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Fleming, Frank, Mike Maloney and more Wednesday Afternoon 12-22-2021

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Fleming Wednesday RV Thoughts.

Yesterday we heard that people will be in the bank Tuesday morning, with appointments that were set a while ago, on Wednesday/Thursday last week. No word yet on their present state of events.

We have however, heard that there were changes implemented, creating a delay that may go into next week.

It's important to remember that the people in this bank appointment right now, can only get (liquid/spendable) money for exchange/redemption, if Tier 4 B notifications have started.

We've heard repeatedly that no bank involved in exchange/redemption, can settle these exchanges in fiat dollars - on an asset-backed exchange, including Iraq, Vietnam and Zimbabwe; (not unless, it's only a nominal amount, in the form of a loan of 1%), per terms of the World Treaty Agreement.

Payout on any exchange/redemption must be in USN, as negotiated with a WORLD COURT TREATY, the same Agreement between China and US.  This Agreement is still in force and we're all ready for delivery and final settlement.  

CMKX and F&P, any accounts with money-on-hold are all supposed to be fully funded today.  This has not happened as of this writing, which is 1 PM.

Any of these "Accounts on Hold" in Tier 1 banks, due to validated/settled Safe Keeping Receipts, will be released and spendable, all at once - this is the Watershed Event.

This event can only happen with, 1) USN available - even if it's only digital, this together with, 2) the announcement, and Tier 4 Notifications, required in order for this release to take place.

It's a day/a week for disclosure and we can be very optimistic this will be forthcoming.

Chinese Elders were told their money will release today.

They know though, there will be no (USN) money releases unless Tier 4 B is notified as they Agreed.

The setups are all in place for this Seed Event, the Great Shift, to take place. This Great Shift could not occur unless the Way is Safe for Every-One, all over the planet. We have nothing to fear in this exchange process.

Will it be before Christmas?

 Let's all keep this excitement in check. It might yet. Not today though.

Every day we see new changes, receive news about global events taking place, that we didn't even know we were waiting on. 

We are witnesses, not authors.

We are key witnesses here, and that's our only job throughout this Great Shift and Watershed Event.


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Breitling  Question: "For the IQD...are we in another window?They're very very confident...they're going to add value to their currency.  Having said that, I don't know how to put it in a window...I just have confidence that they have confidence in it.

Frank26  Article: "Completing the payment of compensation for the State of Kuwait"  Quote "the last remaining installment of the State of Kuwait's compensation amounting to 44 million US dollars has been completed". What did I say over and over?  Kuwait was paid...this is big.  This is why we have the monetary reform coming.  Chapter 7 = Float.  You better memorize that. 



Greg Mannarino:  Dec 22, 2021


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Mike Maloney

This 'Economic Twilight Zone' Warning Is Playing Out In Real Time

Dec 21, 2021

Watch the full clip here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4_1p...

Listen to the warning about 'The Money Illusion' given by Jim Rickards from Hidden Secrets of Money Episode 7. More pertinent today than ever.


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