Dinar Recaps

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DJ, Pimpy, Nader and more.....Monday AM 2-6-2022


In trying to understand why things are the way they are, in particular, the GCR/RV, I’ve always had the mentality of ,”look to the motivation behind the action”. When governments put in, what appears to be, crazy policy’s or just plan stupid actions, what is the motivation behind it?

The same goes with just about any action that is taken by any foreign government, agency, institution, or person for that matter. Keeping in mind there is always “cause and effect” behind any action. Or for every action there is a reaction. But what I’ve not done is looked at the individual and questioned the individual’s motivations.

What is the real motivation behind a GCR/RV , from a personal perspective? The obvious comes to mind, a bunch of money can do a lot. There’s the world view of ending poverty, ending starvation, dismembering the evil bad guys who have corrupted the world and stabilizing the global financial systems, but then there is the personal view.

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We all say “O’yeah, i’m going to end global poverty and help stop all this madness”. “ I’m going to fund and do these massive projects to fix humanity”. But what is the reality?

Other than the immediate fix of upgrading one’s personal life and those of their loved ones, what is the reality of the long term benefits? Pretty much anyone who has been in this for any period of time has more years behind them, than years in front of them.

If the sums spoken of all come to pass you won’t be able to spend 1/100th of the money in your lifetime. I don’t know of any involvement by the younger generation. And it is that generation that will experience the benefits and effects, the GCR/RV will generate. It is that generation the baton will be passed to. Will they have the wisdom to build on the foundation we have made for them?

With age comes wisdom, (theoretically), and it is the nature of youth to pursue what catches their eyes not what catches their heart. With age we understand that success is not how high you have climbed, but how you have made a positive difference in the world. That when we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves. Thus , by extension, change the world.

With age comes the wisdom to understand that it is far more important to have what you need before you pursue what you want. It is a good thing to have lofty goals but we must teach our children to be grateful for what they have while they pursue their goals. If you aren’t grateful for what you already have, what makes you think you will be happy with more?  DJ



Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Pimpy   What happened between Kuwait and Iraq?  August 2, 1990 Iraq invaded Kuwait.  They occupied the country around October of 1990.  Saddam Hussein told the people in Kuwait they had until October 3rd to exchange their Kuwaiti dinars for the Iraqi dinars.  After that the Kuwait dinars wouldn't have any value...Both currencies immediately were devalued.  Kuwait's dinar was devalued to protect it from being stolen and sold on the black market.  Iraqi dinars were devalued because of the invasion.  [Post 1 of 2....stay tuned]

Pimpy  The Iraqi dinar at the time was worth $3.22...Kuwait dinar...$3.45...internationally the currencies were not usable.  Central banks refused to acknowledge the currency and therefore it had no value.  The U.S. liberated Kuwait February 28, 1991 and shortly after Kuwait redenominated their currency.  So it's not so much the currency was revalued as much as it was re-denominated, which is different...I'm anticipating [Iraq] is going to do the same thing Kuwait did...you'll be able to exchange your old dinars for the new dinars and they'll just reinstate the rate.  [Post 2 of 2]

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The decision has been made the exchange rate it’s gonna go down to the old 

Nader of the Mid East:  12-5-2022


Peter Schiff- "The US Economic Crisis Is About To Get Worse By 2023" | Economic & Gold Market

Investor Note:  12-5-2022

In today's video, Peter Schiff talks about the federal reserve and central banks that caused inflation around the world. According to Peter, inflation is only going to get worse and it's never going back to the 2% that the fed is trying to achieve.


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