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Charlie Ward and Jason Shurka: Joy up Ahead Part 1

Charlie Ward and Jason Shurka: Joy up Ahead Part 1

by Kat - 9.22.20

Hi Dinarlandia,  Enclose some snippets from 2 videos with Charlie Ward, and one with Jason Shurka [who presented The Pyramid Code.]  Charlie Ward tells us why he got put in tube-mo and what he’s doing about it. In two separate vids, Charlie interviews Sir Gordon and Ron Steel.  Jason updates us on a few of The Light System’s missions in Melbourne, Israel, Portugal and Switzerland.

Topics include the tunnels, POTUS, the QFS, the QVS, currency and the RV / GCR / NESARA / GESARA.

There’s not a lot here you don’t already know, it’s just nice to have things confirmed.  What is verified by Charlie and Jason is that A LOT IS GOING ON BEHIND THE SCENES. BIG MANEUVERS. But don’t panic. All is well. The Alliance has got this. WWIII has been won. All the cabal demons can do is delay and they’re not doing a very good job of that anymore.

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Key Points

—13:03 Charlie Ward [from the Sir Gordon vid] I got some critical information from Ron Steel…he was saying that instead of doing it in baskets…which I’d heard there was a number of countries starting first with the Revaluation and then the Second phase…He said they’ve made a decision nowto do EVERYBODY AT EXACTLY THE SAME TIME…Shotgun…

[Which is what Santa Surfing said would be the case last month. WWG1WGA]

Charlie Ward: We’re going through a huge transition period right now: The Bank of England’s been closed for 2 weeks… the Bank of Spain, the Bank of Holland, the Bank of Germany… a lot of Central Banks have been closed for 2-weeks… because in my view, and it’s only my view, they’re moving over from the SWIFT system to the Quantum Financial System…

Charlie Ward: The strongest currency in the world is the Kuwaiti Dinar… having said that, one thing I have been 100% sure about is that Trump has COMPLETE CONTROL of not just America… but the ENTIRE WORLD right now…

Charlie Ward: My wife told me that giving birth is very painful… but the minute the baby comes out the joy of the baby makes the pain goes away… I think we’ll find that when we get through this period… now we’re in contraction time and it’s very very painful… but once we’re into the other side I think the joy of what we come into will take away the pain that we’ve had for a few months…

Charlie Ward: The most important thing I saying to everybody is now is the time to hibernate… keep a low profile… things are going to be OK… we might be going into another lockdown right now… the world’s on Red Alert right now… things are happening behind the scenes… but don’t panic…

20:54 Charlie Ward [From Ron Steel vid]: Look, we’re in the process now where we’re coming to that stage… one thing is for certain is that Trump is making sure there’s no mistakes this time…

21:06 I know they’ve been teasing me with dates… what they’re doing is poking poking poking to see who sticks their head up… who tries to hijack it…

Because they’re [deep state] DESPERATE to hijack it… BECAUSE IT TAKES AWAY ALL THEIR POWER… [the RV, GCR, NESARA & GESARA]…

21:30 Ron Steel: Don’t pay attention to the dates because those are thrown out there for the deep state to bite on…

Ron Steel re the QFS: The security-based on Phototonic Technology that does 3.5 Trillion Frames – not bytes – PER SECOND…

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Jason Shurka: I want to emphasize that although some of these missions have to do with the children… there are other purposes for these missions as well…

What I dearly love is something Gene Decode said to Charlie Ward on 9-16-20:

“The more people wake-up to what has been happening with the children, the tunnels, and the deep state, the better chance the Alliance has to prevail with much less loss of life and many more children are saved because of the focus and the prayers of people all over the world. It is so powerful.

“The cabal’s evil world is coming down because people are waking up and saying “No. We don’t want this ever again.” It’s amazing.”

That is why Lightworkers came here to ascend with Gaia, her Kingdoms and Humanity. To be God’s light, to hold God’s light and to shine God’s light—especially in challenging hours.

It’s wonderful to have Gene’s verification that prayers, light and love are helping bring the deep state’s evil empire down. And along with our prayers, the genius mighty Alliance. Victory to the Light!

With blessings of Peace, Health, Happiness and Abundance for all — we are Goddess, Sovereign, Free,  xo, Kat

Sir Gordon Talks to Charlie Ward about XRP - are we going to the moon and beyond? 9-21-20

2:00 Charlie Ward: Yeah, I got kicked off [youtube] which was interesting… it was to do with a Spanish video that I put up… in Spanish… of a Doctor and a Police Officer exposing the corruption… not only did I get kicked off for 7 days, when I appealed, the appeal got rejected in 21 seconds… so this is my backup account… everything will get moved onto the original platform…

But what we’re going to do is we’re going to have our own platform and I’ll do a little one-minute video saying this video is about this, go across and see it… so we can control it…

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2:50 Sir Gordon: I have to say it’s very common that people are getting booted off youtube… I’m hearing a lot of reports of lockdowns across Europe… there was a 72-hour period in the UK and different countries… pack a bag… so something’s going on… I get that feeling something’s going to happen this week… the markets are tanking… gold and silver tanking, stock market and cryptos tanking… and the dollar just hanging in there…

3:56 Charlie Ward: There’s a lot going on behind the scenes… you and I have started asking questions, and this is all I’m doing it for… to get people to ASK QUESTIONS… I’m not the Messiah… I am just Charlie… and I hear information and some of it is very accurate and some of it is not so accurate… but I try and decipher what is what… I told you at the start, I’d never even heard of XRP so I came to people like you and said, “Explain to me what this is…”

4:28 We’re going through a HUGE TRANSITION PERIOD right now… The Bank of England’s been closed for 2 weeks… the Bank of Spain, the Bank of Holland, the Bank of Germany… a lot of Central Banks have been closed for 2-weeks… because in my view, and it’s only my view, they’re moving over from the SWIFT system to the Quantum Financial System…

4:50 I’ve actually got some inside information that backs up that story… although there’s still a gray area… we’re moving into a new world… not just the Quantum Financial System but linked to the QFS is the CIPS system… [the Cross Border Interbank Payment System]…

5:20 At the moment what we’re trying to do is find out the TRUTH and if we keep putting our heads together and sharing the information we have then the picture becomes a lot clearer…

5:31 Charlie cont.: Everybody has pieces of information that they don’t think is that valuable but it could be the missing part of the puzzle…

5:40 Sir Gordon: What I’m seeing throughout the world is there’s a lot of corruption with the SWIFT system… they’ve been getting away with it for a long time… how do you stop the corruption of funds being moved when the SWIFT system is the main system worldwide….

6:13 Charlie Ward: Well the SWIFT system was only controlled by the Federal Reserve which was as corrupt as it comes… they were printing money and then giving it to us and then wanting it back with tax and interest… [usury]… that’s about as corrupt as it gets…

6:24 But the Quantum System is completely different… it’s a very clean and clear system that’s been set up specifically to be backed by gold, precious metals, to be backed by something, we’ve got the USN, the US Note which will be backed by gold, we’ve got the US Coin which will be backed by Gold or Silver… and I did a Zoom yesterday with Ron Steel… the second part of the interview had so much interview about the QFS…

7:57 Sir Gordon: Every currency in the world is going to be digital… their own Sovereign currency will be backed by a precious metal or gold… XRP isn’t going to be directly backed by gold… it will be a liquidity provider indirectly to move value… XRP blockchain is the internet of value… it can move not just Gold and Silver but Derivatives…

[Kat Note: In finance, a derivative is a contract that derives its value from the performance of an underlying entity. This underlying entity can be an asset, index, or interest rate, and is often simply called the "underlying".]

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8:29 Sir Gordon cont.: Non-bank payments… small transactions… anybody can get into it… but the key, the big thing, the beauty of it, is the transparency of it… that’s what the bad-players [cabal] don’t like about it… you can see every transaction of where the money’s going…

8:50 There was a report Deutsche Bank got caught in 10 or 15 trillion dollars in fraud a couple of hours ago… the North Koreans, same thing… so this new system is going to scare them to death… [the QFS]… because it is open, they can see it…

9:20 Do you know Jim Willie? He’s crazy but he’s very good… [Charlie: I like crazy :)]… he’s talking about the Quantum Computer it’s got to be in a very sub-degree temperature for it to work efficiently… because I guess it gets hot… this computer can to thousands of transactions per second…

[In his video with Charlie Ward on 9-21-20 Ron Steel said this re the QFS: The security-based on Phototonic Technology that does 3.5 Trillion Frames – not bytes - PER SECOND…]

11:25 There was reports of blackouts in the Philippines… so something’s going down…

11:34 Charlie Ward: I totally agree with you [that something’s going down] and it’s not the Coronavirus… that’s the smokescreen… you and I are taking our eyes away from the virus / vaccines etc. and are looking to see what’s REALLY GOING ON over there…

11:45 When you pick up these little things… they add up… there’s a lot of things that are adding up right now… a lot of things that are happening…

12:00 I was speaking to somebody the other day who said, “Charlie, I did a transfer and it was there in under 5 seconds”… and it was a currency exchange… then I had another friend say, “Well the SWIFT system is still working I sent some money and it took 5 days.”…

12:15 So they’re obviously both working alongside because there’s no way the SWIFT system can get there in 5 seconds…

12:24 Sir Gordon: Liquidity throughout the world is frozen… the music’s gonna stop unless the transition happens.. Trump even’s said we’re in the transition… will it be digital? Will it be blockchain based?

13:03 Charlie Ward: I got some critical information from Ron Steel…he was saying that instead of doing it in baskets…
which I’d heard there was a number of countries starting first with the Revaluation and then the Second phase…
He said they’ve made a decision now to do EVERYBODY AT EXACTLY THE SAME TIME…Shotgun…

13:27 Sir Gordon: That’s the only way you can do that. It has to be a level playing field.

Charlie Ward: That’s exactly right…

13:35 Sir Gordon: The US Dollar has been the Global Reserve Currency… for many many years… so from what I understand the IMF has a basket of SDR’s… 4 or 5 of them… the time they revaluated was 2015… if they really wanted to mess with the system they could drop the dollar as a Global Reserve Currency… they could tailspin the Global Economy…

[IMF / SDRs https://www.imf.org/external/np/fin/data/rms_sdrv.aspx]

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14:15 Charlie Ward: The strongest currency in the world is the Kuwaiti Dinar… having said that, one thing I have been 100% sure about is that Trump has COMPLETE CONTROL of not just America… but the ENTIRE WORLD right now… so that’s been the last thing on my mind…

14:30 I’ve noticed… it’s not just a question of people telling me… I’ve noticed how every country in the world has surrendered to him… in so many aspects… the Governments themselves…

14:53 Do I think for one moment that England is run by Boris Johnson or Spain is run by Santos then I’m sadly mistaken… it looks like he’s got them by the short and curlies… like he’s held them to ransom… that’s what it looks like…

Kat Note: In Charlie and Colleen Freak’s video: The Q Team’s Takedown of the Cabal from A to Z - July 20, 2020 – they said the below, which underscores Charlie Ward’s point:

That POTUS has every single Government capitulating to him thanks to the Alliance, the NSA, Q-Team, the loyal Generals, etc.

8:10 Charlie Freak: So it all starts with the symbol DECLAS, declassified, that comes from the NSA… they’ve been spying on them and they HAVE IT ALL… NOTHING CAN STOP THIS PLAN… nothing can stop what’s coming… THEY HAVE EVERYTHING…

10:51 So, DECLAS is everything because the NSA HAS EVERYTHING… Trump is armed with EVERYTHING…

14:59 So when Trump arrived in [Saudi Arabia] the Summer of 2017… he laid out all the documents… that’s what they did to everyone… they had [huge] folders and the folders had all the documents… there were photographs, they came with disks, CDs and DVDs and the CDs and DVDs had fantastic production value and it had all of their footage doing the most horrific things…

15:24 Charlie Freak cont.: The NSA has it all on all of these people…the BIG things that scared them the most were these DVD compilations of their greatest hits of evil/horrific acts… So Trump was there… the first day and handed all this stuff out…

23:20 Step #2 completed… Saudi Arabia and Israel on board…

23:30 So where would he go next? Who are the 3 BIG PLAYERS? Saudi Arabia… Israel… and then The Vatican…

Days later he shows up at the Vatican and he presents to Pope Francis a massive folder… apparently the folder was absolutely huge… Trump said, yeah, take your time, have a looksee… you might want to put your red shoes on, Trump says to the Pope…

23:14 Trump is saying I’m not leaving here until you sign some documents for me… and we’ll get to why that was in a sec… It took the Vatican [only] that night… and the next day they capitulated to Donald Trump…

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25:13 Now what did the Vatican have to do to sign off?... you see, the Fed is controlled by a certain group within the Catholic Church… Who went forth and spread the teachings of Christianity? The Jesuits, because they’re holy men (!!!)… No no no no… The Jesuits are the real MAFIA, my friends…

25:55 So Trump did not leave until Pope Francis issued a Papal Bull [a public decree, charter issued by a pope] announcing that by a certain date that The Vatican Bank, which was in charge of, the exchequer of all of the Earth-wide Federal Reserve banking systems in each country, would be handed over to one Donald J. Trump…

26:25 Donald J. Trump is not marked just the executor, the exchequer of the U.S. Treasury and therefore the Fed within the United States…


26:38 He is the exchequer for the Treasuries for every single country on Earth

No human being in history has ever been more powerful owned more things or is richer than Donald J. Trump…

"Video: How Trump, the NSA, Q-JFK Jr., Against all Odds, Took Down the Cabal, Part 1" by Kat - 7.30.20
15:15 Charlie Ward cont.: So as much as they’re pretending to be in control I can assure you they are not…

15:22 Sir Gordon: I think we’re headed towards a de-centralized currency… because that’s the only way it’s fair… currencies lead to war… if you take away the dominance of the dollar the world would be calmer…

16:50 Charlie Ward: We’re living in an amazing time… the lovely part about this whole journey is I would never be talking to you if it wasn’t for this… now we’re sharing information all over the world… finding out the TRUTH about what’s going on…


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