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Economists Veiws on "BRICS, Gold Standard, and Economic Collapse" 8-24-2022

Russia's New BRICS Gold Standard Could End Gold & Silver Price Manipulation

Smart Silver Stackers:  8-23-2022

This week the Russian finance ministry announced a proposal of a new Moscow World Standard (MWS) for precious metals. The stated aim of this proposal is to "normalize" precious metals markets, and end precious metals manipulation by the LBMA.

 So far it remains unclear exactly how this new standard will be implemented, but among the ideas being discussed is backing the new BRICS reserve currency with precious metals, and fixing the price of gold, and possibly silver and other precious metals as well, in this new currency.

Should the new BRICS currency be genuinely backed by metals, that would make it a much for viable threat to the Dollar's status as the premier world reserve currency.


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ECONOMIC COLLAPSE! Just When You THOUGHT In Can't Possibly Get Worse... IT DOES.

Greg Mannarino:  8-24-2022


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