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Classic “Money Rules” Applied to TIME

Classic “Money Rules” Applied to TIME

FIRE is not a single point in time. It’s a lifestyle. If you follow a basic set of money rules it will lead to a financially successful life.   The same thing can be said about TIME. To me, 5am is not a single point in time, or a number on a clock face. It’s a lifestyle. Similar to FIRE, following a simple set of time rules will lead to a satisfying and life well spent.

I’ve written before about how the Pay Yourself First rule is similar to getting up early each day. (I pay the first few hours of every day to ME, not others – more here). It doesn’t matter if it’s 5am, 6am or 7… Paying yourself first each morning ensures you never lose out on personal time.

So this got me thinking…. What other classic money rules can we apply to TIME?

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Applying “Money Rules” to TIME

 Money Rule:                                                                                      Equivalent TIME Rule:

Track your spending                                                                        Track your time

Create a budget → follow it!                                                          Create a to-do or goal list → follow it!

Always max out your 401k                                                             Always max out your vacation time

Don’t buy shit you don’t need                                                       Don’t waste time on dumb stuff

Donate to charity / Tithe                                                               Volunteer and give time to others

Diversify, diversify, diversify!                                                        Always try new experiences!

Invest early, invest often                                                               Don’t wait. Do stuff while you’re young

You can’t predict a market crash, it could be tomorrow.              You can’t predict when you’re gonna die, it could be tomorrow!

 Tracking Your Time:

Just like your finances… Create a nerdy spreadsheet and track what you do each hour of the day. Start by gathering a full month of data, and tally up the results. If you’ve never done this before, I promise you the results will be sobering!

Next, compare all of your hours spent with your priorities in life.

How much time do you spend driving each week? How much time do you spend watching TV and movies? What about time spent browsing social media?


To continue reading, please go to the original article here:


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