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Charlie Ward and Charlie Freak: “Trust the Plan, it’s Brilliant”

Charlie Ward and Charlie Freak: “Trust the Plan, it’s Brilliant”

by Kat - 9.16.20

Hi Dinarlandia,  Enclose my partial transcription of the two Charlies. When they get together it’s either a double dose of INTEL or they’re verifying each other’s INTEL.   However you look at them—the 2 Charlies rock.

Key Points

—Both Charlies are being ‘accused’ of being Hope-iums (And God bless them for it.)

—Charlie Ward put it this way:

Charlie [Freak] and I are out there spreading good news to take away the fear…[we’re] up against a Mainstream Media and a Government that are determined to scare you to death…

—The demon rats are trying to scurry away to AU or NZ and then to Antarctica.

—TRUST THE PLAN. It’s a Goodly-Godly brilliant plan.

—It’s all about the children and keeping us all safe while they are being rescued.

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—An amazing time to be alive on Earth because for the next months and years we will be able to effect change. We have all been called. That’s why we’re here.

—Charlie Ward knows for a fact that the Global Financial Reset, the Revaluation of Currencies and the Quantum Financial System are all happening right now.

—More than a million people have had their debts forgiven: Mortgages, cars, student loans, etc. Testimony messages keep flowing to both Charlies.

—Governor Gavin Newsom of California made a law lessening the penalty for sex with a child. (Excuse me while I throw up.) President Trump wants people to see the demons. They’ve got nowhere to hide, nowhere to run. Thanks to the NSA & the Alliance.

—NESARA is coming after the election. Trump will win but you have to VOTE.

—Israel is in total lockdown again. The final piece of the puzzle was Israel. The Mossad/deep state who have been running it with the agenda of perpetual war, are being pulled out so the people can finally have Peace.

—The evil Communist Chinese Government is NOT in power. But there are reasons why President Trump speaks about China the way he does. They were the fulcrum of evil and the epicenter of the horrific adrenochrome trade.

—So many good things are happening right now that they can’t divulge, it would make your head spin.

—The battle was fought. The war is won. TRUST THE PLAN. The Charlie’s do.

Charlie Freak spoke brilliantly about how President Trump (45th POTUS) is Cyrus in the Bible (Chapter 45) and it was fascinating but I didn’t get it down in this transcription. Apologize.  We are living in Biblical times, without a doubt.

I pray we are close to our exchange. Lots of nervous Lightworkers who need some heavy burdens lifted and deservedly so. There is such a Divine gorgeous thrilling New World to help manifest as well as some long cherished personal dreams that need coming true.

With blessings of Peace, Health, Happiness and Abundance for all — We are Goddess, Sovereign, Free,  xo, Kat

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Charlie Freak and Charlie Ward Discuss The Current Situation

Charlie Ward subscribers as of this writing is 161k   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wq15qMhWvJ0

Partially Transcribed by Kat

3:39 Charlie Freak: There’s a term that’s being used about us…[Charlie Ward and Charlie Freak] Hope-ium!… We’re guilty of Hope-ium, that we’re constantly downplaying the crisis and stuff…

3:58 There are so many people in New Zealand and Australia and parts of the States that are doing really well trying to stir up more fear, more doubt, more worry…

4:15 When you and I are continually sharing how brilliant this group that’s behind all of this is… [The Alliance]… how methodical they are… how well-structured… how they have demonstrated… not just shared with the likes of us and others… but demonstrated how they will not tolerate different countries, different leaders trying step outside of this Higher Plan…

Kat Note: From various transcriptions, both Charlies have suggested that the Alliance was made up of the following:

Q (JFR, Jr.,) President Trump, Q & Trump-Team, Hundreds of loyal U.S. Generals, The NSA, U.S. and Global Militaries, 8,000+ specialized personnel including Julian Assange, President Putin, Chairman Xi, PM Modi, Crown Prince al-Salman and PM Johnson… for starters.

Who came up with The Q-Plan in the first place?

Because he feared for his life, because he had identified and was attempting to take down the deep state / illuminati / cabal demons, Q was formed by President Kennedy in 1962. JFK’s Q-Team were made up of his most trusted advisors and had highly specialized and classified INTEL.

After the attempted murder of Senator Edward Kennedy in a plane crash 7-months after JFK was killed in 1963, and after the assassination of Senator Robert F. Kennedy in 1968—the Q Plan began to form in earnest. The loyal Generals had had it with the cabal.

It has been at least 40 years in the planning and they have suffered many set-backs and lost many warriors along the way. But we are living in the time when the Q Plan was fully unleashed and mighty victorious.

God bless the Alliance. Victory to the Light!

4:57 Charlie Freak cont.: It has been very very consistent that [the Alliance] have taken a stranglehold of the demons of this world… and are in charge… and that there’s a narrative playing out… people complain all the time that it’s slow but it’s progressing in a very methodical, hopeful and strong, positive way…

5:30 Colleen and I see that and continue to share that and will not stop sharing that until we see differently… what we continue to tell people and have tried to share with the people in AU and NZ… what we found out last week is that Australia and New Zealand is Plan B…

6:53 Plan A for the New World Order was Astana…

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Kat Note: From Charlie and Colleen’s video The Takedown of the Cabal’s Evil Plan:

2:17:07 Charlie Freak: …The movie BORAT was a psyop designed by the Phoenicians through the demons that run Hollywood to make you think that Kazakhstan (Central Asian Country)… was goat farmers… and it was backwards… and there was nothing there… don’t look, don’t think, don’t worry about it, just a nation of imbeciles… a big distraction…

2:17:42 Why would Hollywood want Sacha Baron Cohen to do this sort of mockumentary on Kazakhstan? Here’s why…

2:17:50 Because the new… brand new Capitol of Kazakhstan which was started in 2009 and then full completion was in 2019… when it was called Astana, which is an anagram for satan…

2:18:15 Colleen: And they love to just switch just a couple of letters up, that’s what they do, and we’ll be able to share all of that with you and you’ll be able to decode a lot of things for yourself… they either make a word backwards, or they just shift one or two letters… and it’s fascinating to find out the information inside of those words or spells they’re making: Astana/satan what a wonderful name for a place that’s harvesting children…

2:18:46 Charlie: This was to become the headquarters of the New World Order… when all of this was set to roll out, remember through the Coronavirus, the vaccines and the 5G, the United States was set to fall apart… and they wanted that… that was the plan all along… was to have the United States fall out of its ranking as the most powerful nation… America was designed to fall and the New World Headquarters was designed to be Astana/satan…

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2:23:30 …What you’re looking at is the old Silk Road that went from Europe across Asia all the way to the East China Sea… and now the New Silk Road… Wuhan… to Astana/satan… to Tehran… to Venice… In the exact center between Venice and Wuhan, so Astana/satan was carefully chosen…

2:23:53 Colleen: You can see how it was important to get these countries in-between Venice and Astana/satan… they took them out when Obama was in power… they were putting themselves in a power position…

2:24:04 Charlie: One of the first things that would have been done with Hillary Clinton presidency you would have seen this big war with Iran that was the last little piece for this road of Astana/satan to Venice… so Iran would have been the next big war after Iraq… and Iraq/Iran… you all know that the Americans under Obama were surrounding Iran and were looking for any kind of incident to occur to give them a reason to invade and start a war there…

2:25:03 This is the new Silk Road where children for adrenochrome is the number one crop for the entire world…
and their organs… and sex slaves…

Charlie and Colleen Freak, Part 3: The Takedown of the Cabal’s Evil Plan (Part 2)” by Kat 8-6-20

"Charlie and Colleen Freak, Part 3: The Takedown of the Cabal’s Evil Plan (Part 2)" by Kat - 8.6.20

7:10 Charlie Freak cont.: Plan B was scurry and runaway and the runaway was AU and NZ… because they’re very close to Antarctica… and Antarctica has a lot of underground bases… it’s no accident that Tom and Rita Hanks were arrested in Australia… the rats are scurrying… the rats have been scurrying as best as they can make it to AU…

8:09 The Tunnel System that we originally reported under Melbourne… another level had been found under the existing level in Australia… we were told to “think an Arachnid’s web”… it goes everywhere… maps have surfaced… Gene Decode has done fantastic work bringing clarity to just how enormous these tunnel systems are… they’ve been pulling out an enormous amount of children…

[On 9-10-20 Charlie Ward said that 1 million children have been rescued from the massive tunnel system in Australia.]

9:11 Charlie Freak cont.: We found out a lot of stuff in New Zealand, down to the South Island, right to the tip, there’s a Sacred Tree at the very South End of New Zealand… it started underneath the water and it grows out of the lake… there’s a tourist attraction to see this tree… the branches were cut down and people were livid because it’s a Sacred Tree… the coding is that it’s a signal they’re there… there’s another massive base and submarine base…

10:26 What’s going on right now with this “Covid” stuff and fear of vaccinations is all just code code code… stay home… stay out of trouble… there are some massive issues we have to deal with… the amount of tunnels that are securely mapped and taken down are BELOW 20%... I think Gene Decode said 18% overall that have been dealt with…

11:00 You need to TRUST THE PLAN… relax… these people are brilliant beyond description… methodical…

1. It’s about the children first

2. Then it’s about everybody else’s safety

3. Then it’s making sure nobody escapes the net that they’ve created for them…

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11:30 To deny this stuff [tunnels, deep state, WWIII, etc.]… and to call Charlie and I “Hope-iums”… you’re lost… I’m looking straight at the monitor here… and I’m looking straight at you… YOU’RE NOT GETTING ANY OF THIS!!…

the whole point is to take back our power and move forward as a Goodly Godly people that are all united… Holy Land, Middle East, Far East… United…

12:00 So much stuff that is coming you have no idea and it’s Peace Peace Peace at a massive scale… we have to change… you have to start having Hope inside of you… because Hope is Positive and Positivity and Hope are Light… we have to start having some light within you cuz light rises within you…

12:55 Charlie’s [Ward] doing 3-shows a day to continue to let everybody know about the brilliance of the plan… what’s been going on, what’s going on… we have to demonstrate PATIENCE and then be thrilled at the fact that the MIRACLE has occurred…

13:36 Charlie Ward: Until the TRUTH started coming out we’d never heard of fact-checkers… they come out when the TRUTH comes out cuz they don’t want the TRUTH to come out!! (laughter)… which I find hilariously funny…

14:02 What Charlie and I are doing is bringing the TRUTH to you… I’m getting it through one source and Charlie’s getting it through another… the one word that Charlie uses regularly that I absolutely love is “Goodly-Godly”…

Charlie Ward cont.: Because when I take the information from 3 different physical sources… I put it inside myself and ask God to make me understand what it means… so that I can deliver a message… and that’s what Goodly-Godly is… you can only do that if your moral compass is accurate… look, we’re a pair of personalities and we put our own twist on it… but we try and get information out as accurately as we can… without being like robots…

14:55 We get information people… I’m not going to name names but I get it from 2 or 3 different people who have completely different personalities… one is a man and two are women… they all work in very good top places behind the walls of power… but they all 3 of them have different ways of putting the message out to me…

15:26 And when I get the message… it’s very simple… I look at it… I pray about it… and I try and understand how to deliver it…

15:35 And I do it to the best of my abilities with a few little Charlie-isms on the way… but the Goodly-Godly is what I love…

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15:47 Charlie[Freak] and I are out there spreading good news to take away the fear… up against a Mainstream Media
and a Government that are determined to scare you to death…

16:05 They’re trying to keep you out of the way, as Charlie rightly said… they’re using the virus, vaccines, 5G, using the riots… to keep you out of the way… so that they can do a number of things…
# 1. Empty the tunnels of children and Trafficked adults… they’ve been down there for a long time and they need you out of the way for this…

Charlie Ward cont.: The people who go “well I haven’t seen any pictures…” you’re a sicko!!!...

16:42 The evidence is very very clear to those who know… you only have to look at Donald Trump’s face and his comments… he’s not going to stop until he’s rescued him all… to realize that he’s not rescuing peanuts… he’s rescuing Human Beings…

16:55 And no, you’re not going to get pictures of it because that’s sick!... you come from a sick world… and you’re used to sick Media… get away from the sickness… get yourself back in touch with God… get your moral compass correct… start looking at things correctly…

17:14 He’s doing an amazing job… his team are doing a phenomenal job… as Charlie and I always say… it’s time to TRUST THE PLAN… the plan is faultless…

17:24 My favorite bit of the plan right now is that Israel and Palestine have been at war for a long time… we all know that… so Trump has gone, let’s forget about Palestine for now… let’s start with the United Arab Emirates… so suddenly we have a Muslim state and a Jewish state come together…

17:46 Second… what about Bahrain?... Another Muslim state… and suddenly you’ll find that all the Muslim states will suddenly be friends with Israel… and then Palestine will go, d’you know what? We might as well join the club as well… all the excuses will disappear… there’s many ways to skin a cat… with this one, Trump is going about it in a completely different manner…

18:25 I’m sitting there going… I hadn’t even thought about doing that… these guys have thought it through thoroughly and are doing an AMAZING job… I mean, Charlie and I just sit back and smile and that’s why we’re having a chat to share what we’ve learned over the last week or so… what an amazing time we’re living in, Charlie…

19:00 Charlie Freak: It is… and this is wasted by people clinging to the fear-porn… We’re never going to get this again… unless we allow all this to happen again and I certainly hope we don’t… all of this is a stunning view to see how powerful we are… how ignorant we can be… how powerful we can be… and how grand all of this is…

19:30 So there are things that are taking place right now that are Biblical in nature… 1611 King James Version of the Bible is the best… the unadulterated version that tells us the truth…

22:21 I showed you… 26 Steps A to Z how Trump did this… and everyone capitulated to Trump… certainly he had the goods by the NSA on all of these people… but they could have attempted to balk and fight him but they didn’t because they got the same vibe Charlie and I are getting from Trump and are kind of in awe of this guy cuz if your eyes are open you will see the light within Trump… there is no doubt about this… this is Biblical beyond imagination… and if you don’t awaken to this you’re missing out…

22:54 If you’re ever going to exist…this is the time to exist because we get to effect the greatest change…not just now…
not just in the next 3 months…but in the next 3 and 5 years moving forward we have a chance to do this right together…

23:17 And the thing that’s incredible about Trump… what they are looking to do is grass roots…

25:15 Trump has made this very clear… some of you are fixated on money… Trump has made this very clear… you want to play this game moving forward? It’s Goodly-Godly… if you’ve got an idea no matter how small, if it’s a Goodly Godly plan… there’s going to be money made available to you… to execute a Goodly-Godly plan… that puts others first… children first… the Earth and the elderly first…

25:57 It’s the most horrific time to be alive for sure… but it’s the most important time to be alive… we’ve all been called, that’s why we’re here…

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26:16 Charlie Ward: It’s interesting to see who’s stood up during this journey and those that have just hidden away… the people that have stood up have surprised me… and the people who’ve been hidden away have surprised me… this is the time to see who’s got a spine… who’s got a voice… and who’s prepared to be stand out and be counted…

[Discussion about a man refusing to wear a mask in the U.K.]

36:44 I was told this was going to happen right from Day One… well I was told 6 years before, then 2 years and then… they told me in November-December ’19 they were going to shut down the Global Economy… for the Global Financial Reset and the Revaluation…

37:05 Now I know for a fact  that that’s now happening…

And I know for a fact that the virus, the vaccines and all this is a smokescreen… but what we’re doing is getting absorbed, as they want us to, by the smokescreen… whereas I’m talking about the smokescreen one day and then behind the scenes I’m finding out what’s going on with the Revaluation and the Global Financial Reset and the Quantum Financial System…

37:32 Which is actually going on behind the scenes completely unnoticed at the moment… because everybody is so wrapped up… this is the hardest part for me because I’ve been wrapped up as well… virus, vaccine, 5G, riots, the whole lots… it’s very easy for me to get drawn onto it… typical Gemini… half is dealing with the smokescreen and the other half is dealing with the Quantum Financial System, the Revaluation, and the Global Financial Reset…

38:00 Both are fascinating but it’s incredible how the public in general have not woken up to the Global Financial Reset or the Quantum Financial System… the banks are beginning to go they’re talking about the Quantum System… I had someone tell me yesterday he did a transfer [of money] in seconds so you know it wasn’t done by SWIFT…

38:25 Charlie Freak: (Laughter) That’s for sure… and Charlie, we’re now dealing with clearly North of a Million People who have had their debts wiped out… just messages to us are now over a thousand people just through our 2 Facebook pages…

38:48 Over 1,000 people have contacted us alone and said “Thank you”… and I’m like, hey, don’t thank me… and you don’t have to thank Trump either… what they’ve been doing to you is illegal… usury can’t exist… so you take usury away all this stuff has to go away… it’s just giving back to you what God intended for you…

39:15 it’s so clear that there’s been North of a Million people who have had their debts wiped out and they’ve become public about it… so how do you disassociate yourself from this avalanche of what’s happening… mortgages zero… car is zero… all the debts wiped out… Charlie thank you… I didn’t do anything… just rolling back what is wrong, unlawful… and that’s what’s happening…

40:16 How do you deny all of this? There is a mountain of evidence of people who’s personal debts have been wiped away…

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40:28 We’re so close to some very powerful things happening… the Q post… from the last couple of days identifying that the next 2 weeks… 14 days starting on September 14th…

Charlie Freak cont.: September 14… 1+4 = 5… * 14 days, 2 weeks… 1+4 = 5 * 5 5 5 numerology for John F. Kennedy Jr…. Then it’s The Punisher for 2 weeks…

41:04 Part of why this is going to be done right now is to give a powerful message to all those people who are struggling through the restrictions, and the doubt, I need to see some evidence…

this is a powerful reminder of who’s in charge and what’s going on…

41:17 Folks… look at what just happened over the last few days… soon as I heard it I just smiled like I’m sure Charlie did… What did Governor Newsom in CA announce just 3 days ago?

41:41 That the penalties for oral and anal penetration of minors are going to be lessened… rolled back… because, you know, this is ultimately a life style choice…. (Charlie Ward shaking his head)…

42:14 He wouldn’t do that in plain sight for all the tea in China!!!… he’s being force to do that!!!…

Kat Note: This news makes me vomit—but POTUS forced Newsom to do it in order to expose the demons.

Newsom signs bill intended to end discrimination against LGBTQ people in sex crime convictions 9-11-20

“The measure, Senate Bill 145, will amend existing state law that allows judges to decide whether an adult convicted of having vaginal sexual intercourse with a minor should register as a sex offender in cases in which the minor is 14 years or older and the adult is not more than 10 years older than the minor.”


Charlie Freak cont.: For all of you who are saying we’ll never be able to awaken the masses… Yes, yes, we can… because there’s one switch that can be pulled on the masses to wake them up… and that’s our kids…

42:31 And that’s what they’ve done… this is the information that the NSA holds over their heads… Newsom wanted to do this like he needed another hole in that holey head of his… he was told to… he was told to and he did it…

42:54 What he just did is SICKENING… he did it and that’s disgusting… what did Q say in the past 3 days ago [Sept. 8]? These things are going to continue with these politicians as we get closer and closer and closer to the November 3rd date… they’ve got a lot of explaining to do just prior to the election…

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43:47 Charlie Freak cont.: Don’t be looking for NESARA protocols to be rushed out before the election… Trump doesn’t want to wishy-wash your vote into his hands… he desperately wants to win the election… This election is about life and death, right vs. wrong, good vs. evil, nothing to do with Left and Right… nothing to do with Republicans and Democrats… it’s life and death right now folks and he is not going to throw Halloween treats to voters to win a few votes…

44:09 These things that are coming are going to come after the election… because it has to be done purely…

41:16 Charlie Ward: …And he’s going to win it by about 90%... Look between good and evil are the 10% they’re the people who are just fast asleep…

44:53 We’re on an amazing journey… it’s great to share the information we both have… fascinating that Israel has gone into complete lockdown again…

43:47 Charlie Freak: Well it’s what we released as part of our Takedown of the Cabal from A to Z…. the final piece of the puzzle is going to be Israel… Israel has been run by the Mossad for a very long time and the Mossad don’t work for the people of Israel… they work for the cabal (deep state) who were running things… and their job was to create war…

45:37 With them pulled out of there then all you have left is a group of people who desperately want peace… it’s the same thing with China…

I continue to hear very disparate things about China and I just want everyone to realize… even Trump is continuing to use harsh language with regard to China because he has to… the reason he is… is because the money and the documents behind these crooked American politicians runs directly to China… specifically Wuhan, China and you all know the reasons why… [the global adrenochrome trade]…

46:12 For the narrative to continue a little bit beyond the election has to continue because of what China has allowed to occur… being the fulcrum point for all of this evil in the world…

46:28 Let me assure you… the evil Godless Communist Regime that was running things in China for all these years… they’re NOT in power… they’re NOT in power… they’re NOT in power…

46:44 You don’t have to fear the Chinese… there is NO secret alliance between China and the Australians… no… the stuff that’s going on behind the scenes… [Tesla coils, Tesla towers, Tesla tech in Space…]

46:57 Colleen and I are putting our good names and reputations on the line here because we absolutely know these things to be true…

There are so many good things that are happening right now…that they can’t divulge to you…it would make your head spin…So many GOOD THINGS that are happening…

47:19 And we still have to get through the sweeping up of the dirt on the carpet… we’ve got messes everywhere that still have to be cleaned up… but there are so many good things that are going on… there’s so much to be excited and passionate about… you do not need to fall constantly into this trap of fear-porn… no need for it…

47:47 The battle was fought… the war is won… things need to play out in such a way for as many people to wake up… the Trump card prior to the election is what Gavin Newsom did in California… force these demons to show their hand with regard to pedophilia… that is a deal breaker for even people who are sound asleep or are Trump-haters… it’s a deal breaker when all this stuff comes out…

48:27 Stay positive, stay strong… TRUST THE PLAN… I do and it’s a brilliant plan… Goodly-Godly brilliant plan…

Charlie Ward: That’s the perfect note to finish on, Charlie, thank you very much…

End Partial Transcription by Kat

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