Dinar Recaps

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"Coffee with MarkZ" Thursday Morning Chat 12-26-19

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MarkZ Thursday Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

MZ:  Pretty quiet as expected…..skeleton crew left in place in Reno…..most paymasters left for home the 23rd or 24th.  Most do not expect to head back to Reno until this weekend. This makes me think we will not see anything until the 29th or so.

MZ: Noone was in Redemption Centers yesterday and they also have a skeleton crew right now.

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MZ: Iraq has announced that they will be inventorying all their cash between the 29th of Dec . to Jan. 5th. Meaning their banks are not going to do any cash withdrawals as they inventory all the cash in the country.  According to my contacts in Iraq say Iraq is planning to release the new rate at that time.

MZ: This is really important IMO……the highlight of our window…..Could they pull it off earlier with everyone quiet and gone……absolutely……would this be an ideal time?  Absolutely…..if they want to do it under the radar.

MZ: .I am guessing Gesara/Nesara is making some great progress as well without all the extra people around on the banking side of it. 

MZ: So with Iraq making that announcement this is a golden opportunity ….and I hear from everyone we are still in a perfect spot.

MZ: I am not concerned at all at this point…..

Q: Can Iraq still go with no new prime minister in place?

MZ: Yes they can…we have to stop thinking of the politics in those countries and focus on “Do they have the assets” to do this. We all need to change our thinking as we move to Asset backed currency versus a fiat currency.

MZ: With fiat you have to have faith and trust in the government. With an asset backed currency…you just have to have the assets in place to justify the value. . So yes, I believe. Unless there is tremendous upheaval and turmoil….that they can go with or without a new leader in place.

Member:  I have friends in tier 3 with contact with admirals group. haven't gone yet. I'll keep mark posted

MZ: Yes..tier 3 has not gone yet …to my knowledge. I know many people who say money has moved and is in position for it…..but not released as of yet. To me…It has not “gone” until that money is released and there are no more holds on it. …it has not “gone” until we can spend it.

Q: Who is paying the people to sit at Redemption Centers?

MZ: The people I know are paid by Wells Fargo.

Q:  Mark...Question..With Trade Bank of Iraq saying no more withdrawal, is there a run taking place? If yes, are there any restrictions, what is TBI telling the citizens about this unprecedented event ??

MZ: Can you imagine what would happen here if Americans could not get cash……we might implode…..

Q: Do you follow Frank?

MZ: I do not follow anyone to avoid circle intel…but, when it comes to Iraq news…Frank has great sources , and if I was going to listen to anyone…Frank is who I would listen to when it comes to Iraq.

Member:  Lots of ARRESTS must be made before we exchange. Watch for Hillary in a special ORANGE jumpsuit!

MZ: I really expected to see big arrests long before now.   I have seen no proof that they have started yet.

Member:  I woke up this morning with more excitement than before in the RV....it is most definitely within our grasp

Member:  H.R. 5404: The Return to a Gold-Backed U.S. Dollar

Member:  Markz Trump signed H.R. 5404: The Return to a Gold-Backed U.S. Dollar

MZ: I will have to look for that…..I have not heard that yet.

Member:  ​November 9, 2019 - U.S. President Trump signed the Gold Treaty on Friday, November 1, 2019. The Gold Standard became effective worldwide on Monday, November 4, 2019 at 6:55 p.m.

MZ: All I know he has alluded to it….but I have to get a solid report that it has happened….

Member:  Trump already fix a set amount of gold to the dollar

Q: Is part of the delay how the US and China will share the exchange responsibilities with Iraq oil futures?

MZ: I do think the logistics dealing with that is important. China was not a part of the Iraq war, so the only way they can get the “Dinar for Oil credits rate ” is to purchase currency from folks like us.  They cannot do it directly through Iraq so that is why they are doing private placements and private purchases . So, could this be part of the delay as China has picked up so many shares of HSBC and WF through the Bank of China?  It absolutely could because of all the logistics of that. Those oil credits allow us to buy oil at about $32 a barrel that you can redeem over a period of time.   .

MZ: The next scheduled cal is Friday 10am est with Mike Cottrell. If anything big happens i will come back sooner….have a reat day everyone.

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Mod:  THANK YOU, SNAKE, PLANNING QUESTIONNAIRE: https://www.mmbb.org/docs/FinancialPlanningQuestionnaire.pdf

Your straw man (Strawman) is an artificial person http://freedom-school.com/aware/your-straw-man-is-an-artificial-person.html

MZ: Video on PP’s and Farm claims: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAL0exvL45Y

Mod:  Dr Shabibi answering questions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ol8wve53-ME

MZ: Watch the Video “The end of the road” by Monkey films on Amazon Prime….End of the Road: https://tubitv.com/movies/451883/end_of_the_road

You can share links like these one's to those who don't believe: theoriginalmarkz: https://www.slideshare.net/ahmeddinargate/the-history-of-iraqi-dinar-exchange-rate

IF THE INTERNET GOES DOWN MARKZ NEW NUMBER Emergency number (712) 770-5028 Code:648989 Playback number (712) 770-5066

MarkZ theoriginalmarkz@gmail.com Website https://www.theoriginalmarkz.com

Mark Coffee and Chat …. Monday through Friday 10:00 AM EST EDT ….Chats live or recorded https://www.twitch.tv/theoriginalmarkz ONLY SPECIAL NEWS tweeted out https://twitter.com/originalmarkz


Note: Please listen to the replay for all the details….

Twitch:   https://www.twitch.tv/theoriginalmarkz

Youtube:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t0QocLzsUNA

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