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Early Saturday Morning Iraq News Highlights 5-7-22

Early Saturday Morning Iraq News Highlights 5-7-22

The National Union: The Framework Initiative Is The Best Because It Does Not Exclude Any Party

A member of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, Hasan Ali, described the initiative that presented the coordination framework as the most important step to break the blockage in the political process.

Ali stressed that with the multiplicity of initiatives, the coordination framework initiative is the closest to reality and is able to address the political crisis as it serves everyone and does not exclude any of the parties, adding that this initiative is the best because it allows the crisis to be overcome through concessions and dialogue.  LINK

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Al-Fatlawi: The Solution To The Political Impasse Is Through Direct Dialogue Between The Framework And The Current

The leader of the Al-Fateh Alliance, Ali Al-Fatlawi, said that the solution to the political impasse in Iraq is through one thing only.  Al-Fatlawi said that the solution to the political blockage in Iraq is through a direct dialogue between the coordination framework and the Sadrist movement, otherwise there is no solution to the political crisis, and that there are efforts being made by more than one political party to restore direct political dialogue between the framework and the movement, and there are positive signs in this regard.  LINK

Al-Sabri: Independent Mps Will Take A Unified Position On Al-Sadr's Initiative Within Days

political| 12:45 - 07/05/2022   Baghdad - Mawazine News, the representative of the Independents Bloc, Hussein Al-Sabri, said today, Saturday, that the ball has been placed in the court of the independents, and that the independent representatives are required to have a "steady national position and to be up to the responsibility."

Al-Sabri added, in an interview with the official newspaper "Al-Sabah", which was followed by "Mawazine News", that "the demand of the independent leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada Al-Sadr, for a national and serious stance towards the political process, many opinions were raised from the independents, followed by a meeting for them to unite the ranks to come out with a unified position, and to work on the This issue is taken with real steps and guarantees towards the real goal to get out of this political impasse.”

He continued, "During the next few days, a unified position of the independents will appear towards the initiative presented by Al-Sadr, and so far we have not taken a position on it," explaining that "Al-Sadr's tweet gave leadership and leadership to the independents, and there will be a clear vision from the independents to draw the real political map that the people wish for." Iraq, but the independents need guarantees." Ended 29/N33    https://www.mawazin.net/Details.aspx?jimare=192320

 g Him The Opportunity To Form An Iraqi Government, The Compass Of The Third Party Is Confused

Posted On 2022-05-07  By Sotaliraq  The positions of the independent representatives in the Iraqi parliament varied regarding the responsibility borne by the initiative of the leader of the Sadrist movement to take over the formation of the government, in an indication that they are not a completely united bloc.

Muqtada al-Sadr  , who heads the "Save the Homeland" coalition consisting of the Sadrist movement and Sunni and Kurdish blocs, threw  the ball into the court of the independent representatives in a new initiative, after the " coordinating framework  " movement formed by forces loyal to Iran lost its first initiative in which it gave it a 40-day opportunity to form government alone.

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Al-Sadr’s new initiative requires that what he called the “third party” form an independent government within 15 days that is supported by his coalition.

Initiatives continued after the formation of the government was disrupted, as Al  -Sadr’s coalition  , which led the  elections, insists on forming a national majority government, while the “Framework” insists on a consensual government to preserve its former great presence in power.

Regarding giving them the opportunity to form a government, the positions of the independent representatives varied, in an indication of the confusion of the positions of some of them about playing a pivotal role if they joined one of the two poles of the conflict.

For the People, the “For the People” coalition dealt with Al-Sadr’s initiative with caution, after seeing that it might “result in a new transformation,” while expressing openly that the coordination framework initiative “carries no value.”

The “For the People” coalition is the largest independent parliamentary coalition, and it consists of 18 representatives from the Emtad and New Generation movements, and adheres to the demolition of the quota wall, which began to be dismantled by the “outcomes  of the October Revolution,  ” according to coalition member Massad Al-Rajhi.

The “October Uprising” is protests that erupted in 2019 against the spread of corruption, poor living conditions, Iranian interference in Iraq and the quota system.

Al-Rajhi added that Al-Sadr’s initiative “will be subject to an extensive study,” calling for providing guarantees and axes of action in order to formulate a program that achieves the interests of the people.

The number of independent representatives reaches 40 seats, distributed between small blocs and individual personalities, according to the results of the electoral system, which allowed individual candidacy, in return for nomination on open lists, which allowed the arrival of representatives representing the protests, and other social and religious forces.

Muqtada al-Sadr: The coordination framework failed to form a consensus government

support and opposition

The head  of Iraq's Independent Parliamentary Bloc,   Abdul Hadi al-Hasnawi, called on independent parliamentarians to accept al-Sadr's initiative to form an "independent national government that expresses the aspirations of the citizen."

However, the representative from  Najaf Governorate   , head of the independent popular bloc, Muhammad Anouz, announced that his choice is the opposition.

He attributed this to "Sky News Arabia", because "our vision since the beginning is not to participate in the formation of any executive authority, but we support the government of the political majority, regardless of who constitutes it."

He described his opposition as "opposing an issue, a decision, or a law, and not an opposition from political parties."

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Iraq's leaders warn of the repercussions of the political crisis... and it is a dangerous matter

sectarian initiative

Al-Sadr’s initiative triggered stagnation in Parliament, with positive and negative interactions with it. The “ Coordination Framework  ” initiative did not achieve the same thing.

The latter’s initiative is summarized in preserving the fortunes of the largest community component in forming the most numerous bloc in the government, and agreeing to nominate the Prime Minister, while bearing responsibility for his failure and success and holding him accountable.

Ghazi Faisal, director of the Iraqi Center for Strategic Studies, told "Sky News Arabia" that the initiative "did not present anything new", and sectarian reservations "continue to emphasize the return to the largest Shiite bloc, which represents the largest component."

He continues: “Parties represent only their members, and they cannot impose themselves as representatives of the people or a sect, noting that the percentage of boycotters of the elections in 2018 amounted to 80%, and in 2022 it amounted to more than 80%,” in reference to the extent of the loss of confidence in the parties. LINK

Sovereignty Holds An Extraordinary Meeting At The End Of The Week To Discuss The Fate Of The “Trio”

Politician   Last Update 05/07/2022  The Information/Baghdad... Informed political sources revealed, on Saturday, the intention of the Sovereignty Alliance to hold an extraordinary meeting at the end of this week to discuss their fate with the Triple Alliance.

The sources said in an interview with "Information", "The poles of the Sovereignty Alliance will hold an extraordinary meeting at the end of this week in Baghdad to discuss the fate of the Triple Alliance and what are the next steps, especially with the recent developments, with the coordination framework presenting a comprehensive initiative to resolve the political blockage accompanied by a response from the leader of the Sadrist movement."

The sources added, "There is a state of restlessness and dissatisfaction of not a few of the Sovereignty's representatives regarding the policy of al-Halbousi and al-Khanjar regarding important files," stressing that "the meeting is important and decisions may emerge from it regarding the Iraqi political scene."

She indicated that "more than 20 MPs from the Sovereignty are resentful of Al-Halbousi's policy and expectations of their exit from the coalition are very likely, especially as they approach the tracks of the coordination framework, which succeeded in winning dozens of MPs in the past weeks." finished/ 25 f


Al-Halbousi Alliance Records A New Failure In Diyala

POLITICIAN  2022/05/07 | The Information/Baghdad..Informed political sources revealed, on Saturday, that an alliance of progress headed by Muhammad al-Halbousi recorded a new “failure” in Diyala Governorate.

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The sources said in an interview with Al-Information, "Al-Halbousi coalition has sought, for several weeks, through strong pressures, to change the new Diyala operations commander under the pretext that the position belongs to the Sunni component, and that changing it is a necessity to balance with harsh criticism of the military institution on several occasions through some of his representatives from the province." “.

The sources added, "Despite all the pressures of the Al-Halbousi coalition, it failed to achieve its goal of changing the commander of Diyala operations, Major General Ali Fadel Omran," noting that "the military institution rejected such demands because they are considered interference in the affairs of managing the security file."

She explained, "Al-Halbousi's coalition failed again in attempts to pressure the security file to achieve its goals," noting that "there are differences between Al-Halbousi's deputies and Al-Khanjar regarding calls for change in the security establishment in Diyala Governorate and the need for any demands to be unified and not stemming from a specific vision of a deputy or Politician". finished / 25 F   https://almaalomah.me/2022/05/07/596535/

Deputy: Political Blocs Want To Continue Blocking To Achieve These Goals

Politician  Last Update 05/07/2022   Information / Baghdad ..  The representative of the Al-Fateh Alliance, Rafiq Al-Salihi, confirmed, on Tuesday, that some political blocs have a desire to continue the state of political obstruction because they benefit from it to achieve goals and objectives, calling for the need to interact with the coordination framework initiative to cut the way in front of those goals that serve their own interests as well. Stop the caretaker government from overstepping the powers.

Al-Salihi said in a statement to / the information /, that “some political blocs are trying to maintain the state of political blockage in order to pass appointments and project contracts through the caretaker government and also silence the abuses of the Al-Kazemi government, which took advantage of this blockage.”

He added that "one of the goals and objectives of these political blocs is also to disrupt the legislative role of the House of Representatives to pass projects and contracts in their favour," calling on the political forces to "interact with the coordination framework initiative to cut the road to those goals that serve their own interests as well as stop the caretaker government from violating its powers." .

The independent politician Saad Al-Mutalibi had warned in a previous statement to / the information / the political forces against losing the remaining hair between the citizen and the political system due to the continuation of abuses and violations that Al-Kazemi and Al-Halbousi confuse by exploiting the constitutional vacuum.   https://almaalomah.me/2022/05/07/596541/

Independent Deputy Of Al-Sadr: Our Voters Are More Than You, And Your Initiative Is Not Clear

Politician  Last Update 05/07/2022 |   The Information/Baghdad  : On Saturday, the independent deputy, Basem Khashan, downplayed the importance of the recent initiative of the leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, regarding the political blockage, as being “unclear”, while stressing the need for the independents to lead the next government away from the parties, as they won the highest electoral votes.

Khashan said in a statement to "Information", that "Sadr's initiative regarding the formation of the government is not clear, and that the independents want an independent government that is not linked to parties or controlled by one party over another."

He added that "the votes obtained by the independents during the elections are the most, as 1.7 million voters voted for them, while the Sadrist movement and sovereignty combined ranked second with a total of 1.5 million votes," likely, that "the 15-day period that al-Sadr granted to the independents will end without acceptance." .

Khashan added, "If the independents respond to Al-Sadr's call, they must lead the government away from the current and the framework, and on the contrary, they will be outside the next government, and this is the condition of the independents." finished / 25 AD   https://almaalomah.me/2022/05/07/596516/

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