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Fleming, Frank, Pimpy and more Wednesday Afternoon 2-3-2021

Fleming Wednesday RV –Related Update

Fleming: Our military intel contact is confirming Mr. Fleming’s sources and Bruce’s sources that the shotgun start and T4B start are very very close at any moment going forward this week;

His timing info matches Bruce’s sources saying that bond sellers have been notified by paymasters, the bond sellers have returned notifications and communicated back by email and they've been told they will have access to funds (liquidity with access to the liquidity) in 24 hours of today Tue 2 Feb; as Bruce said, this makes tomorrow Wed 3 Feb look like a good possibility for the shotgun start including our T4B email notifications and start still any moment going forward this week.

He is confirming MarkZ’s sources and other sources that FOR THE FIRST TIME IN A LONG WHILE EVERYONE WHO NEEDS TO BE IN PLACE for the shotgun start IS IN PLACE at their banking centers—paymasters, attorneys, group leaders, bankers, many of whom MarkZ has talked to personally are all at their places WAITING FOR THE START TO BE TRIGGERED AT ANY MOMENT; redemption center staff are in the redemption centers this week waiting for us in T4B (T4 individuals) to be started.(edited)

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He said that claims by other military sources saying that the RV release will not happen till mid-March are simply disinfo, because ALL paymasters, attorneys, bankers, group leaders, etc, would HARDLY be IN PLACE NOW for a release that will not happen till mid-March;

He understands why the disinfo is put out by military and security team people—to throw off the bad guys—but he says to those putting out the disinfo, to put a cap on the disinfo and stop relying on it to protect white hat operations, because the bad guys are already largely subdued/arrested and our guy’s info is that the interim military government knows that the RV / GCR release is needed RIGHT NOW NOT IN 5 WEEKS (!!) in order to bring down the Deep State fully around the globe—that is PRECISELY WHY he said the banks, bankers, paymasters, attorneys, group leaders, etc, have been told the shotgun start is ANY MOMENT NOW GOING FORWARD.

He is confirming that NESARA will begin to be revealed this month of February while GESARA will begin to be revealed as early as March 2021

He is confirming that Congress does not appear to be in session now (  Thu 21 Jan–House cancels business during first full Biden week —Washington Times 

https://m.washingtontimes.com/news/2021/jan/21/house-cancels-business-during-first-full-biden-wee/ ),

The Washington Times

House cancels business during first full Biden week

The House won't meet next week, Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Thursday, canceling the first full week for the chamber under President Biden.

And more National Guard troops have been called by the DoD into DC to stay there through March / April for the transition to the restored Republic / NESARA being revealed and a new election via the QVS (Quantum Voting System);

He said again be ready for any moment now start of T4B notifications and be ready to present your project proposals for the higher contract rates.


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26   In December the IMF told the world Iraq is about to increase the value of their currency.  In January tells the world the same thingWhat do you think is going to happen in the month of FebruaryThis is huge...this is fantastic...the US treasury is done.  The IMF is done.  The World Bank seems to be done.  CBI it's your turn...

Jeff   Article:   "Pope Francis reveals the date of his historic visit to Iraq"  The Pope is only going there to pray over Iraq and pray for them to be successful.  This is more proof Iraq is going international.  It's a point of new beginnings...spring is the new beginning.  That's where Iraq is headed.  He's praying for the prosperity of Iraq...

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DeepWoodz:  Remember Tuesday was supposed to be the last day for parliamentary talks and Wednesday was to be the start of their break??? Guess what, they are still meeting over the budget.

Looks like all banks are making it much easier for the citizens to get loans. Why would they do this?  Because they know there will be a much higher rate of success in paying them back.

Add Polish companies to the list of dates for the prom.

Kadhimi makes a great speech laying the blame for the economic crises directly on Iran. Then finishes with this...

“The political crises in the world all come from problems in the elections, so we must all cooperate to make the elections successful."

No doubt he is a patriot for his people and an ally to President Trump. 

After reading the articles, doesn’t look like salaries have been paid out yet but sounds close. Does it need the new budget to do so? I don’t know. With deductions in place I don’t see why they won’t pay but do appear to be stalling for some reason.  How does the rider work? Don’t know.

There are a couple articles stating that parliament doesn’t have authority to do some of the things they would like to do. As always they are troublemakers. Once this budget is done, all attention will shift to the new elections. Their time is short.

Article 79 makes this comment....

The source pointed out that the next 48 hours will be "crucial for the Finance Committee to do justice to this segment and add them to the budget law."

Could this be their final deadline on finishing their budget talks??? Maybe!

Article 89 is by a BOZO but does say this...

“noting that "holding the next session is linked to the Finance Committee's end of discussing the budget law and the law's readiness to vote." 

I don’t believe it matters what these people do. I think politically they will extend for whatever time they need to LOOK LIKE they are in charge of something, but in truth they are not in control. We learned from earlier articles there is a timetable for the reforms. From article 79 there appears to be 48 hours left for them to give the appearance that they are still relevant.


Iraqi Dinar News 02/03/21

Pimpy’s Investment Chat:  Feb 3, 2021


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