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"Consequences and Remedies" by Ron Giles 1-1-2021

"Consequences and Remedies" by Ron Giles - 1.1.21

Entry Submitted by Ron Giles at 2:59 AM EST on January 1, 2020

Life requires us to make decisions. Those decisions have consequences, some good, some bad; some intended and some unintended. Have we ever made a decision to do something and then later wished we hadn’t?

 If so, then we usually move on to damage assessment and then consider our remedies to fix the problem. Regardless of the outcome, decisions are a part of life and what we do in figuring out beforehand becomes a major part of the decision process.

In business, this is called risk assessment or risk management. The trick is to assess the risk before the decision and determine whether the possible negative consequences are manageable.

The RV process requires us to make many decisions prior to the actual RV appointment.

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 It is our responsibility to gain enough information to be able to pick through the possibilities and come up with a plan. If the process of making a decision is easy then it is a breeze, but if not, we need to assess the risk of a negative decision and mitigate the negative consequences to our, once-in-a-lifetime-decision to be sure it is correct to the best of our discernment.

Many warnings have been given about listening to the gurus who have never been correct in giving their predictions as to when the RV is to take place. What are the risks of believing their intel when they have never been right? Add to that their endless Zim rate fluctuations and their exchange rates with Contract rates, sovereign rate, negotiated rates, front and back screens rates, ad nausium.

Is the risk assessment something we can live with or should we rethink our position and get better intel from a source that does not predict things?

One has been proven wrong and the other source seems to be using integrity as a basis of their intel. As a guru, if your source is always wrong, then why do you continue to use it as if something will change?

Your integrity comes into question when you continue to report intel from a source that never gets it right. If your integrity is intact, you would either get a new source or get out of the business. Or is there money involved?

On the other hand, the source has a chance of being right because they have not predicted something that was wrong. Which one do you give credence to? What is your risk assessment? It is important to go with the intel that has a better chance of being right.

Here are some Truths to consider:

1. There is a front door to the Redemption process within the QFS. Those going through this “Front Door” will redeem without a problem. Those who think they are special and can get in through a side door or the back door will be sadly mistaken.

2. The Alliance will have prepared a website on the Quantum computer that we can access with our computer or mobile device. Accessing the website, we put in our location information (zip code, etc.) and a local phone number will be given that we can call and make our redemption appointment.

3. Rates for exchange and redemption will be a factor of two things; YOU, and your humanitarian projects.

4. Contract rates are for group currency exchanges that were negotiated years ago for “First Basket Currencies,” if they still exist. Those contracts were made with a bank and not with the Alliance nor the QFS. There is no Contract Rates for Zim. Your rate for currencies or the Zim is negotiable, however, you will probably get what you are asking for if you are a Sovereign Humanitarian.

5. There are no contract rates for Zim, only negotiated rates. You are the Sovereign and nobody should be negotiating for you.

6. Each individual Zim Holder will negotiate their own rate according to the needs of their humanitarian projects.

7. Those Zim Holders also having other RV currencies may exchange them at the same redemption appointment. All of the funds will be deposited in your QFS account.

8. All RV/Redemption funds will be put into an individual’s personal or Trust account within the QFS. These funds will be the new gold-backed digital currencies using digital gold certificates for transfers.

9. The Central Bank banking system will be dismantled or repurposed for use by authorized agents of the QFS. A new Financial System will be put in place with branches being called Financial Service Centers. Normal banking services will be accomplished within these Financial Service Centers.

10. Due to the fact that there will be no profits dealing with money within the QFS, Banks will fail. Certain Zim Benefactors will take over all bank assets and pay the overhead and employee wages & benefits, for employees, and turn it into the new Financial Service Centers Industry.

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11. The QFS will not deal with old Fiat currencies. Financial Service centers will be tasked with doing individual exchanges from Fiat currencies to gold-backed currencies. Exchanged Fiat currency will be assigned a gold certificate for use in the new Quantum Financial System.

12. Currency dealers and other financial institutions holding cash will go through reconciliation to exchange Fiat into gold-backed currencies. Not all cash repositories will be successful in the reconciliation process. Ill-gotten or illegally obtained funds will not exchange. The QFS will know the bad money and block it from being exchanged. The powers that be have been working on this for years. If funds are in a bank account anywhere in the world the QFS already knows where it came from and who owns them. If its dirty money it will not be exchanged in the QFS

13. All Zim holders will receive a structured payout for their funds. The term of the payout will be negotiated with quarterly, biannual, or annual payouts for the duration of the term. The payments you will receive will be a percentage of the principle. You can negotiate that percentage of the principle up to 10% and this will act as a quarterly budget for the use of the funds.

14. Education on the use of the QFS will be given at the redemption appointment with website addresses for continuing educational needs.

15. A Proof of Funds letter will be available for those who request them.

16. A temporary Revocable Trust document will be available at the redemption appointment for those who do not have a Trust already set up. The information can be amended after seeking a more permanent Trust document.

17. The interviewer at the appointment will be a resource for you. They will try to give you all the money you will need for your humanitarian activities. They have been trained to answer all of your redemption questions. Write your questions down before the appointment.

The forgoing is the process for your redemption/exchange. You will never be asked to give serial numbers of your Zim Bonds over the phone or to write them down to email to an alleged online redemption entity. There are some questionable heads of groups that have told their people to release their Zim Bond serial numbers to an alleged HSBC Wealth Management group. This is a fraud and a trap.

They were also told that once they give their Zim serial numbers they can destroy their Zim Bonds and wait for their debit card to come in the mail. If you proceed with these instructions the QFS will block this type of group redemption attempt. Keep your Zim Bond(s) and other currencies and go through the process of getting your own redemption appointment. Never destroy your Zim or currencies or you may not get to redeem for your humanitarian funds.

Many different sources have warned against fraudulent activities. There are negative consequences that will come to you if you follow through with this alleged safe redemption process. No one is special nor will anyone be given a priority for the redemption process – no one.

When the redemption website is activated, we will all begin our redemption process at the same time, regardless of the Tiers you are in. Those Tiers that have already redeemed would have been given SKRs and in doing so may have forfeited their chance to have liquid funds. If you think you are special and can redeem before others and get your funds there may be a reason you got to redeem and received SKRs, there may be circumstances where you will not get liquid funds.

“Where we go one, we go all,” Keep within the bounds that have been set up and you will do well. If not, all may not be lost. As a remedy, you may piggy-back on other Zim Holders who did things right. They will be looking for good people to get involved in their humanitarian work.

Maybe this weekend will be the time, but I don’t think so. The release of funds will be a pre-arranged set of circumstances and not a date. Military deceptions are part of the War and the real intel is never given out to the public. Don’t fall for the scams, there are consequences you may not see coming and circumstances you may not like. Be safe and be wise.

Blessings to All,

Ron Giles


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