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Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Thursday Evening 11-9-23

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Thursday Evening 11-9-23

Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

To give you an idea of where the digital economy is going. Here is a link below to help you understand the goals of where we are headed in the next 5 years.

© Goldilocks

"Our four strategic goals are to:

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Expand Access – Make our unique collections, experts, and services available when, where, and how our users need them.

Enhance Services – Create valuable experiences for every user to forge lifelong connections to the Library.

Strengthen Capacity – Support our staff and strengthen our operations.

Foster Innovation – Explore new approaches and emerging technologies to address challenges and spark creativity."

© THE SIGNAL: Digital Happenings at the Library of Congress



"USDC issuer Circle eyes early 2024 IPO amid growing stablecoin adoption"

Although nothing is official and in writing at this point, an introductory private offering of the USDC coin would make trade relationships more solid going into next year with the new digital economy.

Many countries are already refusing to take the dollar in trade, and this new digital dollar would keep us in line with the changing tides.

© Goldilocks   Kitco Link


Bitcoin has just reached $37,000. It would make a lot of sense for the US to move into a digital dollar along with being the number one holder of Bitcoin at this time. The timing of this move together would be impeccable.

© Goldilocks


OCC TO LEAN ON BANKS REGARDING TCPA COMPLIANCE!: Primary Regulator Changes TCPA Examination Criteria for Major Banks And the Czar is About to be Even Busier   TCPAWorld Link


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The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation ("DTCC") just launched OTC direct connect.

Over-the-counter securities (OTC) are securities that are not listed on a National Exchange making it possible for these underlying securities to be accessed and traded such as new foreign currency markets.

This move will allow more transparent data to flow between investor and trader going forward along with smart contracts securing the trade inside a new digital economy.

© Goldilocks



I am aware that many headlines are written to grab people's attention. This is the purpose of a doom and gloom title for articles. Yes, we have been preparing for this transition for a long time. This is why capital requirements are being lifted to secure the transitional period for us.

The world is not coming to an end. It is at the beginning stages of a rebirth. If you have been following this page, you will realize that our financial institutions have been simply finding new parameters in order to exist in a new world.

Some stocks will fall while others will rise during this time. I just simply pray that you were on the right side of history at this point because it is coming.

"All roads lead to gold and gold will set us free."

© Goldilocks


"The number of Americans who feel gold is the best long-term investment nearly doubled from 2022 to 2023; more than a quarter (26%) now rank it above investment options such as stocks and bonds, according to a Gallup poll released earlier this year."


👆 Goldilocks pointed at this article 


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US finds no major trade partners manipulated currencies     Reuters Link


Whether your company is a new fintech or a traditional financial institution with deep roots, you should be taking notice of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) October 27, 2022 announcement concerning Section 1033 of the Dodd-Frank Act.[1] 

Among other things, Section 1033 mandates that financial services companies provide consumers with access to the data they generate, such as payment histories and transaction records, in a usable electronic format. It further provides that the right to access be "subject to rules prescribed by the Bureau."      https://www.jdsupra.com/legalnews/cfpb-provides-an-update-on-its-long-6465613/


This is the endgame...  The Economic Ninja


The Central Bank allows Iraqi banks to import foreign currency and requires them to meet 5 conditions (document)    Search4Dinar Link


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