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Economist’s “News and Views” Tuesday 9-24-2024

Will China and BRICS Nations Destroy the Dollar?

VRIC  Media:  9-23-2024

Welcome to the official VRIC channel. Today, the discussion centers around the increasing momentum toward the de-dollarization of global trade, led by the BRICS nations.

As China, Russia, and other emerging economies strengthen economic ties and finance critical infrastructure projects worldwide, a shift toward a multipolar world is becoming more apparent.

With talks of a gold-backed trade settlement currency on the horizon, the dominance of the U.S. dollar appears increasingly fragile.

The conversation explores the upcoming BRICS summit and speculates on the feasibility of a new currency standard that could redefine global financial power dynamics.

Could we be witnessing the end of dollar hegemony?


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They Say It’s IMPOSSIBLE For the Dollar to Collapse

Taylor Kenny:  9-24-2024

The truth about your cash's value might shock you. Governments are printing money at will, eroding the wealth you've worked hard to build. Discover why gold and silver are the real stores of value and how to protect your wealth against the ongoing confiscation happening through inflation.


00:00 - The Illusion of Cash Value

00:36 - What the Dollar Lacks

01:16 - Gold: The True Money

01:49 - Government’s Plan for Unlimited Spending

 02:27 - Inflation and Wealth Confiscation

03:46 - Deficit Spending and the Mega-Rich

 04:27 - Protecting Wealth with Gold and Silver

 05:40 - J.P. Morgan’s Warning About True Money


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"The FED is Terrified of a Stock Correction" - Mike Maloney & Chris Martenson


At the Limitless conference, Mike Maloney sits down with Chris Martenson to discuss the real state of the economy and the dangers ahead.

From the Federal Reserve's policies that fuel wealth inequality to the fragility of the markets, they dive deep into why the average person is being left behind while the rich get richer.

Chris shares his insights on why we may already be in a recession, and they both criticize the role of the Federal Reserve in creating economic imbalances.

This eye-opening discussion is a must-watch for anyone who wants to understand how these issues affect not only the economy but also society as a whole.


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