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"Coffee With MarkZ" Tuesday Morning Chat 11-15-2022

Tuesday Chat with MarkZ

(Note: When most of the conversation is political…..I do not transcribe it PDK .)

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good morning everyone

Member: All those at the top, have become very quiet......the calm before the storm?

Member: remember the "gurus" have been leaned on to keep quiet as of timing

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MZ: Its dead silent on the RV front…..an absolute nothing burger. Looks like all eyes are still on the election results and folks wondering what Trump will say tonight at 9 pm est tonight.

Member: I really crave an RV burger with all the fixings, but can't see it on the menu yet.

Member: thanks Mark- We know you wish there was more to say…..

Member: I wonder if there is still a chance everything goes before Thanksgiving.

Member I think everything could still happen “suddenly”

Member: I am hoping they announce Nesara and Gesara tonight….that would change the world for sure.  

Member:  ​I want the announcement tonight to be that our monies are asset backed now so nesara can take effect.

Member: We were told it would be chaotic at the end followed by quiet…..hoping we are in the quiet right now.

Member:  If Iraq can't move forward then they should be moved to the back and go without them.

Member: TNT Tony AND Rod both said three things need to happen, 1 already did, and they want to get this done by first week in Dec?

Member: Bo Polny is in Świtzerland - and says "GAME ON"!!

Member: DOW +385 this is sooo crazy, economy must be great !!!!!!

Member: its obvious how manipulated the whole thing is…….what a scam.

Member: With all due respect this is beyond ridiculous! Clearly they don’t want us to have this RV!! Enough already!!

​Member:Just think of all the problems we could solve and the people we could help if they would just quit jacking around!

Member: Hopefully the credits are fixing to start rolling on this foul movie!!!

Member: Is anyone else preparing for another broke Christmas while the world falls apart. Great job white hats!

Member: I am running out of good vibes and high hopes.

Member: Julie green says... don't give up hope..God's got this.

Member: Everything done in the dark will be brought to the light

Member: For everyone starting to lose hope, it really does help to take a couple of days off from listening to anything and enjoy nature. Come back refreshed and open minded.

Member: Lord, we ask that you please bring us great news for our country and world today. Bring us patience and faith in your mighty name. Amen

Member:  Happy birthday to everyone who has one today

Member: Thank you Mark and Mods for all that you do!

Dr. Rich and Team join the stream at the end….please listen to replay for their information


Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.

 MARKZ DAILY LINKS: https://theoriginalmarkz.com/home/

The next stream is tonight at 7 pm est……..unless.


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