Checks and Balances Wake Up Call
Checks and Balances Wake Up Call
By Anna Von Reitz Sunday, August 2, 2020
Most of us were taught about the concept of "checks and balances" as the Founders applied this concept in building the Federal Government, but it is a very ancient concept, not something unique to our deliberate constructions designed to balance and counterbalance powers within various levels of our government.
One of the more ancient checks and balances principles involves the jurisdictions set up and recognized by the Roman Catholic Church in the process of setting up the Unum Sanctum (World) Trust: you can't be in two jurisdictions at once, and as you gain power in one jurisdiction, you lose it in the others.
Strange, but true.
The jurisdiction of the land and soil is solid, therefore, most powerful and fixed. The jurisdiction of land and soil is where gold is gold, plums are plums, and men are men. Although our Proper Names, also known as "Lawful Persons", are not physical, they belong to us in the same way that our parents might also give us a bicycle or a chest of drawers.
The rats have tried to human traffic us off the land and soil, and do it when we were too young to ever realize what they'd done.
Guess what? That "one in a million" Colonel House talked about? 320 of us figured it out.
Many people make the mistake of calling their possessions "personal property" when in fact they mean "private property". This innocent mistake is then preyed upon by immoral judges and attorneys who think nothing of using this as a pretext to misidentify us, to steal our private property, and otherwise abuse us via False Legal Presumptions.
Remember that in their jurisdictions, "person" means "corporation" so when you say "personal property" you give them the excuse to presume that you are acting as a franchisee of a foreign corporation and are fair game to attack, not owed any constitutional guarantees, and not owed any protection from them.
Another example is the word "resident" or "residency". We are not residents of our native land and soil. We are part of the population living on the land and soil of this country, but British Territorial and Municipal citizens of the United States are "residents" sojourning among us on a temporary basis while they provide us with what Article IV of the respective Constitutions calls "essential government services".
The same shoe fits on the other foot in this case. They are residents when in our jurisdiction, and we are residents when we enter their watery or airy jurisdictions as well ---- so it's necessary to figure out who is acting as a "resident" where. Are you residing in their jurisdiction or are they residing in yours?
At every turn, intersection, and interface between the jurisdictions of air, land, and sea, we find the principles of "checks and balances" and the vocabulary of separate jurisdictions at work. We also find specific allocations of "Powers".
The People (Lawful Persons) have the right to charter and to liquidate corporations and franchises of corporations that are organized under their direct or delegated powers.
Through such mechanisms as Anti-Trust and Anti-Monopoly laws, the People also exercise considerable control over the way corporations are allowed to operate and structure their business affiliations, but over time, Corporatists (Colonialists in drag) have undermined their true comptrollers until the People seldom, if ever, avail themselves of Public Interest actions to "check and balance" corporations.
For example, Google, Facebook, Twitter, and other social media purveyors have been censoring free speech in America ---- and using our Public Airwaves to do it. Does anyone see a problem here?
We already have the means to shut them down, bust their management, and liquidate their assets. It's a matter of checks and balances.
When we stand in our proper capacity and act in our native jurisdiction we can kick every corporation you ever heard of to the curb.
Five major media conglomerates control the vast majority of all media markets in America ---- and they are all: (1) foreign; (2) all making private profit off our public assets; (3) increasingly monopolized; and (4) spewing propaganda designed to undermine our health and economy.
So, we need to nationalize them, kick them out, restructure their operations, fine them and tax them and regulate them and, yes, liquidate their operations until they get a great big Attitude Adjustment.
See how they like being the targets.
A corporation is required to operate "lawfully" ---- which is a far higher and different standard than to operate "legally". Most of these operations can't function for a day without breaking the Public Law, and they've simply gotten away with it for lack of enforcement of the Public Law.
Our two foreign federal subcontractors, both ultimately owned and operated by the Pope, have been colluding together to evade their constitutional obligations and to promote their own self-interest at the expense of their Employers.
Because they have been operating as privately owned and operated "governmental services corporations" they've been conveniently neglecting to enforce the Public Law.
Well, my, my, my..... seems like I remember something called Article IV of both The Constitution of the United States of America and The Constitution of the United States, which requires the protection of our persons and property --- both public and private property.
That doesn't include "protecting" us from opinions that run contrary to corporate bottom lines.
That doesn't include curtailing our Natural and Unalienable Rights.
That doesn't give Bill Gates the right to poke anyone with needles or alter anyone's DNA with his patented RNA implants.
It doesn't grant Fauci any right to "mandate" dog dung, masks, social distancing or anything else.
It doesn't allow for any indecent commercial claims of corporate ownership of anyone or any claim of dependency based on patented nanobots or microdots or RNA scraps injected into anyone for any purpose whatsoever.
Here we are: the long-lost American People.
Here's news for Billy Gates and Dr. Fauci and the AMA ----- your patents belong to us and are protected by us, and if we choose to bust your patents ---- we can. And we will.
And BTW, your corporations belong to us, too.
Mr.Larry Fink and Black Water, Inc. just learned that the hard way.
Yes, there is a Giant in the room, and it's no longer sleeping.
Try to claim that you have any ownership interest in living men and women based on injecting them with your patented RNA crap and there won't be anything but a grease spot left of you, your patents, or your corporations, either.
So fold up the Plandemic Crappola. Call off the Funky Propaganda Act. We are holding every Corporate Officer and every Uniformed Officer in America personally and commercially liable for this and all your parent corporations and trustees, too.
When corporations cross the line, when they operate as monopoly interests, when they engage in interlocking trust directorates, when they engage in criminal activities, when they knowingly advertise products, ideas, and agendas that are damaging to our health and our economy, when they infringe upon our constitutional guarantees and use our Public Airwaves and Public Right of Ways and Public Easements to do it----- it's time for the People to shut them down in the Public Interest.
We have the "checks" and it's time for the "balances".