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"Coffee With MarkZ" New Years Eve Morning Chat 12-31-19

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MarkZ Tuesday Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

MZ:  Lots of chatter yesterday ….I am hearing there is a concerted effort to still get this out in 2019.  But, I am told by a number of really good sources that they will keep trying…..no matter what it takes……a hard push to the end…..I am going to trust in this one.

MZ: it was hour to hour yesterday trying to get this reset out the door.   It was one of those sitting on the edge of our seats day. I didn’t want to hype you guys up though because we have been here many times before.  But, there does seem to be a concerted effort to get this out the door.

Q: Any word from Reno?

MZ: Yes…they are back in place and ready in Reno now…..a large contingent of them …there were some hold outs who wanted to wait until after Jan 1st…..but, all the important players are in place…..

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Member:  This mess in Iraq at our Embassy can’t be good !

MZ: The Iraqi run on the US Embassy guys….can you blame them?  I do not think this is a negative for us….I think this is positive for us. The Iraqi people are being held hostage monetarily while America screws around getting things done or not done…..Iraq is ready…has been ready…..They have done what they needed to do to revalue their currency…….they are beyond frustrated.

Member:  it was because of an attack on Iranian proxy terrorists that Iraqis attacked embassy that America attacked and killed 25 proxy fighters

Member:  IRAQ is about to be born again. PAYBACK  …Iraqi Dinar about to POP?  Search: "Trump US control Iraq OIL"Q3393Gold ]QFS[ shall destroy the Fed.Happy New Year!!

Member:  Mahdi's gov't officially dissolves tonight but he signed onto the Iraq budget as PM last act before his resignation.

Q: Can Iraq go ahead without the rest of the world and the Gold Treaty?

MZ: I always get in trouble trying to answer this question……To my knowledge they are allowed to go without the rest of the world...just like Kuwait did...even though they signed the Gold Treaty if the gold treaty has not been activated in a certain amount of time. .But consider this a rumor

Q: Any news on CMKX, skrs, farm claims or omega?

MZ: About 3PM est yesterday there was a tremendous amount of chatter that they were positioning for deliveries to get some package out yesterday and making last minute changes in logistics in taking Wells Fargo out of the package delivery part. Rumors are they are giving the delivery part to BOA and 2 other regional banks.

MZ: I am still trying to find out what truth is in there, but there was a whole lot of chatter on packages yesterday.

Q: Is there one person who says “go” and who? 

MZ:  The closest person you have to that is called The Grandfather” or the leader of “The Dragons” that has the abiity to say”go” by himself……but, The way it is set up, I am told, is there is a committee of about half a dozen that will agree on the “go” time.

Q:  Where is the big arrest that Q said would happen in 2019!!!!!!!!

Member:  Q or Trump have never promised a date some action would happen. They have just given evidence

Member:  the arrests have started. We are all waiting for HRC.

Member:  I think we are just waiting for the New Financial System roll out...everything else is just plain speculation

Q: Any news from RC’s?

MZ: My redemption center folks have been told that they have to be within 3 hours of the bank and they were not called in from vacations but they have to be within 3 hours from work…Many of them had to change their plans. …no going to Disney or far away for the holidays because they had to be back in the banks/RC’s within 3 hours.. …they have been notified that they are on call.  

Q:  can you tell us who is paying the people in the redemption centers that have been there for a year and a half or more

Member:  What I heard is the Treasury Department pays the redemption center personnel when they are on duty.

Member:  Redemption center paymasters are sometimes paid by banks.

Member:  The RV shall happen because the world now understands the Central banking noose around their necks is slavery

Member:  The new financial system has been operational for 3 wks now US debt erased, China's debt was erased 1st, but seems there are still issues with Chinese Elders ? but 2020 is going to be a beautful year of prosperity

Member:  Mark. .lets believe this is done before congress comes back and messes everything up...

Q:  The flat tax hasn’t been mentioned lately is it going to happen? Hopefully it does! Makes sense!

Q: Any news on the flat tax? 

MZ: No,,,,We have seen a number of resolution bills that are still in committee  pointing to they are prepared for the flat tax……the paperwork is in place….they need to pull a quick vote for approval

Member:  VAT tax catches all of the big time drug spenders & prostitutes… and all of those politicians/leaders/royalty with black eyes. Not accidents.

Member:  Vat tax eliminates a lot of paperwork for anericans

Member:  Fair Tax by Neil Boortz is the best tax ever conceived by man.

Member:  POTUS will be signing our very large and comprehensive Phase One Trade Deal with China on January 15. The ceremony will take place at the White House…. High level representatives of China will be present. At a later date he will be going to Beijing where talks will begin on Phase Two!

Member:  I get so caught up in chat that I have to go to Dinar Recaps to find out what Mark said! Lol

Member: May God bless you ALL in this New Year, remember that love overcomes; God is always with us and gives us great possibilities, we wish only the best for you for this coming year!

Member:  Everyone be safe tonight and God Bless you all. Watch Fields video today. Info on the RV

Member:  The new year stands before us, like a chapter in a book, waiting to be written.”

Member:  The year 2020 is the year the view of the truth will become 2020. The arrests, the gcr, the NESASRA activation. It all comes out in 2020 and the view will be seen by the masses.

Member:  2020 is going to be a Great, prosperous year due to New Financial system now in place!

MZ: if I get any big news today I am going to tweet and come back all excited to tell you all about it in a second stream tonight…….Happy News Years Everybody….Drive safe and I will see you at 12:00 Noon est tomorrow…….

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Mod:  THANK YOU, SNAKE, PLANNING QUESTIONNAIRE: https://www.mmbb.org/docs/FinancialPlanningQuestionnaire.pdf

Your straw man (Strawman) is an artificial person http://freedom-school.com/aware/your-straw-man-is-an-artificial-person.html

MZ: Video on PP’s and Farm claims: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAL0exvL45Y

Mod:  Dr Shabibi answering questions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ol8wve53-ME

MZ: Watch the Video “The end of the road” by Monkey films on Amazon Prime….End of the Road: https://tubitv.com/movies/451883/end_of_the_road

You can share links like these one's to those who don't believe: theoriginalmarkz: https://www.slideshare.net/ahmeddinargate/the-history-of-iraqi-dinar-exchange-rate

IF THE INTERNET GOES DOWN MARKZ NEW NUMBER Emergency number (712) 770-5028 Code:648989 Playback number (712) 770-5066

MarkZ theoriginalmarkz@gmail.com Website https://www.theoriginalmarkz.com

Mark Coffee and Chat …. Monday through Friday 10:00 AM EST EDT ….Chats live or recorded https://www.twitch.tv/theoriginalmarkz ONLY SPECIAL NEWS tweeted out https://twitter.com/originalmarkz


Note: Please listen to the replay for all the details….

Twitch:  https://www.twitch.tv/theoriginalmarkz

Youtube:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJg26xEp5D0

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