Dinar Recaps

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"Don't Shoot The Messenger" by Dr. Dinar

Thank you Dr. Dinar

Don't Shoot The Messenger  by Dr. Dinar

As I listened to a replay of one of the recent Dinarland conference calls, I couldn't help but notice a definite downer vibe amongst many of the Caller's.

That been there, done that, got the T-shirt, the T-shirt shrank in the dryer and now I got nothin' to show for all that money I spent kinda vibe.

Yeah, that kinda vibe.

For the most part, that's nothing new.

And when I say it's nothing new, by that I mean I've heard it at the start of every year.

For the last 10 years or so.

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The previous year always ends in stressful anger, drowning in the disappointment of having experienced the letdown of yet another broke Holiday season.

Another 365 days of hoping they could finally get their act together and make this RV/GCR happen.

Only to once again fail at the one yard line.

How can they continually be soooo close to this happening, week after week, month after month, year after year, and yet they still can't seem to get their ducks to stay in a row long enough to cross the finish line.

If any of us Dinarians were this inept at our jobs (those fortunate few that do have jobs anyway. Many of us aren't as lucky), we would have been fired long ago.

And might I add, rightfully so.

How long can you go on failing to produce any tangible results before you're handed a small pink piece of paper suggesting you clean out your cubicle, given a cardboard file box with which to gather your belongings and being escorted to the door.

One would have to think it wouldn't take all that long.

Certainly not decades anyway.

From what we've been told this whole GCR dealio has been in the works since we were kids.

Of course, we had no idea any of this was going on.

How could we.

It was all kept neatly under the radar, strictly on a need to know basis and it goes without saying very few folks, if any, needed to know.

Not to mention our biggest dream at the time was the possibility of getting an awesome new Schwinn bicycle for Christmas.

The one we'd spent months drooling over, dropping hints about wanting, every chance we got.

The one we never got.

Did that stop us from wanting it?

You better believe it didn't.

It wasn't until we outgrew that dream that we finally replaced that dream with a new dream.

A dream that included 4 wheels as opposed to two.

Point being we never stopped dreaming.

Our dreams just evolved into bigger and better dreams.

And as I continued listening to the replay of the call, the monotony of the Callers began to take its toll.

Taking its toll to the point where I was spending more time checking out the insides of my eyelids (in between eye rolls) than I was focusing on the call.

If there's one thing this Call is known for, at least by me anyway, is having the very same 25 Callers calling in each and every M/W/F.

Yep, like clockwork, even if you haven't quite learned all of the phone numbers by heart, the minute they begin to speak you can pretty much ask their question for them without hearing them utter a word.

But it's not their questions I'm curious about nearly as much as the possible answers.

Because it's in those answers that I hope for the possibility of a new nugget of nourishment.

Something said that might coincide with other things I'm hearing and between the two, perhaps may lead to a bit of confirmation of sorts.

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Sure, there's a very good chance it could be your everyday standard circletel (rumors passed on from one Conference Call to the next, repeated enough times to where it's distorted just enough to not sound exactly the same, while still making it sound plausible enough to be a confirmation of sorts).

However, in this case, I feel relatively confident in the confidence these guys have in their sources and the uniqueness of who they speak with and what they share.

Continuing to listen, all while doing other stuff to keep my mind preoccupied, something strange erupted from my computer speaker.

Yes, speaker.

As in one singular speaker.

The other speaker kicked the bucket many moons ago.

Yet another reason I need this GCR to pop.

My computer is Fred Flintstone era, and the hamster that powers it is literally on its last legs, having filed for a leave of absence long ago.

I'm praying it hangs in there long enough to reach the finish line.

Anyway, as I listened a bit more intently, I noticed an unfamiliar voice coming across the airwaves.

It wasn't as much the voice that caught my attention as it was the content of his comment.

He started off by saying he was rather new to this adventure, only been involved for the past few months, and was doing all the research he could to catch up to speed.

I was like, kudos to you dude.

First off, congrats for being fortunate enough to discover this endeavor.

Secondly, good on you for wanting to do some homework on the subject.

One thing I can say for certain is that if you were open to it, this thing has given us an education in Global Economics that none of us saw coming when we placed our first currency order.

I see so many folks that have been angry since the start (or close thereabouts), thinking this thing should have happened long ago and that somehow they got ripped off along the way.

Well, to those folks all I can say is no one, not one of us, was promised it would be an overnight thing.

Sure, we'd all heard the Hurry up, order your dinar ASAP, you've only got a few days before it pops hypium right from the start.

But after the first year or so you begin to realize that simply isn't the way this thing's gonna go down.

It's so much bigger than that.

As I continued on listening to the recording it made me realize that I too had lost much of that newness.

That spirit of hope.

That It's gonna happen, I KNOW it's gonna happen, I just don't have a dang clue when feeling.

And I want that back.

In the worst way.

Without a doubt I'm like everyone else in Dinarland in that I fully admit to my confidence level being tested at times, not always passing the test

For the most part I'm able to reel it back in, many thanks to my Vent Buddy.

Lately though it's been getting increasingly difficult to reign in my feelings, staying hopeful for sooner rather than later.

Mostly because this year is starting off like every other year.

All too familiar.

One more year we shouldn't be here.

And I'm not in the best position to survive this ride until the very end.

Whenever that may be.

Not that I'm quitting.

Not selling out.

Not bailing.

Simply struggling more than I'd like.

I always saw this playing out quite differently.

Seeing myself with more than enough currency to take care of business.

Which is no longer the case, having to sell back a bunch of it to keep afloat.

But I'm still in the game and that's what counts.

Am I angry it hasn't happened yet?

Honestly, yes and no.

I'm much more disappointed than anything else.

It's difficult to be angry when you don't have any factual proof that this thing should've already happened and that someone is indeed stopping it from happening.

Which I definitely haven't ruled out as being the case.

But again, I have no way to verify it.

No proof.

Without verification, it's simply another rumor.

Another rumor, like every other rumor we're bombarded by on a daily basis.

So, to all our fellow Dinarians out there that are drowning in anger and wanting to lash out at someone.

Or something.

Why not step back for a minute and look at the bigger picture.

Think about how fortunate you are to even be involved in this thing.

To even have a shot at becoming wealthy.

Many people will never be offered this opportunity.

Even crazier, think of all those people that we offered the opportunity to get involved and without doing their own due diligence, automatically labeled us a lunatics and wanted nothing to do with us nor the adventure.

Sure sucks to be them.

Well, not so much right now because so far we're pretty much living up to the lunatic label.

Someday though.

Some random day.

Or night... who really knows which.

At some point we're gonna wake up to an entirely new reality.

One in which we can finally move forward and live the lives we've always dreamed of.

Please hang in there.

If you're struggling, doing your best to keep it together, just know that you're not alone.

There are many of us in that same boat.

Barely afloat, surrounded by 25K... oops, I mean 25ft waves, ready to capsize at any second.

Do I think we're close?

Who knows.

That's really anybody's guess.

Do I think we're closer than we've ever been?

To that, I shout a resounding YES!

But what do I know.

I'm simply the Messenger.


Dr. Dinar

Disclaimer; I'm not a Wealth Manager, Financial Advisor, CPA, Tax Attorney, RV/GCR Committee member, nor am I the owner of a pitchfork, nor a torch. I'm simply someone that chooses to believe in the power of positive thinking and on the odd chance this thing truly is real, I want to make sure I'm there at the finish line to enjoy it.

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