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Charlie Ward with Michael Tellinger and Charlie Freak Tuesday 8-11-2020


Michael Tellinger and Charlie Freak Join up the Dots with Charlie Ward

Premiered 4 hours ago

CharlesW: I have been talking about them crashing the financial system and bringing online the new Quantum Financial System. They have been testing it….pings to every bank in the world on Aug 2nd…..every bank in the world responded……

They tried to launch it all of last week and had issues because Pelosi and her team had hired hackers to do it.  But it has gone public now from the Federal reserve website itself www.Federalreserve.gov  has announced that the system was operational .  It has all been very quiet up until now. This new QFS system replaces the old swift system. This is a blockchain system with instant settlements.


This means the power has been completely taken away from the old fiat system and the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds. This plan has been in the works by the white hats/the alliance for many years.

CharlieF:  Remember that the White hats/the alliance have been working with POTUS and the liason between two worlds has been John F. Kennedy JR. I think 90-95% of the people do recognize with certainty that JFK Jr. is alive. We will talk about this today about how all of this got done.

Listen to the full video with news of Q, the cabal, the QFS, JFK Jr., the take down of the Rothschilds/Rockefellers, the Vatican , Nesara/Gesara, Free Tesla Energy and so much more…….


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