Dinar Recaps

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Delta, Frank, TNT, Ben Fulford, Lynette and more Monday Night 12-30-19



CBI DID PRINT CURRENCY ON NOV AT THE COST OF $35,006,954 WORTH ...............800,182,960,000 DINARS 

Frank26:  TOLD YOU SO ........ SMILE

Ryan1216:  Time for the CBI to embarrass the GOI




"So, this morning I went to my NOT tier 1, maybe low end tier 2 bank, to withdraw my rent payment, when I asked the teller if any new bills were coming out soon, and she was unaware of any, she called them “funny money”.  

I said foreign currency is funny money, as I pulled out a 500K dong from my wallet, saying this should revalue soon.  She nodded, and said yes, she knew that.  

I asked her if she knew for how much, and she said it was just speculation.  I said I’d heard $.47, to $2.00, and she just nodded and said yes.  

SO, there you have my best bank story!  WooHoo!

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Humanity’s liberation from satanic Western ruling class possible in 2020

December 30, 2019  By Benjamin Fulford

With a big push, humanity could be liberated in 2020. The key will be to force an implosion of the Khazarian mafia’s privately owned central bank system of debt slavery, according to Pentagon, P3 Freemason, and other sources.

The increasing disconnect between the real-world economy and the financial market bubble is being deliberately engineered to cause a humanity-liberating systemic failure during 2020, say Asian secret society and P3 Freemason sources. (And no, P3 is not a typo; see below for details.)

This Ben Garrison cartoon illustrates the current situation:

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Needless to say, the real economy is continuing to plunge despite the record-high stock market and corporate media cheerleading. The latest sign is the Baltic Dry Index, which is plunging to lows not seen since the Lehman crisis. The BDI cannot be manipulated with fiat funny money like other indexes can, because it is the price of sending physically existing stuff in ships.


Durable goods orders, another reality-based indicator, are also plunging.


A hidden part of this financial/economic war that’s now raging involves an East/West tug-of-war over historical bonds.

The U.S. Treasury Department has started buying Chinese historical bonds in hopes of using them to get gold to meet a January 31, 2020 payments deadline, Japanese right-wing sources and P3 Freemason sources say.

Meanwhile, the Chinese have been buying old American Corporate bonds in a counterattack, they say. The “dark digital U.S. dollars” being created this way are being used to “make monetary inflation to f-ck the U.S. dollar,” they explain.

The bonds are either ending up with the U.S. Secret Service in Citibank or with the Chinese Secret Services in the Hong Kong Branch of HSBC Bank, they say. “Historical bonds are a way of f—king the enemy,” they explain.

This secret war is also leading a huge surge in public gold-related activity and is part of the reason that talk of a financial reset has become a mainstream topic in the markets.


This gold activity is picking up, as the experiment of using negative interest rates to save the fiat financial system is failing. It is failing because more and more investors are moving their money into physical cash (which is immune to negative rates), gold, and other things that actually exist. The bottom line is that reality always wins in the end.


The fact that the Rothschild-owned United Nations is now openly calling for the use of cryptocurrency to finance its operations is a sign they are running out of physical assets like gold and are looking for a digital escape hatch. The gold-holding Asians, for their part, would rather create a new UN in Asia.


The P2 Freemasons, Asian secret societies, the British Commonwealth, the Pentagon, and others have been trying to end this war by reaching a new agreement on how to run the planet.

Toward that end, the Italian P2 Freemason Lodge has now been superseded by the P3 Freemason Lodge, P3 sources say. There was even an announcement of this in the Italian press on December 30th.


The rest of post is for subscribers only until Thursday Night at midnight


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From Recaps Archives:

Lynette Zang: The Reset Is Already Under Way!

Dec 3, 2019


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