In 1999 there were very few people trading options.

Today, there are more options traded than buying the actual stock. This is the reason you see prices of stocks keep rising. The dollar is dying. Gold and silver prices are telling you the story. Bill Gates is stepping in now, telling everyone to shove it and eat synthetic beef.

Peasants, You will own nothing, eat bugs, and be happy. This is The Great Reset unfolding. 1, Concentration of wealth. 2, Growing gap between haves and have-nots. 3, Shrinking middle class. 4, Perpetual and "preventive" global warfare. 5, The end of economic mobility for this and the coming generation Two parties, but both serving the same donors and contributors.

The most wealthy and corporations, have negotiated away the interests of the middle class.


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