Dinar Recaps

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Delta, TNT and Pimpy Sunday Night 9-27-2020


DELTA:  Concerning the currency, salaries and commodity prices ... 10 economic measures and "radical" financial changes that Iraq is expected to implement next year.


Yes Iraq: Baghdad

Today, Sunday, the economic and oil expert, Nabil Al-Marsoumi, revealed reforms to the International Monetary Fund that Iraq is expected to implement some of them during the next year 2021.

Al-Marsoumi said in a blog posted by "Yes Iraq", asking: "Will Iraq implement the reforms of the International Monetary Fund?", Noting that "the package of economic reforms adopted by the International Monetary Fund, which Iraq is expected to implement some of them in 2021, consists of the following: :

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1- Decreasing the national currency exchange rate....( MEANS RAISE VALUE HERE)

2- Raising the interest rate and setting credit ceilings

3. Gradual reduction of government support for government goods and services

4. Reducing public spending on goods and services

5. Reducing the salary clause and limiting the appointment of graduates in government institutions

6. Restructuring and privatizing the losing public sector enterprises

Reducing the transfer expenditures items of a social nature, especially with regard to subsidizing the prices of essential commodities

Raise energy prices to the level of international prices

Raising tax rates, increasing their proceeds, reorganizing them, creating other tax vessels or imposing direct taxes or policies for indirect taxes, as well as increasing the base of taxpayers, limiting tax exemptions, developing collection methods and combating tax evasion

10. Liberation of all prices and trade liberalization


Ol=Lar:  implement SOME of them in 2021, sooooo maybe implement others at the end of this month, perhaps?



Weekend UPDATE for September 26-27, 2020


Iraqi TV has been broadcasting the CBI governor announcing the launch of the paper reforms for the currency of Iraq coming to the banking sector soon. This broadcast has been on a continuous "news loop" throughout the day.


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Pimpy   ...there's something definitely coming up in October.  It's one thing when gold bugs and silver bugs talk about stuff that's going to happen and currency investors take about something that's going to happen and crypto people talk about something that's going to happen but now all of them are intersecting.  Everything is pointing to something major happening in October.  People are talking about things that are happening in the crypto world happening in October.  Gold & silver bugs are talking about the IMF meeting happening in October.  We know the talk of a Global Currency Reset has been kind of from time to time touching on something happening in October.  I have a feeling all of them are tied into one another...

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Iraqi Dinar update - exchange rate change coming

Pimpy’s investment Chat:  Sep 27, 2020


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