Dinar Recaps

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Fleming, Charles Ward, Pimpy and more Sunday PM 1-3-2021


Tishwash:  Parliamentary planning: The Minister of Finance and the Governor of the Central Bank are subject to dismissal

On Sunday, the Committee for Planning and Follow-up of the Governmental Program in Parliament accused the Minister of Finance, Ali Allawi, and the Governor of the Central Bank, Mustafa Ghaleb, of causing negligence and damage to public money, indicating that Parliament will hold them accountable if they fail to present evidence of innocence.

The deputy head of the committee, Muhammad al-Baldawi, said in a statement to "the information" that "the House of Representatives is determined to complete the questioning of Minister of Finance Ali Allawi and Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Mustafa Hidden, because of their negligence and the great financial damage."

Al-Baldawi added, "Raising the price of the dollar against the local currency, the dinar, is a catastrophe that cannot be tolerated. Parliament has gathered all the evidence and questions for questioning, as well as preparing an unfair budget for the right of citizens."

He pointed out that "the two parties in the event that their innocence is not presented before Parliament, he intends to dismiss them and hold them accountable because of the great complicity and the squandering of public money."   link

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Annie68:  Wasn't today supposed to be a tell-all day??!

Yada:  The one thing that comes to mind is the China deal that has to be done before the 15th,,,and Iraq needs it released now to address the devalued currency and their budget issues and reforms,,


Cutebwoy: Bloomberg: Iraq concluded one of the “largest deals in history” to sell oil “in advance”

People – Baghdad  

Bloomberg Economic Magazine confirmed, on Sunday, that Iraq had concluded “one of the largest deals in history” to sell oil in advance.  

In a report translated by “People” (January 3, 2021), the magazine relied on the statements of the General Director of the National Oil Marketing Company, Alaa Al-Yasiri, which he made to the official news agency.  

Al-Yasiri said that the operations were carried out “at the initiative of the Ministry of Oil, which was based on directives from the previous and current governments,” pointing out that “the former oil minister informed the company that it was searching for a mechanism to receive the sums in advance. The current command is the same. ”  

He explained, “The payment mechanism is usually 30 days after loading the shipments, but according to the new mechanism, the values of the shipments that will be charged for a full year are paid for a full year before loading within a certain period,” noting that “Iraq got two billion dollars at zero interest with a premium over the price.” “.  

And he continued, “Marketing elasticities have been set up for companies with a mechanism that does not affect Iraq,” noting that “several offers were made by companies and there was intense competition between two European and Chinese companies, and the Chinese company won.”  

He also pointed out that “the flexibility that Iraq has granted to companies is the freedom to determine the day of loading the shipments, the export destination, the possibility of resale and a set of marketing benefits, provided that he gets in return two billion dollars at a cost of zero,” stressing that “the cabinet approved this mechanism but we did not inform Officially to start implementation. The economic magazine says that the deal announced by Iraq has attracted widespread interest among major traders, according to people familiar with this issue. The contract will be one of the largest of its kind in recent history, and the winner is allowed to ship crude to wherever he desires for a year. Contrary to what used to be where Middle East crude is sold with strict provisions that prevent traders and refiners from reselling the barrels to different regions.  

The magazine shows, “Iraq has chosen a Chinese company to supply billions of dollars of oil, at a time when the country is seeking funds to support an economy reeling due to the collapse caused by the Corona virus in energy prices.” Past that “Chenhua Oil Company, a subsidiary of the largest state-owned contractor in China, is the winner.”  

This is the first time that Baghdad has sought to strike a prepayment deal, in which oil is effectively used as collateral for a loan. It is also the latest example of Chinese lending to struggling oil producers through commercial companies and state-controlled banks.  

SOMO has offered to supply about 130,000 barrels per day of crude oil for five years, according to a letter it sent to traders last November. It wants to pay up front for one year of the offer, which at current prices would fetch more than $ 2 billion, according to Bloomberg calculations.  

  A spokesman for the prime minister did not immediately respond to a request for comment, according to the report.  

While all major oil-exporting countries have been hit by falling prices since last March, Iraq is in one of its weakest positions. Despite being the largest producer of OPEC after Saudi Arabia, the International Monetary Fund expected its economy to shrink by 11% last year.  

The government weakened the dinar by about 20% against the dollar in December – its first devaluation since the US-led invasion in 2003 – as its foreign exchange reserves shrank.  

The magazine says, “Iraq’s problems make it difficult for the government to raise funds in a more traditional way through the bond market. The average yield in dollars is 8.2%, one of the highest levels of any sovereign country.” he Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) will meet on Monday to assess production levels. While the group, which includes 13 countries, reduced its production since last April due to high prices, Iraq violated its share on several occasions, which angered Saudi Arabia.  

While these cuts have boosted oil prices, they are still down by about 25% in the past year. Brent crude is trading at $ 51.80 a barrel, which is much less than what Iraq needs to balance its budget

Bloomberg: Iraq concluded one of the “largest deals in history” to sell oil “in advance”!

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Fleming Sunday RV Update:

Our military intel contact cannot say much for security except that Venezuela moving to an asset/gold-backed currency is another mark of the imminent RV / GCR release underway now (https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-01-02/venezuela-s-maduro-plans-shift-to-a-fully-digitalized-economy   ); otherwise he repeated that we need to watch for start any time next 72 hours; 


Nicholas Veniamin and Charlie Ward talk about Arrests and the Queen.





Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Pimpy  Article:  "Security Council Sanctions Committee concerning Iraq Removes One Entity from It's Sanction List"   Rafidain Bank has the sanctions against it have been removed.  This is good news.  This means that they obviously have behaved themselves...all is good. 

Jeff   Article: "Parliament Finance talks about attempt to withdraw the Iraqi dinar from the local markets"   The reason they're putting the dollar into the market and getting the dinar out of the market is they're trying to reduce the amount of dinar in the county in preparation for the rate change.  This is a direction that came from the World Bank and the IMF...You are literally in the season for the rate change.  You're there finally...they have the stage set for the rate change.  We are in the best position we've ever been in...


Iraqi Dinar News 01/03/21 - this will be a big help

Pimpys Investment Chat:  Jan 3, 2021


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